Laascaanood now under civilian control

Yup a known figure of AS has been caught recently actually trying to join the beggerhante revolt it seems. Anyways cid been sent out to laska to make arrests I hope you guys properly vetted ur own folks :lol:
No amount of propaganda will help idoorland. Enjoy the sambuus triangle.


Death Awaits You
There's something unique about dhulbahante women. I've been watching those banaan bax videos from lascaanod, Turkraq and most of the women are elegant with great bone structure. I wish I married from lascaanod.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
There's something unique about dhulbahante women. I've been watching those banaan bax videos from lascaanod, Turkraq and most of the women are elegant with great bone structure. I should've married from lascaanod.
my great grandfather figured that out long ago, now my family exclusively marries from them.
SL allowed the shir to occur. The ciidan is stationed from Tukeraq to lascanood and the local police are present in the city. Ina Kaahin and the SL delegation are all in lascanood too. All check points are still manned by jsl ciidaan.

Letting them have their Shir and see what agreement they come to before the next move. Ina Kaahin said we’ll respect whatever terms & conditions come out of your meeting as long as it doesn’t go against Somaliland. Meaning the government won’t allow SSC/Xaartumo take foothold as a governing body in eastern Sool.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
An 8 year old child is leading the Kacdoon against the seccessionists. He has been labelled β€œSomalia’s β€œHasbullah” for his unique uncanny charisma!

'Markay tuban tahay, iyo marka lala tago, waa tolleeyow, looma kala tago'.







Can't even believe that there are some who still imagine that this meeting will result in anything, but exiting SL completely altogether, with a unified elders standing their people. Anything that stands in their way will not be tolerated, this time around. Also, just seeing the blue flags everywhere, makes me teary eyed.


Guul iyo Gobanimo, Midnimada Qaranka Soomaliyeed

If Sambuuso State is stupid enough to attack, it will result in their total collapse, economically and politically. We will banish all of their businesses and people from all Daarood lands. Best believe that. We will also make sure all of their vehicles and trucks are intercepted, whether civilian or business related. Nobody will do business with you, how will you get to other Somali lands if not through Daarood lands?

Check your position in Somaliweyn, very carefully before acting up. Maybe use a compass this time when consulting the map. Now that Dhulbahante are united and on one side, nobody will shy away from attacking you.
If Sambuuso State is stupid enough to attack, it will result in their total collapse, economically and politically. We will banish all of their businesses and people from all Daarood lands. Best believe that. We will also make sure all of their vehicles and trucks are intercepted, whether civilian or business related. Nobody will do business with you, how will you get to other Somali lands if not through Daarood lands?

Check your position in Somaliweyn, very carefully before acting up. Maybe use a compass this time when consulting the map. Now that Dhulbahante are united and on one side, nobody will shy away from attacking you.

Abayo there is a reason why they pulled their troops out of Sool. I genuinely believe Dhulus alone can defeat these aging, high on drug and malnourished SNMs. A united dhulbahante can’t be messed with.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Abayo there is a reason why they pulled their troops out of Sool. I genuinely believe Dhulus alone can defeat these aging, high on drug and malnourished SNMs. A united dhulbahante can’t be messed with.

Somaliland genuinely thinks they have control of LaasCaanood.

So I think this idea that SL is scared isn’t accurate, the reality is that it’s reached a point that they believe their own propaganda even when the truth is punching them in the face.


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