Landers make Ilhan omar go viral again


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
I'm just angry with the constant hate from these people. I even saw them say "he's a isaaq lander" to a criminal thst could have been any tribe from East Africa.
This is just typical somalis online just chatting shit all clans grt the same bullshitting
Most of the time when a lander puts on a video about Sonaliland you will see hoardes say "this is somalia" blah blah completely disrespecting our integrity and country. I had enough.
You're not an actual country and 2/3 of the territory you call somaliland isn't even isaaq. As a Dir I'd much rather Awdal be called Somalia than lander.

You had a window of opportunity pre-2012 to become recognised but that passed and there's now one official Somali government every relevant country recognises. Some 4th world shithole like Ethiopia doesn't have a say in anything.
@pinkyandthebrain i hope you know I don’t hate landers it’s just that I’ve seen them say disgusting shit about my city so I’m not a big fan of people like that!!I love all Somalis don’t worry!!
No problem I don't hate Somalis or Somalia and inapolgize for saying things like piracy or negative attachment. Although I will be honest I don't want somaliland to be attached with those negative stereotypes that's why I want a new name for our nation.
This is just typical somalis online just chatting shit all clans grt the same bullshitting

You're not an actual country and 2/3 of the territory you call somaliland isn't even isaaq. As a Dir I'd much rather Awdal be called Somalia than lander.

You had a window of opportunity pre-2012 to become recognised but that passed and there's now one official Somali government every relevant country recognises. Some 4th world shithole like Ethiopia doesn't have a say in anything.
Inshallah with a new president we reconcile with Awdal and cut out the mou deal.
Inshallah with a new president we reconcile with Awdal and cut out the mou deal.
No we were tricked with bs promises before. SL will leave this sacred land and never return.

Time Dubai GIF by Fahad Kidwai

Ugaasate of Awdal
It ruined SL reputation amongst Somalis because selling a port is crazy but selling a port to #THEM :wtf: is crazier

Insane because before this MOU Ethiopians didn't even have the audacity to consider Somalia as location for a naval base. They kept begging Eritrea and Djibouti. And then here comes SL opening the door for them. This sets a terrible precedent. You notice how they're not harrassing Eritrea anymore? They're going to beef with Somalia for a least a century for some beachfront property because they think they're owed shit now.
Insane because before this MOU Ethiopians didn't even have the audacity to consider Somalia as location for a naval base. They kept begging Eritrea and Djibouti. And then here comes SL opening the door for them. This sets a terrible precedent. You notice how they're not harrassing Eritrea anymore? They're going to beef with Somalia for a least a century for some beachfront property because they think they're owed shit now.
The boomers and silent generations have truly fucked the country to a point of no return, absolute f*ck up of epic proportion. I couldnt pull it off if i was rendered practicaly braindead.


I want to make it clear to diaspora. When outside the motherland you are no longer X-clan. Your clan politics means little to nothing and this constant need to undermine each other will make your lives harder. Racists and white supremacist don't care if your Issaq, Darood or Hawiye. If they had it their way we'd all be sharing a mass grave.

However folks don't understand that because they're frontal lobes haven't developed or something. Instead of choosing to be civilized while living in diaspora, somalis bring their problems along to cause even more problems in new environments.
I want to make it clear to diaspora. When outside the motherland you are no longer X-clan. Your clan politics means little to nothing and this constant need to undermine each other will make your lives harder. Racists and white supremacist don't care if your Issaq, Darood or Hawiye. If they had it their way we'd all be sharing a mass grave.

However folks don't understand that because they're frontal lobes haven't developed or something. Instead of choosing to be civilized while living in diaspora, somalis bring their problems along to cause even more problems in new environments.
I agree with everything you said but we can't expect Somalis in Somalia to put their politics aside for the diaspora.

They don't given a shit about no damn white supremacist because white people don't go there lmao. In Somalia they even like White people who give aid and come to help. The only time I seen white people get smoke is if they side with the opp tribe. That's why they smoked those soliders in black hawk down.

Somalis in Somalia are still in a tribal war, it never ended for them. If you are in the diaspora than this is a bad look. At the end of the day I got Ilhans back over white supremacists, zionist, racist ayrabs and fucking loser fba. But Landers lol are on demon time with her. They want their own nation and they will use white racists to get it.

My only issue is why the hell do they have smoke for her if she can't give them a land. She's not the UN. Also remember this whole thing got amped up during the war with Dhulbantee.

Landers are crab in a barrel and than act like we are.
Somali people remind me of Natives with their tribal wars. Somalis don't seem to have a issue with outsiders as long as they don't touch Somali women. They are down with using white people even racist ones to get back at their opp tribes. Just like the Natives.

It's not self hatred, they are fueled by hatred for other tribes. So much so that they will side with racists.

Lmao Somali people are the closet to the oldest races of humans. We are not that far off from these people:
