Laascaanood now under civilian control

This uprising is soon going spread like wildfire in many parts of Woqooyi. Thanks to reer Laascaanood.:rejoice:

A new federal state incoming :hemad:

Sidenote, I always knew that Waddanis were lowkey/secretly unionist :trumpsmirk:
Damn that’s a dope flag
The sh!t like this is all over the social media. πŸ˜† 🀣
"Dhibaata jirta. Madaxda SL waxey cayaan caqliga dadka shacabka ee SL". :mjlol:

No shit, a case in point is SL SSpoters that shows indication of indoctrination of propaganda, from state media. Post after post of humiliation, coming out of the blessed Sool region. Yet they be comforting each other like "But SL is a democracy that allowed the shir to happen in the first place."


Ilaahey ha uu gargaaro shacabka ka so jeeda maamulgoboledka jamhuuriyada barakeysan. :yousmart:


I feel like President Hasan Sheikh should back this uprising to an extent militarily. Hub waa dhoobanyahay. Clearly Farmaajo and Xijaar besides signing up a few 100 soldiers/police scattered in batallions in Xamar and elsewehere rn did nothing for Reer SSC.

My MP Sheikh Sharif kheyr alle ha siiyo has always supported Reer SSC making their own decisions over their people and land. Horay u socda
Wallahi, looking back at how things have unfolded, in retrospect and how SL established their presence in its eastern parts. It becomes more evident, how the divisiveness of a people can be taken advantaged of. AUN to Ali Khalif Galaydh. May God never let us make the same misstakes again and keep our people united, guided by the will of its people, against the interest of a few. Just sad to see, how things have evolved.



Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Your idoor source also said this which I find very funny

Yup a known figure of AS has been caught recently actually trying to join the beggerhante revolt it seems. Anyways cid been sent out to laska to make arrests I hope you guys properly vetted ur own folks :lol:


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