lipstickalley thread on European Immigration turns into Somali Bash Thread

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
They’re comfortable coming for faraxs because they can hide behind “patriarchy” “they’re men” etc as well as their hate for Islam and seeing us as victims of “ a misogynistic culture and religion”
I've always thought they hate the fact we make modesty one of the biggest parts of our life. We're not on TikTok twerking for millions of people and yet Somali women are still seen as some of the most desirable women for marriage and looks in the world.
Sometimes I feel it's illegal to be this landheere.
The Blessed Somali Race.
not really rhey have beef with nigerians and distance from their africaness
There is layers to all beefs. For example Different arab groups may have beef with each other but without a doubt if mathows go in the mix they would both turn on the mathow because that is simply bigger beef with a worse foe. It's the same story between them and when we come into the picture because they don't view us as one of them.
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Erm, I’m a bit older so I remember growing up in the 2000s in the UK with some of the madows saying Somalis are ugly unprovoked and cracking Somali jokes for no reason. This is before twitter days and instagram days before Somali boys started trolling.

It’s important us older lot to remind you youngesters how it was like and how it was well before the trolling which I do have an issue with and believe has exasperated the situation, but nonetheless the hatred and bulling was well before any of this.

Most people here know I hate Somali trolls but they started all of this and I remember the constant put downs of Somalis.
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Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
Lipstickalley is a majority AA women forum. AA women are unfortunately usually nasty, bitter, rude and mean-spirited. Some Africans are sadly like them.


@yazmin you need to chill you don't know what your talking about somalis never started any of this it was one sided hate for a long time.

You can go on the ecoli and lipstick alley and you'll find many hate threads on somalis that date back well before twitter/tiktok somali trolls where even a thing and all of them are unprovoked hate.

There is a reason why these tiktok somalis came about in the first place

Plus who care about what they think about us just don't be a coon there opinions on us are irrelevant

i didn't understand shit he said :dead:


summer break 7/1-?
Lipstickalley is a majority AA women forum. AA women are unfortunately usually nasty, bitter, rude and mean-spirited. Some Africans are sadly like them.

That’s why I giggle when their men desecrate their image and leave them for cadaan/foreign women. They’re the only women in the world that have to worry about that while other communities value their image and community. They can hold that L. 💀

The current generation is b*tch made and an embarrassment to the strong people their ancestors were.
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Stop reacting to the words of people who don’t even respect themselves. Why should we care about the respect they have for us? Lmao. Like be fr.
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There is nothing sad about it because they identify and see the mathows that we do have beef with as there origin point. They see these groups as extentions of themselves.
not true. Sophisticated Black Americans know who doesn't like them.

Caribbeans attacking Black Americans
not true. Sophisticated Black Americans know who doesn't like them.

Caribbeans attacking Black Americans
It goes both ways for them I never elaborated on it I just kept it general and when it comes to somalis vs West Africans they automatically side with them over us. We are a common ground to face for them because we are way more different then they are between each other. Just like my arab example.

Plus Caribbean are literally African american genetically. they share the same history of slavery just different location.
It goes both ways for them I never elaborated on it I just kept it general and when it comes to somalis vs West Africans they automatically side with them over us. We are a common ground to face for them because we are way more different then they are between each other. Just like my arab example.

Plus Caribbean are literally African american genetically. they share the same history of slavery just different location.
Saying Caribbeans and AAs are different is like saying somalis in the uk are different to somalis in the us. We may have some different cultural influences and accents but we are still the same people so any arguments about being different between Caribbeans and African Americans is one big joke genetically speaking
It goes both ways for them I never elaborated on it I just kept it general and when it comes to somalis vs West Africans they automatically side with them over us. We are a common ground to face for them because we are way more different then they are between each other. Just like my arab example.

Plus Caribbean are literally African american genetically. they share the same history of slavery just different location.
Americans are a sophisticated group. They're not tribal bigots and white-adjacent xenophobes.

It's culture not "genes"
Americans are a sophisticated group. They're not tribal bigots and white-adjacent xenophobes.
They are tribal tho
both white and black americans are extremely tribal. Any group that tries to be insular or identify with there own nationality/ethnicity gets demonised by both sides and is treated as an out group that need to be tamed and accept the colour identity they place on them. For example the cadaans demonised the Irish/germans/italians etc until these groups conformed to the cadaan label and became gentrified.
The mathows do it aswell. If you conform under them and taken on there identity which was given to them by cadaans they will be cool with you if not you get what somalis are getting from them at the moment. The difference between cadaan and mathow is the cadaan actually have power while the mathow don't so its not as forced and effective as the cadaan who did full on propaganda to get people to be cadaan.
The mathow are very xenophobic they are the ones who push for this and created the zamint movement.

It's not taken seriously because they have no power to enforce it but we have heard many who hold extremely tribalistic hotep/afro centric views in the mainstream.