Let me go first, you are married

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The Somali genes/features are difficult to see on the kid:ohhh:
That's why we need to promote Somalis marrying Somalis.
Our genes are fluid, we take the form of whatever we mix with:francis:

Tolow maxaa aduunka John iyo George
Timo iyo indho cad oo awoowgood Soomaali aha boodaya:patrice::lolbron:

I know that plus the kids will always prefer the comfort of west countries and will never try to come back unlike full Somali kids
@Bob Marley WE WUZ KANGZ!!


Bob Marley

@nucleus You're so simple-minded btw. "Breeding out the ugly" OBVIOUSLY (to anyone with an iq over 70) meant to "breed out the black" in favor of a lighter-skinned population more closer to Italians

I'll be back with the tea later:mybusiness:
I think this Bob Marley fellow is a self-hating Somali because he knows too much about us or he has a very unhealthy obsession with Somalis. How did he know Hafez is cadcad?
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