lipstickalley thread on European Immigration turns into Somali Bash Thread

I’m going to keep it real with you as long as it’s not the people who control society that are sending this vitriol, I don’t think we should care. They have no power. Their hate means nothing to me. Their words have no power or value to me.

Madows are triggered by other minorities and boot lick their cadaan masters. This is a tale as old as time. When we start making money and moving up, this hate will only get worse. Then they will begin to scapegoat us.

The only time we should concern ourselves with their hate is if it starts turning into hate crimes against us. That’s when we need to take action. Otherwise, we can just ignore and focus on ourselves. Let them bark until they tire themselves out.
10000%. These bitter women and men on lipstickalley hate everyone, and i mean everyone. Now it's Somalis (though i did not read the thread since i knew that it would be very racist/xenophonic and so far posters here have said they only dropped us a couple times) but almost everyday it's about black/African American men, Nigerians, Hispanics, East Asians (especially with affirmative action in colleges), South Asians, whites, middle easterners etc.

To be fair most women there are honest on black men and the community as a whole and how they lag behind compared to others. What's funny is that that Realnikko font (the one who was mentioned as first in the screenshot at page1) is a South Sudanese woman in the US, from refugee parents who hate muslims and all immigrants and refugees and has a hate boner for us Somalis, as if South Sudanese people are not acting a fool in Australia either. Infact couple years ago there were massive protests and outrage all over Australia because South Sudanese men were committing crimes and being in gangs and Australians wanted them to GTFO.

These cadaans were even trying to blame South Sudanese gangs on Somalis (since most africans/black people in Australia are mostly Somalis and Ethiopians) and Somali-Australians had to get them correct them, and not put their crimes on our names. Funny since her people are not the highest performing African group in the US either.

It's funny how these African and Caribbean immigrants want to attack us as if they like the Jews/Chinese/Indians. Sure, they may perform better than us (and we are catching up too), but the way they act like they are sooo above us despite not even being in the highest earning ethnic groups in the top 30 kills me. They can't even compete with whites/Asians, hence why they attack us. And they act as if all of their community consist of highly educated people, but guess who makes up most of the crimes/gangs of black people in NYC? Caribbeans. Also many West Africans are poor and doing menial jobs, but they only want to put the college educated people on the spotlight.

They love hiding behind the whole 'atleast i'm christian' but even many Muslim groups like Muslim Middle Easterners, Pakistanis and Indians + Eastern Europeans are doing better than all African and Caribbean groups combined. In NYC it's West Africans, Caribbean and black Americans who are in poverty and doing minimum jobs, alongside with hispanics like dominicans and Puerto ricans.

At the end of the day, they will never be accepted in the US and they know that white people will put every other group like Latinos, East Asians, South Asian above them, even above African and Caribbean immigrants. At least the cadaans and others have some positive stuff to say about our physical beauty and aspects of our culture (not like i want their validation). We can't say the same about them, they only can get praised if they look mixed/ambiguous or East African (the compliment which they secretly love). I can give it to Caribbeans for being very influential in the entertainment industry but other than that, what else have they contributed to the US? They have been here longer than us but no one cares for them. Their countries are used by cadaans for money laundering or as resorts, with the black Caribbeans at the bottom in their own countries. You got these funny Jamaicans calling themselves a multicultural country meanwhile they are 90%+ black, because they are one of the biggest self haters. Even very few people think of South Africa as a truly multicultural country despite a still large white and Indian population, much less a country like Jamaica.

They should be more concerned with fixing their reputation instead on us.
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Caribbean and African men bullied women from their own backgrounds. Somali men never stood in the street asking people "would you date a Black girl?".

Somali men are known to treat women with respect, and never insult. I hope the African men in your community start to treat you better. :it0tdo8:
They act like it's not black men who were the ones who always said that they will never date black women in those viral Youtube videos where the presentator is asking random people on the streets which ethnicity they would never date. Funniest thing is that there was always one black guy that would say that he would never date Somali women as if they even had a chance.

They secretly know that no community wants their women to marry/date them since the chance is very high (95+) that the woman would end up as a single mother. And frankly where's the lie? 70+ of black children grow up in a fatherless household. I have seen one study that said that 90+ of biracial children grow up without their black fathers present (out of the 60+ biracials i know with black fathers, i have seen only 5 of their fathers)

They don't even get the most desirable women from other communties. It's usually the ones with very low standards, on drugs, not having a lot of options because they are considered undesirable in their own community, that they get. How many black men do you see with highly educated, rich white/middle Eastern/East Asian/South Asian women? And even if that happened, it's only because the black man is an anomaly and highly desirable himself, since other communities don't want a bum as a son-in-law and most of them are colorist and hate dark skinned people and put their mixed members of the community to hell, and only praise them if they are mixed with white.

Meanwhile you have mediocre and bum ass white, Arab guys with highly desirable women from other communities, only because of their race and facial features (autistic and bottom tier white guys with their beautiful East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian and black girlfriends).

Even their favorites aka biracial women are waking up to the fact that it's not something to be proud of when they get on a pedestal by them since the group as a whole doesn't have anything to show off for. They also feel very entitled to biracial women hence why they attack the ones who date white men and call them self haters (Doja Cat even before receipts came out about her being a racist in chats with white guys).

Black men know that they are at the bottom. Every other group is doing better than them everywhere and they always play the victim and blame the white men, black women, Chinese, white women etc. for their failure. But this is what you get when the whole community infantilizes and coddle them. Nothing is their fault: 'everyone is out there to get black men'.

They are out here blaming illegal immigrants for nog getting work, as if they were even working in the fields before them. And they are never as hard working as Mexicans on average, nor are they good providers/family men. Hispanic men may not be in colleges like white and Asian men, but no one thinks that they are lazy. Black men are the least eductated and poorest men in the US and even the minimal idea of having a job and staying out of jail is something that they can't even do right.
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10000%. These bitter women and men on lipstickalley hate everyone, and i mean everyone. Now it's Somalis (though i did not read the thread since i knew that it would be very racist/xenophonic and so far posters here have said they only dropped us a couple times) but almost everyday it's about black/African American men, Nigerians, Hispanics, East Asians (especially with affirmative action in colleges), South Asians, whites, middle easterners etc.

To be fair most women there are honest on black men and the community as a whole and how they lag behind compared to others. What's funny is that that Realnikko font (the one who was mentioned as first in the screenshot at page1) is a South Sudanese woman in the US, from refugee parents who hate muslims and all immigrants and refugees and has a hate boner for us Somalis, as if South Sudanese people are not acting a fool in Australia either. Infact couple years ago there were massive protests and outrage all over Australia because South Sudanese men were committing crimes and being in gangs and Australians wanted them to GTFO. Funny since her people are not the highest performing African group in the US either.

It's funny how these African and Caribbean immigrants want to attack us as if they like the Jews/Chinese/Indians. Sure, they may perform better than us (and we are catching up too), but the way they act like they are sooo above us despite not even being in the highest earning ethnic groups in the top 30-50 kills me. They can't even compete with whites/Asians, hence why they attack us.

They love shielding behind the whole 'atleast i'm christian' but even certain Muslim groups like Muslim Middle Easterners, Pakistanis and muslim Indians + Eastern Europeans are doing better than all African and Caribbean groups combined. In NYC it's West Africans, Caribbean and black Americans who are in poverty and doing minimum jobs, alongside with hispanics like dominicans and Puerto ricans.

At the end of the day, they will never be accepted in the US and they know that white people will put every other group like Latinos, East Asians, South Asian above them. At least the cadaans and others have some positive stuff to say about our physical beauty (not like i want their validation). We can't say the same about them, they only can get praised if they look mixed/ambiguous or East African (the compliment which they secretly love). They should be more concerned with fixing their reputation instead on us.
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This reminds me of when an article was posted on LSA about madows in MN making up 40% of DV victims and the AA’s tried to make it seem like it was a Somali issue and were making disgusting fgm comments etc. The Somali users on there stood up for themselves and other users posted the names and photos of the victims which showed it was AA women who were the ones being abused. The madows on there have serious cuqdad towards non-AA’s in general but their cuqdad towards us is something else…a mixture of resentment (the usual xenophobia + islamophobia) and jealousy (every other thread has multiple users crying about featurism/texturism etc). Here’s the DV thread:
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Yess, she's easily our biggest hater there, going all the way back to 2015-2016 (when i was still a very active poster and regularly argued with her). She hated us purely because we are muslims (she really hates muslims and wants immigration to be banned from Muslim countries) and how we are poppin in Minnesota, meanwhile nobody cares about her group. Frankly, she has made very hateful comments about every group, from middle Easterners/north Africans to white people to Hispanics to Jews to Asians to even Ethiopians (i always thought that she liked Ethiopians since she was praising them while shading us) and even West Africans (made shady comments about Nigerians).

She's a big hypocrite; a South sudanese woman whose parents were refugees and now wants immigration be banned for everyone. Hates refugees as if her people are not refugees across the world (but that does not matter in her own words since they are Christians). She also hates Dinka people, another group in South Sudan, and blames them for the country being in a failed state.

An extremely bitter woman who will never be accepted by the cadaans purely on her look and heritage alone. Funny thing is that she was engaged to some Italian guy but hates interracial marriages. Many such cases.
Yess, she's easily our biggest hater there, going all the way back to 2015-2016 (when i was still a very active poster and regularly argued with her). She hated us purely because we are muslims (she really hates muslims and wants immigration to be banned from Muslim countries) and how we are poppin in Minnesota, meanwhile nobody cares about her group. Frankly, she has made very hateful comments about every group, from middle Easterners/north Africans to white people to Hispanics to Jews to Asians to even Ethiopians (i always thought that she liked Ethiopians since she was praising them while shading us) and even West Africans (made shady comments about Nigerians).

She's a big hypocrite; a South sudanese woman whose parents were refugees and now wants immigration be banned for everyone. Hates refugees as if her people are not refugees across the world (but that does not matter in her own words since they are Christians). She also hates Dinka people, another group in South Sudan, and blames them for the country being in a failed state.

An extremely bitter woman who will never be accepted by the cadaans purely on her look and heritage alone. Funny thing is that she was engaged to some Italian guy but hates interracial marriages. Many such cases.
I remember her post making fun of dinka’s only for another south sudani user to say that nikki’s ethnic group sold other south sudani’s into slavery and helped the Arabs. She didn’t respond and fled the thread lol. Like the rest of the sly fonts on there she will laugh at west africans making fun of AA’s but then will also laugh at comments by AA’s making fun of west africans looks yet still find time to call us antiblack. I don’t take comments about our supposed racism/antiblackness from any font on there seriously because you’ll go through their post history and see them being extremely hateful towards another ethnic group and their blackness. The funniest fonts are the ones who want to divest and spend their days dreaming of caadan men and calling their own madow men all types of slurs all whilst pretending to care about us being ‘antiblack’ lol.
I remember her post making fun of dinka’s only for another south sudani user to say that nikki’s ethnic group sold other south sudani’s into slavery and helped the Arabs. She didn’t respond and fled the thread lol. Like the rest of the sly fonts on there she will laugh at west africans making fun of AA’s but then will also laugh at comments by AA’s making fun of west africans looks yet still find time to call us antiblack. I don’t take comments about our supposed racism/antiblackness from any font on there seriously because you’ll go through their post history and see them being extremely hateful towards another ethnic group and their blackness. The funniest fonts are the ones who want to divest and spend their days dreaming of caadan men and calling their own madow men all types of slurs all whilst pretending to care about us being ‘antiblack’ lol.
Oh wow, i didn't know that but then again i decided to take a break years ago and only read the threads there maybe 4 times a year. It's not even that great anymore; no tea being spilled, the same tired diaspora and gender wars, xenophobic threads (mostly about Hispanics), threads about white people (very obsessed with them while claiming otherwise. White gossip forums are barely talking about them), the same tired biracial threads and who's black and who's not.

That's how most of the people there are too, especially other African and Caribbean posters; laughing and attacking us for being self haters/criminals, but when the spotlight is on them, they want to call the admin for backup. Ultimately i don't care what they say about us because let's be real: as a whole, not one black community is doing great and better than non black people. Sure, Nigerians for example may be the most educated group in the US but notice how they are represented in most industries vs other groups like Jews, Chinese or Indians? They barely matter and their Ivy degrees don't take them to CEOs positions or elsewhere. Where are they in business? Politics? Even in high positions in the medical industry, are all spots taken by white and non black people.


summer break 7/1-?

They act like it's not black men who were the ones who always said that they will never date black women in those viral Youtube videos where the presentator is asking random people on the streets which ethnicity they would never date. Funniest thing is that there was always one black guy that would say that he would never date Somali women as if they even had a chance.

They secretly know that no community wants their women to marry/date them since the chance is very high (95+) that the woman would end up as a single mother. And frankly where's the lie? 70+ of black children grow up in a fatherless household. I have seen one study that said that 90+ of biracial children grow up without their black fathers present (out of the 60+ biracials i know with black fathers, i have seen only 5 of their fathers)

LMAO here in America they won’t stop making moves on me. They’re literally OBSESSED with East African women. They’ll go after any women that isn’t a reflection of themselves. They hate the image of themselves so much. The cadaans buck broke them and destroyed their psyche.

We are their forbidden fruit. They literally create content or write comments online that Somalis are anti-black because we aren’t open to dating them. The thirst they have for us is disgusting because it’s wrapped up in hatred and envy. They hate that we don’t want to date them. That’s why they accuse us of being virulent racists. They run through other East Africans easily because they’re gaals but we are the hardest to get with because our women are by and largely muslim who only consider muslim men. These men were never an option to muslim women. And when we date out we never go for them, we go for cadaan men or muslim African/Arab men 😂 sucks to suck. Why in the hell would we ever look in their direction like be fr.

I had one literally fawning over my features and tried to contribute it to Arab/Italian blood. I had to set the record straight immediately and tell him he was so wrong, this was pure Cush. Any time these men make moves to East Africans, they fetishize!! They can’t be normal. They have to remind you how much they hate themselves.

I swore to my grave I would never date a single man from this community. Wallahi I’d sooner date a fob from Africa that I can’t connect with before I ever consider these men. Yuck.
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Also their smell. Many would accuse them of smelling like fish and having 'weird' names and traditional clothes (which is since then appreciated). Franky, dominicans and Puerto ricans are such a joke; they are only put on a pedestal by black people and more so by black men for being 'light skin with good hair'. Meanwhile other Hispanics see them as a joke, with the community being overrepresented in crimes (all those gangs) and still being poor and barely making any moves in social mobility.

It's always funny many of them hate being seen as Mexicans as if Mexicans are not hard working people with great food, something which they aren't and don't have (ever eaten their food? Wallahi, very basic with no flavors. I have since then discovered that only Mexican and Peruvian food are the flavourful cuisines in Latin America after visiting the region. No spices are being used, the same tired beans with rice almost every day.).

These Caribbean are such a joke; barely matter in the US except for in the entertainment industry. But other than that what have they to show for? Notice how even the richest ones in the US are not even black but Indian/Lebanese/Chinese or white Jamaicans?

They were the largest immigrant groups in the UK after the world war but South Asians and African have destroyed them in schools/education, business, lower crimes etc. Only thing that they have succeeded is procreating with white people (always the working class ones, never rich or even middle class) to the point that there are more biracial Caribbeans in the US than black ones.
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LMAO here in America they won’t stop making moves on me. They’re literally OBSESSED with East African women. They’ll go after any women that isn’t a reflection of themselves. They hate the image of themselves so much. The cadaans buck broke them and destroyed their psyche.

We are their forbidden fruit. They literally create content or write comments online that Somalis are anti-black because we aren’t open to dating them. The thirst they have for us is disgusting because it’s wrapped up in hatred and envy. They hate that we don’t want to date them. That’s why they accuse us of being virulent racists. They run through other East Africans easily because they’re gaals but we are the hardest to get with because our women are by and largely muslim who only consider muslim men. These men were never an option to muslim women. And when we date out we never go for them, we go for cadaan men or muslim African/Arab men 😂 sucks to suck. Why in the hell would we ever look in their direction like be fr.

I had one literally fawning over my features and tried to contribute it to Arab/Italian blood. I had to set the record straight immediately and tell him he was so wrong, this was pure Cush. Any time these men make moves to East Africans, they fetishize!! They can’t be normal. They have to remind you how much they hate themselves.

I swore to my grave I would never date a single man from this community. Wallahi I’d sooner date a fob from Africa that I can’t connect with before I ever consider these men. Yuck.
Their new move is converting to Islam to marry Muslim women and having multiple wives. Notice how many are felons (not saying that they don't deserve a second chance)? Why should Somali or other Muslim women deal with these low standards for a man? Let's be real no family would be happy with this relationship.

Many black women have caught on to this trend to the point that someone even made a thread on Liostickalley on how many black men in the UK were converting to Islam only for them to marry Pakistani/Albanian/Arab/Somali women, and not because they were generally interested in the religion. Many posters shared their personal stories of the men in their lives going that far for non black women to please their families.


summer break 7/1-?
Their new move is converting to Islam to marry Muslim women and having multiple wives. Notice how many are felons (not saying that they don't deserve a second chance)? Why should Somali or other Muslim women deal with these low standards for a man? Let's be real no family would be happy with this relationship.

Many black women have caught on to this trend to the point that someone even made a thread on Liostickalley on how many black men in the UK were converting to Islam only for them to marry Pakistani/Albanian/Arab/Somali women, and not because they were generally interested in the religion. Many posters shared their personal stories of the men in their lives going that far for non black women to please their families.





This is how they think about us. They’re WEIRDOS. Gee, I wonder why we don’t want to date you? They don’t date for love, they date to soothe their ego and to relish in their fetishes. They can’t even compliment other women without disrespecting their own women lmao.

I’m starting to think the real reason they HATE muslim communities is because muslim families gatekeep their daughters more than other communities. Madow men go after ajanabi women to validate themselves and then they lash out when they’re denied access to their women. Their self esteem rests on having endless access to foreign women.

Sickening. If they really are converting like you say then I hope no self respecting muslim woman is dumb enough to fall for their tricks. They’re disgusting for trying to take advantage of chaste, modest women.

They need to leave us the f*ck alone.
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LMAO here in America they won’t stop making moves on me. They’re literally OBSESSED with East African women. They’ll go after any women that isn’t a reflection of themselves. They hate the image of themselves so much. The cadaans buck broke them and destroyed their psyche.

We are their forbidden fruit. They literally create content or write comments online that Somalis are anti-black because we aren’t open to dating them. The thirst they have for us is disgusting because it’s wrapped up in hatred and envy. They hate that we don’t want to date them. That’s why they accuse us of being virulent racists. They run through other East Africans easily because they’re gaals but we are the hardest to get with because our women are by and largely muslim who only consider muslim men. These men were never an option to muslim women. And when we date out we never go for them, we go for cadaan men or muslim African/Arab men 😂 sucks to suck. Why in the hell would we ever look in their direction like be fr.

I had one literally fawning over my features and tried to contribute it to Arab/Italian blood. I had to set the record straight immediately and tell him he was so wrong, this was pure Cush. Any time these men make moves to East Africans, they fetishize!! They can’t be normal. They have to remind you how much they hate themselves.

I swore to my grave I would never date a single man from this community. Wallahi I’d sooner date a fob from Africa that I can’t connect with before I ever consider these men. Yuck.
I don’t come across Afro American men irl bc I live in Canada Alhamdullilah but the Caribbean men here act very similar. They trash their own women’s features and try to get with a white woman, light skin mixed woman or East African woman. They sometimes get with Habesha women (the th*ts though not the self respecting church going girls) but never Somalis and they haaate that lmao. They can look but they’ll never touch.

Whenever a gaal madow man tries to come chat to me I’m quick to shut it down with “I’m taken” even though I’m not lol cause ew, I could never consider them. I have no respect for people that hate their own women and their own features. Plus I’m not about to be anybody’s fetish
They’re in that thread insulting our looks and ethnic features and they do that all the time.

Hold hold on, so a minority of somali men do something of which others madhow also do, and they blame us all. You then come to their defense.

But when Somalis call these b*tches out, you want to be like “it’s a minority”.

These women don’t like you. They are always talking slick about us. They would shit talk us more but then they’d be letting their inferiority complexes show. They are comfortable insulting how somali men look as though somali women don’t look the same. They’re comfortable coming for faraxs because they can hide behind “patriarchy” “they’re men” etc as well as their hate for Islam and seeing us as victims of “ a misogynistic culture and religion”

Don’t make me go any further than I have to dhocilyahay. You’re sheegato until further notice.
Anti-racism for them xenophobia for others.
Because you’re trying that divide and conquer BS trying to throw your counterparts under the bus like they don’t hate your ass too. I see what you are trying to do.

It’s not a small minority. It’s the majority who feel this way. They can’t ever speak on East African women without tearing us apart for fitting into eurocentric beauty standards.

You got too comfortable with these women, now you think they care about your best interests. Well I am here to remind you they don’t. They don’t identify with you or see you as a representation of themselves. And they never will.
Men and women aren’t viewed or treated the same. But you obviously knew that.

The reason they dislike Somali/horner men has nothing to do with their dislike for Somali/horner women.

Sure, they are neutral (at best) but at their worst they can’t stand that East African women are afforded more in desirability. There’s a segment of madow women that absolutely hates that East African women are placed on pedestals.

There would be viral posts on twitter about this too. I could pull posts up.

I have no interest in allying with anyone who gets butthurt about society perceiving my people as beautiful. They can cry all they want about “eurocentric beauty” but we know the truth.

I remember watching this video, amazed by this Somali girl's beauty. Vast majority of the comments seemed to agree with my thoughts, till I came across this.... Peep the third reply to this comment 🙄 literally unprovoked

Screen Shot 2023-06-16 at 10.09.52 am.png

The envy is truly palpable


summer break 7/1-?

I remember watching this video, amazed by this Somali girl's beauty. Vast majority of the comments seemed to agree with my thoughts, till I came across this.... Peep the third reply to this comment 🙄 literally unprovoked

View attachment 279290

The envy is truly palpable

It’s only madow b*tches that say these things unprovoked btw. They want to humble women that occupy a higher place on the totem pole. This is very natural behavior for them.

They will say this in one breath then in the next cry that East African women are seen as more desirable than they are by madow and non-madow people alike. They cry that we are favored in the modeling/fashion industry. They cry when we are seen as modest, beautiful women by men.

They even gush with joy when someone compares them to East African women.

The only thing western m*dows have over us right now is some capital. Once we touch a little bit of money in the west, it’s over for them. We will be the next face of desirable blacks next to the multiracials they cry about constantly. I cannot wait until we solidify our place in the west. 😁

Also it’s so funny how they come for qualities that they just so happen to share with East Africans. Do they think we don’t have access to google and we can’t see their average features? Big foreheads are one of the universal traits among Africans/blacks.

As for teeth, nothing a little money can’t fix.
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summer break 7/1-?
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It’s half race science because they are over-analyzing the differences in our bone structures. Fun fact: orthodontists can tell the differences between ethnicities through teeth. Most people aren’t aware that dental structure is just one of many ethnic identifiers.

And half the reason is because our people are very poor and lack access to dental care and health care. Ajanabis have been bombarded with images of Barkhad Abdi and the like.

Since we are on the topic of Barkhad again, gosh darn it I feel so bad for him. His facial structure is so fucked because of his early life. It imbalanced his overall profile and without a prominent jaw to provide harmony, his forehead/bidaar is the first thing your eyes are drawn to. And just in general, his appearance looks visibly unhealthy presumably due to his harsh upbringing.

He was in survival mode so I don’t want to insult the man.

He has Hollywood dollars. I wonder why he hasn’t gotten his jaw/teeth fixed? He still got married to a qalanjo maybe that’s why he doesn’t care.
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