Lander Gets Humiliated in Twitter Space

All the problems in the north are being boiled up in the south. Both groups of warlords want control of all of Somalia. They are giving tribes in the north incentive (money and political power) to fight which shouldn't really exist or shouldn't be within their power to give.
Puntland-central-South Somalia is a big place. That’s my issue with you since you make no differentiations of the different regions and how many have different agendas and how the very people who live in SL but are different qabils to you also have different agendas to Isaaqs.

Also, you don’t even have an understanding of what happened during that time period when Siyaad Barre was murdering different qabils. You seem to have a mad view that every tribe was in on the evil attacks of SB, whilst not understanding that other qabils had rebel groups and were fighting SB. Sadly it was Isaaqs that got the brunt of SB’s attacks.

Also, why would South Somalia controlled by Hawiye give money to Daroods? Puntland isn’t the South. Also, what makes you think Dhulos who are Darood and Harti would want to be a minority in SL when they could join Somalia and be the majority in Somalia? Also, what makes you think Hawiyes are enthusiastic about being even smaller in numbers to that of Daroods? Your biggest rookie mistake is thinking Somalia is united in terms of agenda. Also, a big issue many Daroods had with HSM was that he was dragging his feet and not being proactive with the Lasanood situation. Why do you think during the Lasanood war, a lot of Isaaqs and Hawiyes kept on talking about this cringey Irrir Somal nonsense?
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The central-South Somalia is a big place. That’s my issue with you since you don’t even have an understanding of what happened during that time period when Siyaad Barre was murdering different qabils.

Also, why would South Somalia controlled by Hawiye give money to Daroods? Puntland isn’t the South. Also, what makes you think Dhulos who are Darood and Harti would want to be a minority in SL when they could join Somalia and be the majority in Somalia. Also, what makes you think Hawiyes are enthusiastic about being even smaller in numbers to that of Daroods? Also, a big issue many Daroods had with HSM was that he was dragging his feet and not being proactive with the Lasanood situation. Why do you think during the Lasanood war, a lot of Isaaqs and Hawiyes kept on talking about this cringey Irrir Somal nonsense?

The thing is Hawiye want to draw Somaliland into their nonsense war on darood. That's the other part of it. It serves them. So why not let it run. Why not make promises and make gestures of approval behind the scenes.
Why should southerners get to decide who is an adminstration and who is not and where the funding goes. Why bring your nonsense war to Somaliland that was peaceful. This is why we seek independence.


The thing is Hawiye want to draw Somaliland into their nonsense war on darood. That's the other part of it. It serves them. So why not let it run. Why not make promises and make gestures of approval behind the scenes.
Why should southerners get to decide who is an adminstration and who is not and where the funding goes. Why bring your nonsense war to Somaliland that was peaceful. This is why we seek independence.
let’s ask the audience then shall we 🎤🎤🎤🎤


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
The thing is Hawiye want to draw Somaliland into their nonsense war on darood. That's the other part of it. It serves them. So why not let it run. Why not make promises and make gestures of approval behind the scenes.
Why should southerners get to decide who is an adminstration and who is not and where the funding goes. Why bring your nonsense war to Somaliland that was peaceful. This is why we seek independence.
They want to draw us in with their Irir nonsense to stage a jihad against jabretis but we won't fall for it. Habar Kintir and 🦧gaal will have to fight their wars without us.



They want to draw us in with their Irir nonsense to stage a jihad against jabretis but we won't fall for it. Habar Kintir and 🦧gaal will have to fight their wars without us.

View attachment 318443
why are you speaking like this are you serious???and I see what you did there “apegaal” not funny stay postive and don’t call others animals it’s distasteful.
The thing is Hawiye want to draw Somaliland into their nonsense war on darood. That's the other part of it. It serves them. So why not let it run. Why not make promises and make gestures of approval behind the scenes.
Did you make that up on the spot? A qabilst Hawiye is better off with Dhulos being under Isaaq control Instead of them joining Somalia. Hawiye will be a minority when Khatumo joins the fold. Use your brain.
Why should southerners get to decide who is an adminstration and who is not and where the funding goes. Why bring your nonsense war to Somaliland that was peaceful. This is why we seek independence.
Nonsense war? Somaliland has been brimming with tension? Why would Dhulos want to be a minority in SL when they could be the majority qabil in Somalia? Has SL ever been a Samaroon vision or Dhulo vision. I can ask you the same question, why does Isaaq get to call the shots when it comes to the direction of the country and why do they get to force other tribes to conform to their wants of an independent nation?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
why are you speaking like this are you serious???and I see what you did there “apegaal” not funny stay postive and don’t call others animals it’s distasteful.
I'll answer you truthfully when you finish your homework
By the time Caydiid took control, SL decided to go their separate ways. At the time, that was when they had the best negotiating power. USC warlords had no issue with SL as they both saw Siyaad as the enemy and were both disgruntled with Daroods, hence why Caydiid and his goons targeted them and NOT isaaqs. Isaaqs really could have been the top dogs and negotiated for the capital to be up North and many probably would have accepted because of how dire things were.

The same way Isaaqs were killed by the regime, many Daroods were killed by Caydiid and they had their homes taken from them and many had to leave the capital.

Then Caydiid HG and Ali Mahdi an Abgaal turned on each other. Then once the tribal conflict ended, Alshaydaan come on the scene being led by Gadooni an Isaaq man.

The tribal civil wars ended a long time ago, now they’re left with kharxiis from Al shaydaan.

There are more tribal issues up North than South.
Stop with the nonsense. Not denying what the stupid and shortsighted cydadiid did,
But it was SNA and darod(including MJ) clan militias who started clan cleansing and removing HG civilians from the central highway and not only from galkayo but southern mudug.
Not only did they start a clan war, but they started a civilian cleansing campaign. Read the FBI papers.
Don’t start something than crying later.

Similir thing with ictraafstans and the recent MOU. Don’t start something and backstab everyone unprovoked(jabuuti & none-darod southern elites) then cry when u met with an equal reaction.

And no, tribal war didn’t end. Far south darod MX vs OG still playing zero sum game tribal game.
Stop with the nonsense. Not denying what the stupid and shortsighted cydadiid did,
But it was SNA and darod(including MJ) clan militias who started clan cleansing and removing HG civilians from the central highway and not only from galkayo but southern mudug.
Not only did they start a clan war, but they started a civilian cleansing campaign. Read the FBI papers.
Don’t start something than crying later.
I know that. I’m talking about post Siyad Barre when Caydiid took over Xamar.
Similir thing with ictraafstans and the recent MOU. Don’t start something and backstab everyone unprovoked(jabuuti & none-darod southern elites) then cry when u met with an equal reaction.


Now @Yami don’t say this again pls.Ethiopia bombed my families neighbourhood in 2007 several people died
I’d rather assimilate into whatever Ethiopian ethnicity then join koonfur again respectfully. Make Afaan Oromo or Amarigna my national language I wouldn’t mind
Now @Yami don’t say this again pls.Ethiopia bombed my families neighbourhood in 2007 several people died
Hey, you’re only 16. Please don’t take these low IQ qabilst people seriously. They don’t know anything about Somalia and the politics about what really happened. They’ve simply inherited their parents PTSD and hatred of some qabils. That is where their knowledge ends.


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Did you make that up on the spot? A qabilst Hawiye is better off with Dhulos being under Isaaq control Instead of them joining Somalia. Hawiye will be a minority when Khatumo joins the fold. Use your brain.

Nonsense war? Somaliland has been brimming with tension? Why would Dhulos want to be a minority in SL when they could be the majority qabil in Somalia? Has SL ever been a Samaroon vision or Dhulo vision. I can ask you the same question, why does Isaaq get to call the shots when it comes to the direction of the country and why do they get to force other tribes to conform to their wants of an independent nation?

Yeah that's one level - you want Dhulbahante under Somaliland but you also want Somaliland under you and you can use SSc as leverage over us.

You should be fighting for Mogadishu airport or some random street but now you fighting for the whole country with powers no should have ever given you.


Hey, you’re only 16. Please don’t take these low IQ qabilst people seriously. They don’t know anything about Somalia and the politics about what really happened. They’ve simply inherited their parents PTSD and hatred of some qabils. That is where their knowledge ends.
Ok abayo . @Yami I’m disappointed don’t speak like that about Ethiopia ever again.
Yeah that's one level - you want Dhulbahante under Somaliland but you also want Somaliland under you and you can use SSc as leverage over us.

You should be fighting for Mogadishu airport or some random street but now you fighting for the whole country with powers no should have ever given you.
When will you understand that the same way Isaaqs have their own wants, so does every qabil. Every qabil is it’s on entity and unfortunately Isaaq isn’t any better. I was an SL supporter but how can I when they too are fighting other qabils for total control that don’t even have the same vision as them?

Ask yourself honestly, why should Isaaqs have the power to fight and coerce Dhulos and even potentially Samaroons? Lasanood isn’t theres nor is Awdal.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Hey, you’re only 16. Please don’t take these low IQ qabilst people seriously. They don’t know anything about Somalia and the politics about what really happened. They’ve simply inherited their parents PTSD and hatred of some qabils. That is where their knowledge ends.
Unfortunately most of my immediate family happen to be delusional unionists with no malice to other qabiils


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Now @Yami don’t say this again pls.Ethiopia bombed my families neighbourhood in 2007 several people died
AUN. the Ethiopian regime at that time were TPLF & they got absolutely obliterated recently in Tigray. Your family can rest easy now


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When will you understand that the same way Isaaqs have their own wants, so does every qabil. Every qabil is it’s on entity and unfortunately Isaaq isn’t any better. I was an SL supporter but how can I when they too are fighting other qabils for total control that don’t even have the same vision as them?

Ask yourself honestly, why should Isaaqs have the power to fight and coerce Dhulos and even potentially Samaroons? Lasanood isn’t theres nor is Awdal.

The north has it's own balance of power. You guys are injecting yourselves for your own gain and creating conflicts. You continue to use the state for your own ends and we will continue to form our own and may the best man win. But you guys seem to be crying a hell of a lot recently.


AUN. the Ethiopian regime at that time were TPLF & they got absolutely obliterated recently in Tigray. Your family can rest easy now
Wasn't my family it was my neighbourhood though.I don't support war and genocide only peace ❤️❤️. @Yami I forgive Dont call my qabil 🦧gaal ever again watch out.🙂🙂🙂🙂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️