Lander Gets Humiliated in Twitter Space

But you can't have multiple clans in a western style democracy
Who said it needs to be a western style democracy? There are plenty of government systems that exist that can suite Somali tribalism.

Besides, tribalism isn't going to last forever. The reason why its so rampant now is because the federal government is so weak and can't help its citizens that Somalis are forced to rely on their own clans for security.

The window of nation building has sailed in the 20th century
By your logic it has also passed for Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Its never too late to rebuilt, just look at Vietnam or Korea.

as we do well as being . . . a minority.
There is no way you are an ethnic Somali. How on earth do Somalis do better as a minority when Somalis in Ethiopia and Kenya actively get massacred, assimilated and oppressed?
>b-but somalis get killed in somalia as well
That can change, the war doesn't need to be the status quo forever. Meanwhile Ethiopians and Kenyans will never consider Somalis as one of their own. They only care about our lands, not the well being of our lives hence why the DDS and NFD are amongst the least developed regions in their respective countries.

Simply put, if Somalis lose their sovereignty we will end up like the Hararis, no other way about it.
We would seek peace with eachother just like in 2001 unlike with Somalians who'd fight us for another 30 years. Us Isaaqis don't care about haplogroup E or T we are all adopted children of sheekh isxaaq that love each other. Dir share nothing but blood with us T's same with Darood for the E's :drakekidding: BTW you already know what hartis think of their eastern isaaq reer abti after reading that one thread soo maha :lolbron: they can give a rats ass about their own family so why should an ajnabi western isaaqi like me care about them? Anyone who speaks oromo as their mother langauge are Oromo. Gurgura are Dir oromo now.
Your mentally deranged sxb how does it feel to be colonised by ethiopia WILLINGLY just for recognition of a starving country
You have to be mentally deranged to detach yourself of people who are the same as you just because of tribal myths, I'm definitely not a supporter of the government but one thing they got right is making sure SL isn't gonna be recognised anytime soon. Btw federalism has failed somalia anything which finds its main motivation rooted in primitive tribalism. WILL never work get it in your heads. Somalia needs enforced centralization and a new capital moreover reparations to the people most affected during the last years of kacaan en the civil war. And last but not least there has to be an end to old heads in the regime and their nepotism, until this is finally realised, you will be making fkd discussions until your 90s
The north has it's own balance of power. You guys are injecting yourselves for your own gain and creating conflicts. You continue to use the state for your own ends and we will continue to form our own and may the best man win. But you guys seem to be crying a hell of a lot recently.
No one needs to inject themselves. Actually have a conversation with a Dhulo and a Samaroon. It’s serious cop out for you to blame the Deep South who really couldn’t careless about creating havoc there since it simply doesn’t benefit them. Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker and you’re using anything to blame anyone but the SL government who’ve literally cost SL independence.

Blaming others for the president’s tribalism and for other tribes in the North not wanting to play second fiddle to Isaaq is silly since it’s primarily the fault of those in government. Somalis are tribalist by nature, do you honestly think a Dhulo needs a Southern Hawiye to say anything to him? Especially when Harti MJ are a few stonethrows away? Are you also ignoring the fact that Dhulos have a minds of their own and would rather unite with their fellow Daroods? The same way Isaaqs want their own homeland, why wouldn’t Dhulos want their own homeland with their fellow Daroods?!

The Isaaq led government is a tribalist and corrupt just like PL and Somalia. It’s time you recognize this and be a bit smart and advocate for a Isaaq only enclave like that of @Yami, who can recognize tribalism is an issue. You can’t be using ‘British Somaliland’ borders and then have the audacity to talk about the South and tribalism when SL unfortunately had a full on war because SL wanted to subject a whole other qabil Authobillah.
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No one needs to inject themselves. Actually have a conversation with a Dhulo and a Samaroon. It’s serious cop out for you to blame the Deep South who really couldn’t careless about creating havoc there since it simply doesn’t benefit them. Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker and you’re using anything to blame anyone but the SL government who’ve literally cost SL independence.

Blaming others for the president’s tribalism and for other tribes in the North not wanting to play second fiddle to Isaaq is silly since it’s primarily the fault of those in government. Somalis are tribalist by nature, do you honestly think a Dhulo needs a Southern Hawiye to say anything to him? Especially when Harti MJ are a few stonethrows away? Are you also ignoring the fact that Dhulos have a minds of their own and would rather unite with their fellow Daroods? The same way Isaaqs want their own homeland, why wouldn’t Dhulos want their own homeland with their fellow Daroods?!

The Isaaq led government is a tribalist and corrupt just like PL and Somalia. It’s time you recognize this and be a bit smart and advocate for a Isaaq only enclave like that of @Yami, who can recognize tribalism is an issue. You can’t be using ‘British Somaliland’ borders and then have the audacity to talk about the South and tribalism when SL unfortunately had a full on war because SL wanted to subject a whole other qabil Authobillah.

You are just denying reality at this point so believe what you want.

Southern warlords don't get to control the entire Somali peninsula that would be absurd. Neither can they take a dominant or paternalistic position over what happens there.

Go away, end your beefs, form a government by consent that includes all peoples and where anyone can hold political power. Once you are not representing hegemonic hawiye (or Darood) interests then come to Somaliland and lecture.

I believe this convo started because I said you southerners were a risk. Ofcourse you are a damn risk until you reform.
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You are just denying reality at this point so believe what you want.

Southern warlords don't get to control the entire Somali peninsula that would be absurd. Neither can they take a dominant or paternalistic position over what happens there.
There aren’t any Southern warlords now. The biggest issue now is Al Shaytaan.
Go away, end your beefs, form a government by consent that includes all peoples and where anyone can hold political power. Once you are not representing hegemonic hawiye (or Darood) interests then come to Somaliland and lecture.
They don’t have tribal beefs. It’s the North that has the biggest one. The Lasanood issue. You’re acting like the South is still in the 90s and early 2000s.

One is lecturing you. It’s you lecturing others about the South and btw,
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I believe this convo started because I said you southerners were a risk. Ofcourse you are a damn risk until you reform.
The North is unfortunately has an issue now and is becoming so. The south has issues with extremism not tribalism, yet the North is now Isaaq vs Darood and Dir.

My whole point is, don’t throw rocks in glass stones. It’s hypocritical for SL to only care about Isaaq interests whilst talking another the South.


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There aren’t any Southern warlords now. The biggest issue now is Al Shaytaan.

They don’t have tribal beefs. It’s the North that has the biggest one. The Lasanood issue. You’re acting like the South is still in the 90s and early 2000s.

One is lecturing you. It’s you lecturing others about the South and btw,
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The North is unfortunately has an issue now and is becoming so. The south has issues with extremism not tribalism, yet the North is now Isaaq vs Darood and Dir.

My whole point is, don’t throw rocks in glass stones. It’s hypocritical for SL to only care about Isaaq interests whilst talking another the South.

Your whole government are warlords if you don't know. You guys have no rights to talk on Somaliland let alone get involved. Stay in your lane while we seek our independence.
Your whole government are warlords if you don't know. You guys have no rights to talk on Somaliland let alone get involved. Stay in your lane while we seek our independence.
What Bixi did also made SL look like warlords. He waged war against a whole qabil because they didn't believe in the Isaaq SL vision. Why is the SL govenment not warlords but the South is? When was the last time the Southern government waged war against a whole tribe? It was literally the 90s and early 2000s, more than 20 yrs ago, yet only last yr did SL wage war on anther tribe. When you refuse to look at the facts, you cement yourself as a backwards tribalist.

You don't have a leg to stand on. Fighting another tribe because they don't want to be controlled by you is warlord tribalist behavior which is why I no longer support the SL vision.

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What Bixi did also made SL look like warlords. He waged war against a whole qabil because they didn't believe in the Isaaq SL vision. Why is the SL govenment not warlords but the South is? When was the last time the Southern government waged war against a whole tribe? When you refuse to look at the facts, you cement yourself as a backwards tribalist.

Are you actually being for real? You don't have a leg to stand on.

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Millions of people have been killed in Somalia.

Somalia is the cause of instability in Somaliland. Financing and politics are all engineered there to create chaos and bring Somaliland under Hawiye/Darood FGS.

Somaliland is just reacting to the conditions it finds itself in. We have a moral duty to recreate Somaliland within it's borders for the interests of all who live there whether they understand that or not.
Let’s be real, let’s create an alternative reality in which Samaroon and Dhulos are on board. It would benefit Moqdishu since they wouldn’t have neighbors making desperate moves like partnering up with the Ethiopians all for the sake of recognition. The war with Lasanood probably wouldn’t have happened as well if SL was recognized a long time ago as they’d be a respected sovereign nation. Also, I can’t help but feel some of them have a hand in some of the issues down South as many hardcore SL gov/supporters want Somalia to be as corrupt as possible as that would give them a better cause in advocating for independence on the world stage since the more dangerous Somalia is, the more sympathy they garner as being Somalia’s peaceful breakaway state that’s being held back.

It was without doubt beneficial for Somalia to have let them go. 90% of the uqdad comes from lack of independence thus lack of financial gains.

Tearing apart Somalia to please the Isaaq clan is in the interest of Mogadishu and Somalia !!!!!!! ???????? :ftw9nwa:

We will definitely see a comment like this when a person gets involved in things he/she doesn't know about .

Children must be prevented from interfering in political affairs .

There should have been an IQ test before registering on the forum .
What a waste of time reading such a stupid comment .

Millions of people have been killed in Somalia.
Yes and in the last 20 yrs it wasn’t due to tribalism but due to extremism that has nothing to do with tribe since the head of the group when it was at its height was an Isaaq man. At least take a bit of accountability that some Isaaq members were also included in this havoc.
Somalia is the cause of instability in Somaliland. Financing and politics are all engineered there to create chaos and bring Somaliland under Hawiye/Darood FGS.
Do you honestly believe that Dhulos believe in the Isaaq vision? Especially when the right hand man of Siyaad Bare was a Dhulo man? You’re lacking in history young man.
Somaliland is just reacting to the conditions it finds itself in. We have a moral duty to recreate Somaliland within it's borders for the interests of all who live there whether they understand that or not.
What moral duty when only one tribe believes in the vision? It is it moral for one tribe to force other tribes? What interest does a Dhulo have from being cut off from his fellow Daroods? What interest does Samaroon have from being cut off from
Other Dirs and being a minority?


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Yes and in the last 20 yrs it wasn’t due to tribalism but due to extremism that has nothing to do with tribe since the head of the group when it was at its height was an Isaaq man. At least take a bit of accountability that some Isaaq members were also included in this havoc.

Do you honestly believe that Dhulos believe in the Isaaq vision? Especially when the right hand man of Siyaad Bare was a Dhulo man? You’re lacking in history young man.

What moral duty when only one tribe believes in the vision? It is it moral for one tribe to force other tribes? What interest does a Dhulo have from being cut off from his fellow Daroods? What interest does Samaroon have from being cut off from
Other Dirs and being a minority?

I give up.
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A Laandheere always pays his debts
Somalia needs to let SL go. It’s similar to a
messy divorce. No point keeping on holding on to someone who doesn’t want you anymore. Might as well be two Somali neighbors who respect each other and see each other as walaalo like that of Djibouti. All the ugdaad would go.
Cuqdaad is one-sided and it comes from that specific group (meaning those who are fans of British Protectorate of Somaliland, not Isaaqs - see how one has to make the distinction? Eerily similar to a certain other group, this is a common theme). But at the end of the day, British Protectorate of Somaliland and its fans are essentially MAGA Somalis - once you understand this, you stop taking them seriously.

For one, Britain, the nation they love so much and happened to create these arbitrary borders, doesn't even recognise it so its a bit awkward. Secondly, no one cares about British Protectorate of Somaliland had they chosen to stay in their lane: Togdheer iyo Waqooyi Galbeed - its not our fault their forefathers couldn't gain more land and they are left with a small space to operate in. Instead of sticking between Berbera, Hargeisa and Burco and being content they instead, they, again just like a certain state in Middle East, tried to use a legitimate wrongdoing to take land that simply doesn't belong to them. Honestly, British Protectorate of Somaliland has copied their model so closely that Tel Aviv should be Hargeisa's sister city (same way Bosaso is Minneapolis sister city).

If there is one thing I give to British Protectorate of Somaliland is their propaganda machine is good (then again, given how much money they given to US, UK and other European politicians to propagate it makes sense), with how much they repeat the narrative of 'democracy vs failed state' (AGAIN, very similar to *that* nation who claim they are a demcoracy surrounded by failed authoritarian states. However, this project has failed and it was doomed to fail since Dilla Massarce as it showed SNM were power hungry, blood thirsty psychopaths and were no different from MSB (and ofcourse the evidence to this is the host of British Protectorate of Somaliland 'politicians' who were working under MSB, birds of a feather was the saying right?).

British Protectorate of Somaliland are a model copy of European Ashkenazi state in Middle East. They will do anything for recognition, just like these European Ashkenazi's would do anything to gain land from Filistiin.

I mean even HAG, the epitome of mooryaan, in their golden era of looting, at least they weren't gaalraac like these losers wlhi. Such weirdos.
This liin macaan female must be devoid of shame. Does she have a humiliation fetish? This Kenyan couldn't take it any more and said her talking points is nauseating to listen to. :damn:



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