Libyan Arabs torture Somali girl


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
Im not Habar Gidir Im Wacbuudhan Abgaal.Reer burco jump everyone 😭.I wanna go to Berbera burco has no beach :mjcry:
Ikkk your abgaal 🙏, ye reer burco are all violent niggas

Berberas nice but the drive there is a nightmare if you don't get a car to yourself 💀 no space plus messed up roads plus slow bus is jahanam. They fixed half the road tho Burco has a unique market imo


What kind of freaky shit is this?
Who beats people with pool noodles?
Libya is a dessert. TF they even got them for.

Maybe I'll be alive to see the day when North Africa is taken back from these sand coons.
I spoke with some people back home and their views about this were shocking. They said the people don't consider the torture that bad because it's a short term thing. then, their relatives will collect money for them, and they can go to europe :icon neutral:

I feel bad for them though, there aren't really a lot of jobs in somalia

