Hopefully more Dhulbahante can understand this!I also think that all this intermarriage must stop, you can't have an active enemy all up in your family tree and take a firm stance against them. In order for SSC to exist and thrive, there needs to be cessation of relations on all levels. This is an existential threat and not something people brush under the carpet.
He's probably financing those meetings put some respeck on his name.can someone explain how this khat dealer is now a hero? what part he played in laas caanood waving blue?
There is no political meeting, it's just shir beeleed iyo wada tashi, Somaliland government is the observer.
Hopefully more Dhulbahante can understand this!
Guys, give old man qaat, he about to cry
I agree. I hear his blood pressure prescription is running low, and he has been on the wire barking mad to Biixi: Get me outta here. By the way, he is one of the worse human beings on the planet.Guys, give old man qaat, he about to cry
Is he standing in the shahada?
Garaadka guud ee Beesha Siciid Harti, Ayatollah Garaad Jaamac on his way to Laascaanod