Laascaanood now under civilian control

Garaad Soofe in Adhicadeeye today.




Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
SL MP says we will give 1000 brides to Laascaanood men if they rejoin SL :mjkkk:

The evil triangle is in big trouble, the only reason they were in SSC to begin with, was because they had loyal soldiers and other bribed influential people from the Dhulbahante clan. But now the entire clan has turned against them and they have no choice but to rebuke Somaliland. Iidooria is also not going to resort to attacking as a clan, because that gives a greenlight for a full-blown tribal war that will end up with them burning. It will also incentivise unionist Awdalites to get away from them.

I love to see it.

The evil triangle is in big trouble, the only reason they were in SSC to begin with, was because they had loyal soldiers and other bribed influential people from the Dhulbahante clan. But now the entire clan has turned against them and they have no choice but to rebuke Somaliland. Iidooria is also not going to resort to attacking as a clan, because that gives a greenlight for a full-blown tribal war that will end up with them burning. It will also incentivise unionist Awdalites to get away from them.

I love to see it.

All these years they wished for our destruction and pitted families against each other to keep their secessionists dream alive but now this have backfired on them and will most likely be the downfall of their delusional aspirations.
The haqq will always prevail.
All these years they wished for our destruction and pitted families against each other to keep their secessionists dream alive but now this have backfired on them and will most likely be the downfall of their delusional aspirations.
The haqq will always prevail.

I also think that all this intermarriage must stop, you can't have an active enemy all up in your family tree and take a firm stance against them. In order for SSC to exist and thrive, there needs to be cessation of relations on all levels. This is an existential threat and not something people brush under the carpet.
I suspect you are married to an Isaaq woman.
We could be in-laws you see.

On a serious note, most of them are not bad people - they are just your average Somali with the same worries and concerns. Many of them are die-hard nationalists.
It just the political class which hijacked, and sold the poor public a bill of poisonous dose, and feeding them porkies non stop.

Let us draw a distinction between the crazy few, mostly online, and the many good at back home.
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Forza Somalia!
can someone explain how this khat dealer is now a hero? what part he played in laas caanood waving blue?


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