Long live opposition waddani party.

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They got chased from the entire Sanaag plus cleansed from large parts of Xudun district. It doesn't get big from that. Now Naleye Ahmed know the consequences of picking fights with SY it means they will
lose land + hundreds of people. :cool:
None of that shit happened nalaye Ahmed had a meeting with hj 9 miles east of dararweyn in 92:comeon:
I'm from xudun district so idk who the f*ck your lying to my folks were grazing few miles southeast of xudun back than with nobody touching them:comeon:


None of that shit happened nalaye Ahmed had a meeting with hj 9 miles east of dararweyn in 92:comeon:
I'm from xudun district so idk who the f*ck your lying to my folks were grazing few miles southeast of xudun back than with nobody touching them:comeon:

That was much later. Naleye Ahmed civilians never came back to Sanaag fully. It was only
after the Dararweyne conference in 1993 between the eastern HY and the Dhulos that they
came back. I can't say I blame Naleye Ahmed for being scared. I mean some of the stuff the
SY and Gadhweyn militia got up to was out of this world.


Another big time Dhulo killer was Talaabo. The competition of who was the best Dhulo killer was between Libaaxe (SY) and Talaabo (Gadhweyn).

That was much later. Naleye Ahmed civilians never came back to Sanaag fully. It was only
after the Dararweyne conference in 1993 between the eastern HY and the Dhulos that they
came back. I can't say I blame Naleye Ahmed for being scared. I mean some of the stuff the
SY and Gadhweyn militia got up to was out of this world.


Another big time Dhulo killer was Talaabo. The competition of who was the best Dhulo killer was between Libaaxo (SY) and Talaabo (Gadhweyn).

Do you have reading comprehension I already posted the conference date
It was June 1992:kodaksmiley:
How many of your kind did nalaye Ahmed killed in a single day in erigabo:russ:
Nalaye Ahmed killed more of your kind in a single day then you ever have combined today:russ:
How does some one who
Nalaye Ahmed killed 200 of in a day :deadrose:
sat on your village for 3 years :deadrose:
won the last fight in sanaag:deadrose:
You keeping bragging about killing unarmed herders :deadrose:


@Starscream yet Dhulos were not even safe in Xudun nevermind Sanaag.


"SNM militia based in Kulmiye in Sanaag, attacked Dhulbahante civilians in Dararweyne, Hudun and Sanirgood. Dhulbahante civilians were captured and some were killed in custody, which caused long-standing grievances among the Dhulbahante"

Based in Kulmiye yet molested you all the way in Xudun (over 177 km)

Hats off to Mudane Talaabo Edward Longshanks.There is nowhere to hide from him. :russ:

Run Dhulo, run. :pachah1::mjlol:



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Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness

I remember the last time some delusional NA from Fiqifuliye misbehaved they were put down rather immediately by HY bari army and captured one by one lol



I remember the last time some delusional NA from Fiqifuliye misbehaved they were put down rather immediately by HY bari army and captured one by one lol

After the police chief of Fiqi Fuliye village was smoked Lol. However Gadhweyn are calmer
than SY usually. If it was SY we would have killed hundreds of them in a single day like in Qoorotag. We don't tolerate badane bullshit.

@Starscream yet Dhulos were not even safe in Xudun nevermind Sanaag.


"SNM militia based in Kulmiye in Sanaag, attacked Dhulbahante civilians in Dararweyne, Hudun and Sanirgood. Dhulbahante civilians were captured and some were killed in custody, which caused long-standing grievances among the Dhulbahante"

Based in Kulmiye yet molested you all the way in Xudun (over 177 km)
View attachment 44623

Hats off to Mudane Talaabo Edward Longshanks.There is nowhere to hide from him. :russ:

Run Dhulo, run. :pachah1::mjlol:

So far since the 80s
Nalaye Ahmed
Captured bohol(sat on it for 3 years)
Killed 200 in erigabo
Currently live in your former villages from the 80s
Beat your kind in the only significant fight.:heh:
Your a small worm who's nothing in xudun district:pachah1:


So far since the 80s
Nalaye Ahmed
Captured bohol(sat on it for 3 years)
Killed 200 in erigabo
Currently live in your former villages from the 80s
Beat your kind in the only significant fight.:heh:
Your a small worm who's nothing in xudun district:pachah1:

"Jiidali had long been a Dhulbahante town, but the Habar Yoonis had occupied the area after the Dhulbahante retreat to Sool following the Damalahagare conflict. For this reason, the Dhulbahante were offended when the town was selected as the venue for the meeting and subsequently held a grudge against the Warsangeli for agreeing to meet."

Like I said run Dhulo, run :pachah1:

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