Laascaanood needs intervention!

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Forza Somalia!
Reuters reporting it right


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Deni doesn't want to start a war, he's going to Bosaso to start voter registration, he thinks any war will hamper his efforts to establish 1M1V, so unless he changes his mind and focuses on Sool, you will not see PL army attacking SL anytime soon.
Deni should declare a war f<ck voter registration


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Deni refuse to go to war he said hes with them with spirit hes a coward and will be remmebered as one. Abdullahi Yusuf would never :pacspit:

Abdirizak terra is a cbb fake news social media clown he should focus more on his habar yonis tol who are oppressed by muse bixi


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
He made a statement a few days ago saying anything that reer Laascaanood need he'll provide. He'd be better off if he just stayed quiet. Even Yacqub Siyaad who is very pro Deni is calling him out for his hypocrisy

Dani will only go to war when he see all dhulbahante are united last time we want to war 2017 dhulbahante we’re no where to been seen some where even saying somaliland iyo puntland are fighting over us and displacing our people…
Is it really true Deni travelled to Bosaso? What a dimwit, and a son of a toerag.

I am always surprised how the public in PL is smarter, and ahead of its leadership.
This is a messy affair, and whichever way one lances it, PL admin has to side with the people of Laascaanood. If not, they will no longer govern, as people have already started joining at will. I say strategise, as it is not a smart move to rush into war without a plan, and let army leaders do their thing on the ground.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
If true Deni didn't participate that clear sign that his relative has hand on this. Before two years his son married to Musa jeegaan relative and make wedding in Hargisa.
Marrying a women have nothing to do with somosa… naag wa ninkeeda puntland will support dhulbahante militia by all means necessary all they need is unity bahharsme and jamac siyad have to leave jegaan payroll


Puntland has more important things to do such as an election season. Inshallah Deni doesn't get distracted and keeps his guns on the domes of Diyaano and Faroole.
As a proud former PLer from Burtinle I hope Deni continues to be a partner in peace. The real enemies are always from within. He should keep dialogue with President of the barakysan JSL Muuse Shaani
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