Laascaanood now under civilian control

'Boqol sannadood oo aad sida bisadda u noolaato, hal maalin oo aad sida libaaxa u tallaabsato ayaa dhaanta'.

The Grand Ayatulah galloping like a lion in Laas Caanood.



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Nuux Taani, the Chief of Staff of the Somaliland National Forces claims that the troops welcoming and guarding the Dhulbahante Elders were SL Forces
I'm shocked at how one can lie like this to save face. Nevertheless the Low IQ shacab will eat it up and believe it:ileycry:

First it was not Laaska at all but Garowe iyo meelo kale and now it is in fact Laaska and it was their troops welcoming them :damn:
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Nuux Taani, the Chief of Staff of the Somaliland National Forces claims that the troops welcoming and guarding the Dhulbahante Elders were SL Forces
I'm shocked at how one can lie like this to save face. Nevertheless the Low IQ shacab will eat it up and believe it
First it was not Laaska at all but Garowe iyo meelo kale and now it is in fact Laaska and it was their troops welcoming them
Nuux Taani, the General who squandered the pipe dream, is having trouble reconciling reality on he ground, and the fantasy, and is trying to reassure, if lull those still hopefuls back in Hargeysa & Burco into a deep stupor.

More troubling, I observed a speech impediment in his delusional grandeur, which given his age, and the conditions on the ground, might be indicative of his suffering from an early stage of Alzheimer's. In older people, when they struggle connecting simple words, or easily lose train of thought, is a clear early sign of trouble on the horizon. He definitely in need of care, and being relieved of his post.

For example,
a) He wanted to say 'dheg uma dhigi doono', but could not manage more than 'i) dheg u dhigi doono, ii) dheg uma dhi doono'.
b) In wanting to say 'nabadgelyada qaranka', he managed 'nabadgelyada qadarka'.
c) What does 'haddii kal walba' mean?
d) 'nabadgelyada idigaa ku nool' instead of 'idinkaa ku nool' is another example.
e) 'Intii hawdu socotay' instead of 'hawshu'.
f) instead of 'ku soo bataan', he said 'ku badnaanumu'.
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Nuux Taani, the General who squandered the pipe dream, is having trouble reconciling reality on he ground, and the fantasy, and is trying to reassure, if lull those still hopefuls back in Hargeysa & Burco into a deep stupor.

More troubling, I observed a speech impediment in his delusional grandeur, which given his age, and the conditions on the ground, might be indicative of his suffering from an early stage of Alzheimer's. In older people, when they struggle connecting simple words, or easily lose train of thought, is a clear early sign of trouble on the horizon. He definitely in need of care, and being relieved of his post.

For example,
a) He wanted to say 'dheg uma dhigi doono', but could not manage more than 'i) dheg u dhigi doono, ii) dheg uma dhi doono'.
b) In wanting to say 'nabadgelyada qaranka', he managed 'nabadgelyada qadarka'.
c) What does 'haddii kal walba' mean?
d) 'nabadgelyada idigaa ku nool' instead of 'idinkaa ku nool' is another example.
e) 'Intii hawdu socotay' instead of 'hawshu'.

Lets take the old man to an 'cismaniya language school'

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
SL allowed the shir to occur. The ciidan is stationed from Tukeraq to lascanood and the local police are present in the city. Ina Kaahin and the SL delegation are all in lascanood too. All check points are still manned by jsl ciidaan.

Letting them have their Shir and see what agreement they come to before the next move. Ina Kaahin said we’ll respect whatever terms & conditions come out of your meeting as long as it doesn’t go against Somaliland. Meaning the government won’t allow SSC/Xaartumo take foothold as a governing body in eastern Sool.
SL allowed the shir to occur. The ciidan is stationed from Tukeraq to lascanood and the local police are present in the city. Ina Kaahin and the SL delegation are all in lascanood too. All check points are still manned by jsl ciidaan.

Letting them have their Shir and see what agreement they come to before the next move. Ina Kaahin said we’ll respect whatever terms & conditions come out of your meeting as long as it doesn’t go against Somaliland. Meaning the government won’t allow SSC/Xaartumo take foothold as a governing body in eastern Sool.
Enjoy your triangle cause that's all you have.
SL allowed the shir to occur. The ciidan is stationed from Tukeraq to lascanood and the local police are present in the city. Ina Kaahin and the SL delegation are all in lascanood too. All check points are still manned by jsl ciidaan.

Letting them have their Shir and see what agreement they come to before the next move. Ina Kaahin said we’ll respect whatever terms & conditions come out of your meeting as long as it doesn’t go against Somaliland. Meaning the government won’t allow SSC/Xaartumo take foothold as a governing body in eastern Sool.
All Star Reaction GIF


Forza Somalia!
Nuux Taani, the Chief of Staff of the Somaliland National Forces claims that the troops welcoming and guarding the Dhulbahante Elders were SL Forces
I'm shocked at how one can lie like this to save face. Nevertheless the Low IQ shacab will eat it up and believe it:ileycry:

First it was not Laaska at all but Garowe iyo meelo kale and now it is in fact Laaska and it was their troops welcoming them :damn:
not only that. They are speaking while they are on Khat.
They are claiming they created Somaliland's border not the british.


True Puntlander
SL allowed the shir to occur. The ciidan is stationed from Tukeraq to lascanood and the local police are present in the city. Ina Kaahin and the SL delegation are all in lascanood too. All check points are still manned by jsl ciidaan.

Letting them have their Shir and see what agreement they come to before the next move. Ina Kaahin said we’ll respect whatever terms & conditions come out of your meeting as long as it doesn’t go against Somaliland. Meaning the government won’t allow SSC/Xaartumo take foothold as a governing body in eastern Sool.
So Jeegaan allowed Somalia flag, woow :noneck: .