Libyan Arabs torture Somali girl

Why is there so much victim blaming? Has anyone been back home? There’s joblessness, sickness, poverty etc. I would also tahrib to help my family get out of poverty. Why do people think people pay 10K to tahrib to Libya??? Maybe from Mexico but most of those going through Africa only have the clothes on their back. Feel bad for this girl, hopefully she made it back home safe
They willingly went there knowing the danger, it’s like someone entering a fire and complaining it burns. No excuse for r- but it’s just the sad world we live in.
Bro, imagine if you were in Somalia. No jobs, no opportunity, literally hopelessness. You go online and see people with cars, shiny technology, nice homes. Living in Somalia literally makes you miss out in the world. You likely live in a first world country. It’s hypocritical how you’re telling people to stay in a 3rd world country with the worst quality of life and worst passport in the world, while you get to enjoy the luxury of first world living. I’m not going to call these guys stupid or deserve to be abused by gangs. They want the same thing we all want


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
There really aren’t. Take it from someone who’s been back home and have many cousins unemployed who also have university degrees they can’t even use. At this point they got educated for bants.

They honestly cannot find jobs, hence why I find your take laughable. Do I agree with them going Libya? Hell no, but there is something so callous and delusional about Western folks who have no clue how the lack of opportunity is terrible for the youth there and the so called jobs they don’t want to do pays like a $100 a month which hardly covers anything for a society that operates in dollars .
Yes $100 a month being a public school teacher for a young man/woman who lives with his relatives who provide bariis and baasto is better than dying at the Mediterranean or at its doorstep.

Is it a bad opportunity sure but it’s still something to build up from. Even then, it in no way justifies a fully functional 20 yr old to jumping up and going to libya and allowing moryaans to extort their poor families.

That is the point here, if you wanna gamble your life go ahead I’m rooting for them, but gambling your families house and wealth is where I draw the line. Do you want a solution to stop tahriib? Stop incentivising it. Make the government monitor unauthorised payments heading to Libya and stop them and we will see how many fools go there if any do.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Why is there so much victim blaming? Has anyone been back home? There’s joblessness, sickness, poverty etc. I would also tahrib to help my family get out of poverty. Why do people think people pay 10K to tahrib to Libya??? Maybe from Mexico but most of those going through Africa only have the clothes on their back. Feel bad for this girl, hopefully she made it back home safe
Okay fine tahriib but don’t calaacal when you get beaten so that you can extort your family. A victim is someone who is hurt by misfortune through a situation that is out of their hands. These people go there knowing what happens. It’s akin to calling someone who lights themselves up on fire as victims. If I drive at 200 kph and wrap my car around a tree, I am not a victim. I am a dead idiot.

I’ll feel sympathy for those who find themselves in a bad situation but persevere but I’ll not feel sorry for people who put themselves in a bad situation


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Bro, imagine if you were in Somalia. No jobs, no opportunity, literally hopelessness. You go online and see people with cars, shiny technology, nice homes. Living in Somalia literally makes you miss out in the world. You likely live in a first world country. It’s hypocritical how you’re telling people to stay in a 3rd world country with the worst quality of life and worst passport in the world, while you get to enjoy the luxury of first world living. I’m not going to call these guys stupid or deserve to be abused by gangs. They want the same thing we all want
Are you really going to go ahead and equate living in the west and risking death if you are lucky or human trafficking and slavery for those who aren’t?

You arent going to call them stupid for willingly letting themselves be tortured for a fake western dream?

There’s a lot of stuff we can be frivolous about but tahriib isn’t one of them. I don’t blame them for wanting the western glamour but there are no safe routes. Every single route has a death trap. Yall haven’t met people who went through tahriib and have broken minds because of the unspeakable things they seen and experienced. The more we add glamour to this shit as if they’ll even get to see those cars or that nice house if they even make it, the more we are responsible. Do you want to help? Put your money where your mouth is and send money to your young relatives so they can start a business.
Okay fine tahriib but don’t calaacal when you get beaten so that you can extort your family. A victim is someone who is hurt by misfortune through a situation that is out of their hands. These people go there knowing what happens. It’s akin to calling someone who lights themselves up on fire as victims. If I drive at 200 kph and wrap my car around a tree, I am not a victim. I am a dead idiot.

I’ll feel sympathy for those who find themselves in a bad situation but persevere but I’ll not feel sorry for people who put themselves in a bad situation
You do have a point. It’s nonsensical to even attempt to migrate through Libya in 2024. They most likely knew the risks and dangers behind it. However, what does it say that these people would risk losing organs, perpetually beaten and raped than to live in Somalia? There is a bigger issue at play here.
Are you really going to go ahead and equate living in the west and risking death if you are lucky or human trafficking and slavery for those who aren’t?

You arent going to call them stupid for willingly letting themselves be tortured for a fake western dream?

There’s a lot of stuff we can be frivolous about but tahriib isn’t one of them. I don’t blame them for wanting the western glamour but there are no safe routes. Every single route has a death trap. Yall haven’t met people who went through tahriib and have broken minds because of the unspeakable things they seen and experienced. The more we add glamour to this shit as if they’ll even get to see those cars or that nice house if they even make it, the more we are responsible. Do you want to help? Put your money where your mouth is and send money to your young relatives so they can start a business.

Why do you make it sound easy to open a business in Somalia?? First off, most of the people are faqiry. The disposable income is literally negligible. Most of the shops in Somalia are empty bc people are poor and can’t afford nothing. So “just open a business bro!” Doesn’t work. Why do you have more energy for people migrating than the gangs that abuse our people? You’re straight up giving them a pass.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
You do have a point. It’s nonsensical to even attempt to migrate through Libya in 2024. They most likely knew the risks and dangers behind it. However, what does it say that these people would risk losing organs, perpetually beaten and raped than to live in Somalia? There is a bigger issue at play here.
I’ve lived in Somalia. I had food and a place to sleep provided by my relatives. I genuinely do not know what would make someone go there except that the diaspora has glamourised the western lifestyle to the point where the gamble seems more logical. Cunts like shiine culay showing off a house or a tesla that they don’t own and could not afford acting like if you immigrate you can also get the same McMansion and the same Tesla.

Our parents came at a time where the west was more prosperous and was willing to help immigrants, we had it lucky and it allowed us to build ourselves up. That’s just not going to happen for new immigrants. They’ll most likely end up on the streets and become an addict or find a thankless job that pays just about enough for you to stay alive but not enough to build wealth or those who end up in Europe become drug addicts and alcoholics.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Why do you make it sound easy to open a business in Somalia?? First off, most of the people are faqiry. The disposable income is literally negligible. Most of the shops in Somalia are empty bc people are poor and can’t afford nothing. So “just open a business bro!” Doesn’t work. Why do you have more energy for people migrating than the gangs that abuse our people? You’re straight up giving them a pass.
I have less energy for the gangs because they are in their country and there are not a controllable variable. Yes it bad what they are doing but I can’t provide tangible solutions. I can give solutions to stop people from migrating though so better spend my energy on that.

My dad gave my uncle 10000 grand to buy a plot of land to grow lemons. He makes a relatively good amount from that supplying lemons and he used some of the money to buy a bajaj that works for him and he sold some of the plot to buy a residential land .

It’s all good and fine saying there is nothing in Somalia but we gotta help out. I remember some selfish people saying stop giving money to relatives overseas and I’ll bet it’s those same people who are surprised that those same relatives will then go to Libya to get tortured.
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I’ve lived in Somalia. I had food and a place to sleep provided by my relatives. I genuinely do not know what would make someone go there except that the diaspora has glamourised the western lifestyle to the point where the gamble seems more logical. Cunts like shiine culay showing off a house or a tesla that they don’t own and could not afford acting like if you immigrate you can also get the same McMansion and the same Tesla.

Our parents came at a time where the west was more prosperous and was willing to help immigrants, we had it lucky and it allowed us to build ourselves up. That’s just not going to happen for new immigrants. They’ll most likely end up on the streets and become an addict or find a thankless job that pays just about enough for you to stay alive but not enough to build wealth or those who end up in Europe become drug addicts and alcoholics.
Same here. You can’t rely on relatives forever. Anything can happen. Somalia has no future man. Yes the west is not growing but it’s miles ahead of Somalia. I’ve actually have met someone that has tahribed from Mexico. He has worked at warehouses and has actually made enough to buy a car, a home, get married and supply his family back home with income. He’s much happier here than in Somalia
I have less energy for the gangs because they are in their country and there are not a controllable variable. Yes it bad what they are doing but I can’t provide tangible solutions. I can give solutions to stop people from migrating though so better spend my energy on that.

My dad gave my uncle 10000 grand to buy a plot of land to grow lemons. He makes a relatively good amount from that supplying lemons and he used some of the money to buy a bajaj that works for him he sold some of the plot to buy a residential land .

It’s all good and fine saying there is nothing in Somalia but we gotta help out. I remember some selfish people saying stop giving money to relatives overseas and I’ll bet it’s those same people who are surprised that those same relatives will then go to Libya to get tortured.
I know it sucks we our powerless. You make valid points btw it’s just bad that our people especially ones that don’t have diaspora family have no way of climbing out of poverty. It’s great your dad helped your uncle, hopefully he hired people to help grow lemons


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Bro, imagine if you were in Somalia. No jobs, no opportunity, literally hopelessness. You go online and see people with cars, shiny technology, nice homes. Living in Somalia literally makes you miss out in the world. You likely live in a first world country. It’s hypocritical how you’re telling people to stay in a 3rd world country with the worst quality of life and worst passport in the world, while you get to enjoy the luxury of first world living. I’m not going to call these guys stupid or deserve to be abused by gangs. They want the same thing we all want
Ive lived in Somalia for 5 years straight and actually worked as a Grade school teacher for 200 dollars a month with no support from the West. I actually walked everyday to school. Praying five times a day in a masjid and hearing the athan was a true blessing. No stress of bills and white co workers looking down on me. I was much happier than slaving away 9-5 in the West. You have a defeatist mentality and hate your nation. I never felt happier there. I knew the reality of the West which is penultimate slavery, all that glitters aint gold bud!
Ive lived in Somalia for 5 years straight and actually worked as a Grade school teacher for 200 dollars a month with no support from the West. I actually walked everyday to school. Praying five times a day in a masjid and hearing the athan was a true blessing. No stress of bills and white co workers looking down on me. I was much happier than slaving away 9-5 in the West. You have a defeatist mentality and hate your nation. I never felt happier there. I knew the reality of the West which is penultimate slavery, all that glitters aint gold bud!

Why did you leave Somalia if it was so great?


Arabs are also beimg trafficked by Libyans criminals


Same here. You can’t rely on relatives forever. Anything can happen. Somalia has no future man. Yes the west is not growing but it’s miles ahead of Somalia. I’ve actually have met someone that has tahribed from Mexico. He has worked at warehouses and has actually made enough to buy a car, a home, get married and supply his family back home with income. He’s much happier here than in Somalia
What is Duduble ?
Owners of borm
You do have a point. It’s nonsensical to even attempt to migrate through Libya in 2024. They most likely knew the risks and dangers behind it. However, what does it say that these people would risk losing organs, perpetually beaten and raped than to live in Somalia? There is a bigger issue at play here.
Well they see some of their family members or friends who went through tahriib with little to no harm then they get incentive to do it, many Somalis are risky takers they'll do anything to get what they want
Ive lived in Somalia for 5 years straight and actually worked as a Grade school teacher for 200 dollars a month with no support from the West. I actually walked everyday to school. Praying five times a day in a masjid and hearing the athan was a true blessing. No stress of bills and white co workers looking down on me. I was much happier than slaving away 9-5 in the West. You have a defeatist mentality and hate your nation. I never felt happier there. I knew the reality of the West which is penultimate slavery, all that glitters aint gold bud!
Give up your western citizenship,you know if shit hits the fan you are out of the country and be back at the same country which gave you opportunities


Plotting world domination
Ive lived in Somalia for 5 years straight and actually worked as a Grade school teacher for 200 dollars a month with no support from the West. I actually walked everyday to school. Praying five times a day in a masjid and hearing the athan was a true blessing. No stress of bills and white co workers looking down on me. I was much happier than slaving away 9-5 in the West. You have a defeatist mentality and hate your nation. I never felt happier there. I knew the reality of the West which is penultimate slavery, all that glitters aint gold bud!

Lool @Sedderr1234 ignore this nigga tekNiko bro is some lame ass old nigga that left Canada to move to Kenya. Don't take this nigga seriously.

His opinions on the west should be ignored.


Plotting world domination
Give up your western citizenship,you know if shit hits the fan you are out of the country and be back at the same country which gave you opportunities

I honestly think tekniko is a loser.

No farah with a decent job is leaving north america to move to Kenya bro.

Bro probably flunked out of college and decided to restart in Africa.


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