Shalom. But Jeriah, it does. Yisrael needs your support against the imposters. One day shall the Israelites assume their rightful roles in the world, one day.Take the B.S. videos somewhere else
Aint got shyt to do with me![]()
Shalom. But Jeriah, it does. Yisrael needs your support against the imposters. One day shall the Israelites assume their rightful roles in the world, one day.Take the B.S. videos somewhere else
Aint got shyt to do with me![]()
The Somali genes/features are difficult to see on the kid
That's why we need to promote Somalis marrying Somalis.
Our genes are fluid, we take the form of whatever we mix with
Tolow maxaa aduunka John iyo George
Timo iyo indho cad oo awoowgood Soomaali aha boodaya![]()
@nucleus Honorable Somali woman, i said i was looking for it
Why is this troll derailing the thread?? @Mods
Thread is about the British mamluks not about some insecure AA
I think this Bob Marley fellow is a self-hating Somali because he knows too much about us or he has a very unhealthy obsession with Somalis. How did he know Hafez is cadcad?