LoveandLight Writes Again!

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LoveandLight the Liberator
And So, Love Vowed to Strive to Protect Children!

Dear Somali people,

Peace to you all. And may God grant peace and prosperity to our motherland! Aamiin.

This post is to let the Somali people know that I, LoveandLight the Liberator, Commander of the Order of the Million Dancing Suns, Legendary Hero of the Somali People, Defender of Women and Children have been permanently banned from Somali Net Forums, where I had been advocating for the protection of children (both genders), especially babies from Torture and Genital Mutilation for almost a year and a half. For those of you who don't know me, I also go by other names, including: Love, Light, Laughter, LoveandLightandLaughter, Peace, Rose, LaL, LaL Sunflower, Sunlight, Sunny, River, Serenity, Doctor Light, Professor LoveandLight, Master Light, Master Healer LoveandLight, Love A. Light, L. A. Light, and many, many others.

It is with deep sadness that I report that I have been unable to access my account for more than two months in order to continue informing the Somali people by updating my four threads, replying to comments [ SimplySerene, peace be with you. I did not ignore your post on my MGM (Male Genital Mutilation) thread ], or reading my private messages.

Those who banned me did a great disservice to the Somali people. This VITAL information will not remain hidden!

What is strange is that before I was permanently banned from Somali Net Forums, I reported to the moderators a user who sent me (and apparently many other people) a private message containing gay . The next time I tried to sign in, I encountered a notice saying that I was permanently banned; reason: troll. I thought to myself, could the two incidents be related?

I sent two emails to the administrators and moderators asking for an explanation. There was no reply. During my time on that website, I believe I was one of the most hated members on those forums for informing the Somali people. I knew that I could be banned for speaking the truth. That is why I mainly posted on my four threads advocating for the protection of women and children, especially babies. I received no warning before being permanently banned. In fact, I never once received a warning from an administrator or moderator. I worked tirelessly to inform the Somali people. Most of my posts were about helping the Somali people (on different topics, not about circumcision only). I am grateful for the opportunity that God gave me to reach a wide audience. To their credit, the moderators and adminstrators at Somali Net Forums tolerated my posts on Male Genital Mutilation and the Torture of Children, Especially Babies for almost a year and a half. I am thankful for that.

I have decided to join Somali Spot to try to continue enlightening the Somali people. I am motivated by a burning desire to protect women and children, and love for my people and motherland. I think people have a right to know this information. Debate is healthy. Being open to different ideas might Save Children from Torture and Possible Death! Open Your Heart. Free Your Mind!!

I know that genital mutilation of children is a controversial topic. Some people believe that it is a religious duty to mutilate children, especially boys. I do not wish to offend anyone's sensibilities or to hurt people. But alas, I know the information I provide will cause some people anguish.

My mission is to provide vital information to the Somali people. I hope to reach the young people. The Somali people desperately need to try and get out of the hell that they have created for themselves. Ignorance is worse than evil, in some cases.

Why would a mother torture her baby?! She might not see it as torture. She might have experienced an INHUMANITY. She might tell herself that Allah commanded it (there is no mention of circumcision of either gender in The Holy Quran!), or it is beneficial for the baby, or it is part of our culture, or he won't remember, anyway, etc. She might tell herself these things to allay her maternal instinct.

I strongly believe that the Genital Mutilation of children [ whether given anesthesia or not (that is to say that they are TORTURED!) ] is the Single Greatest Cause of the suffering of the Somali people, wherever they may be in the world. This calamity, in my opinion, is worse than the effects of colonialism, foreign interference, clan wars, and terrorism combined have on our motherland!! This barbaric ritual has a wide reaching effect on society. I believe it damages the brain of the child, and it causes impaired sexual development! So you see, the entire Somali race has been brain damaged! Once you understand this, you will not be shocked by what is happening to the Somali people. Cause and Effect; It is as simple as that! The horrific torture and mutilation of female and male children has a cosmic effect on the Somali people! PLEASE Protect Your Children! Save Your Babies From a Calamity Worse Than Death!!! You Have Been WARNED!!!

I put my heart and soul into these four threads:

Note: I am unable to post links because Somali Net (all one word) is being shortened to somnet.

MGM (Male Genital Mutilation)
is posted in General Discussions.

The following three threads are posted in the Somali Women's Forum - General Discussions.

Infant Genital Mutilation

Bioethics in Fetal and Infant Surgery
Female Genital Mutilation

Would a kind soul bump the above threads at Somali Net Forums so that guests and new members might be able to see this vital information? Also, would a kind soul copy and paste this post on my MGM (Male Genital Mutilation) thread on Somali Net Forums so that the people will know that I haven't stopped updating my threads. If I am allowed back to Somali Net Forums, I will continue my vital advocacy work!

May Allah Help the Somali people! Aamiin.

PLEASE Protect Your Female and Male Children!


I wish to help to protect children, especially babies from torture and genital mutilation.
Inform yourself!

Sxb, do you know how many people in Somalia die due to starvation, qabiil war, droughts, toxic dumps, and your devoting your time to end M/FGM. I think your cause is a waste of time, and no one will show any interest. Mutilation of men reduces sexual desires, prevents stimulation, prevents spasms, and as Muslims who pray 5 times a day, we need to ensure we are clear of urine.


LoveandLight the Liberator
You won't be silenced on SS.

Thank you very much. I think having debates without being in fear is healthy, so long as people are not attacking others, but are attempting to agree with or refute a position.

I believe the information I will provide to the Somali Spot community, and that I have provided at Somali Net Forums for close to a year and a half is of vital importance to the Somali people. It is with great urgency that I continue my advocacy work!

Young People, Protect Your Children!

Can there be lasting peace in our motherland when virtually all children are tortured and mutilated?

I strongly believe that most Somali people have been brain damaged, and have suffered psychological devastation. I am not, then, surprised by the calamities plaguing the Somali people wherever they may be in the world.

Are the Somali people cursed? Is God punishing the Somali people?

Hold Your Children Tight.
And So, Love Vowed to Strive to Protect Children!

Dear Somali people,

Peace to you all. And may God grant peace and prosperity to our motherland! Aamiin.

This post is to let the Somali people know that I, LoveandLight the Liberator, Commander of the Order of the Million Dancing Suns, Legendary Hero of the Somali People, Defender of Women and Children have been permanently banned from Somali Net Forums, where I had been advocating for the protection of children (both genders), especially babies from Torture and Genital Mutilation for almost a year and a half. For those of you who don't know me, I also go by other names, including: Love, Light, Laughter, LoveandLightandLaughter, Peace, Rose, LaL, LaL Sunflower, Sunlight, Sunny, River, Serenity, Doctor Light, Professor LoveandLight, Master Light, Master Healer LoveandLight, Love A. Light, L. A. Light, and many, many others.

It is with deep sadness that I report that I have been unable to access my account for more than two months in order to continue informing the Somali people by updating my four threads, replying to comments [ SimplySerene, peace be with you. I did not ignore your post on my MGM (Male Genital Mutilation) thread ], or reading my private messages.

Those who banned me did a great disservice to the Somali people. This VITAL information will not remain hidden!

What is strange is that before I was permanently banned from Somali Net Forums, I reported to the moderators a user who sent me (and apparently many other people) a private message containing gay . The next time I tried to sign in, I encountered a notice saying that I was permanently banned; reason: troll. I thought to myself, could the two incidents be related?

I sent two emails to the administrators and moderators asking for an explanation. There was no reply. During my time on that website, I believe I was one of the most hated members on those forums for informing the Somali people. I knew that I could be banned for speaking the truth. That is why I mainly posted on my four threads advocating for the protection of women and children, especially babies. I received no warning before being permanently banned. In fact, I never once received a warning from an administrator or moderator. I worked tirelessly to inform the Somali people. Most of my posts were about helping the Somali people (on different topics, not about circumcision only). I am grateful for the opportunity that God gave me to reach a wide audience. To their credit, the moderators and adminstrators at Somali Net Forums tolerated my posts on Male Genital Mutilation and the Torture of Children, Especially Babies for almost a year and a half. I am thankful for that.

I have decided to join Somali Spot to try to continue enlightening the Somali people. I am motivated by a burning desire to protect women and children, and love for my people and motherland. I think people have a right to know this information. Debate is healthy. Being open to different ideas might Save Children from Torture and Possible Death! Open Your Heart. Free Your Mind!!

I know that genital mutilation of children is a controversial topic. Some people believe that it is a religious duty to mutilate children, especially boys. I do not wish to offend anyone's sensibilities or to hurt people. But alas, I know the information I provide will cause some people anguish.

My mission is to provide vital information to the Somali people. I hope to reach the young people. The Somali people desperately need to try and get out of the hell that they have created for themselves. Ignorance is worse than evil, in some cases.

Why would a mother torture her baby?! She might not see it as torture. She might have experienced an INHUMANITY. She might tell herself that Allah commanded it (there is no mention of circumcision of either gender in The Holy Quran!), or it is beneficial for the baby, or it is part of our culture, or he won't remember, anyway, etc. She might tell herself these things to allay her maternal instinct.

I strongly believe that the Genital Mutilation of children [ whether given anesthesia or not (that is to say that they are TORTURED!) ] is the Single Greatest Cause of the suffering of the Somali people, wherever they may be in the world. This calamity, in my opinion, is worse than the effects of colonialism, foreign interference, clan wars, and terrorism combined have on our motherland!! This barbaric ritual has a wide reaching effect on society. I believe it damages the brain of the child, and it causes impaired sexual development! So you see, the entire Somali race has been brain damaged! Once you understand this, you will not be shocked by what is happening to the Somali people. Cause and Effect; It is as simple as that! The horrific torture and mutilation of female and male children has a cosmic effect on the Somali people! PLEASE Protect Your Children! Save Your Babies From a Calamity Worse Than Death!!! You Have Been WARNED!!!

I put my heart and soul into these four threads:

Note: I am unable to post links because Somali Net (all one word) is being shortened to somnet.

MGM (Male Genital Mutilation)
is posted in General Discussions.

The following three threads are posted in the Somali Women's Forum - General Discussions.

Infant Genital Mutilation

Bioethics in Fetal and Infant Surgery
Female Genital Mutilation

Would a kind soul bump the above threads at Somali Net Forums so that guests and new members might be able to see this vital information? Also, would a kind soul copy and paste this post on my MGM (Male Genital Mutilation) thread on Somali Net Forums so that the people will know that I haven't stopped updating my threads. If I am allowed back to Somali Net Forums, I will continue my vital advocacy work!

May Allah Help the Somali people! Aamiin.

PLEASE Protect Your Female and Male Children!



You wrote all this? what a weirdo.
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