LESBIAN Somali girl who has a GAY brother that wears a NOSE RING has a message to homophobic Somalis

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Not your typical Farah
I suspect he is. But I have no confirmation. I like to make sure what I say is the truth before I claim people are this and that.

Makeup? Or just the filter effect? :dead:
@AbdiJohnson right that shouldn't be a problem I meant to say earlier that your actually right 10% of somali girls are lesbians my best friend is one I have a feeling that your fellow Somaliland are going to disagree vehemently
Realwarya post: 328618 said:
??? I'm sorry why do you feel you have to disagree with everything one says about homosexuality I get the fact that it doesn't sit right with but clearly there must be a suppressed feeling as to why you make it painstakingly clear tell me @Realwarya do you secretly wish you were one i'd love to know what Freudian thinks of you!
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