LoveandLight Writes Again!

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Queen of the light
@Geeljire cool story

y cant u just say gudniinka fircooniga as practised in somalia is senseless nd should be stopped

look at the pic i posted earlier nd tell me that can b defended nd shouldnt b fought against

u think u can insult anti fgm activists actually fighting for young girls w/ no agency while all u do is yap on the internet:what1:
I do not agree with the World Health Organisation classification of the 4 phases of FGM e.g. infubulation or excision etc. These practices are barbaric however Geeljire has just a reaveled a new gateway where some women are not as badly affected as they media proclaims. These women are in fact living positively with their condition
@Geeljire cool story

y cant u just say gudniinka fircooniga as practised in somalia is senseless nd should be stopped

look at the pic i posted earlier nd tell me that can b defended nd shouldnt b fought against

u think u can insult anti fgm activists actually fighting for young girls w/ no agency while all u do is yap on the internet:what1:

I have my opinion( which is i dont think it should be done) and if people feel they disagree or agree with it i have no issue with that either. So i am not neutral, i only stated that because my posts was never about the ''Act'' of female circumcision but the ''Activism'' around it, didn't want people to get sidetracked by it.

Let me clarify what i mean by ''Culturally relative'',
Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual person's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture.

Cultural relativism assumes that the practices within a specific culture have been created through agency and therefore have a relevance and value that outsiders must be sensitive to when hurling critique. The Western anthropologist has done a lot of misdiagnoses and created paradigms of primitive and advanced based on cultural bias. However cultural relativity does not give legitimacy to something that is harmful, regressive, inuseful practices just because it is relevant to a specific culture.

I am not one that romanticizes my culture, like i have stated i do not think that is Somali is by default better. I consider alot of things that need to be changed but difference i dont look at it from a detractors bigoted narrow minded point of view, but from a constructive critical holistic point of view. Without a holistic look at the dynamic Somali society there is a risk of mis-diagnosing and re-stereotyping Somali culture.

The only problem i have is with the campaign and its not just me. It has done more harm than good. It is pushing myths and misinfo,it is stigmatizing communities, it is creating exclusive distinctions based on race,social status,sex,etc. Invading girls privacy and shitting on their dignity isnt going to any good.

For what good will this witch hunt bring? its already illegal in Somalia? The only thing it will do is drive the practice underground. Name calling and prosecuting is insensitive/deragatory.

Examples :
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closer to god we africans
ure indifferent to whether or not senseless suffering is ended:what1:

its illegal in somalia but all my female cousins r having it done:what1:

wallahi ure cold blooded
''When everything you said just flies over someones head''


LoveandLight the Liberator
I am working on a long reply to Zak Jingo's post. How come no one even mentioned the TORTURE of children, including babies?! Nothing can justify the torture of children!

I urge the Somali people to inform themselves.

These are two excellent websites on Male Genital Mutilation:

Doctors Opposing Circumcision

Psychology Today Blog Series on Circumcision

PLEASE Save Your Sons!


LoveandLight the Liberator
Why don't you answer any of my questions?


Do you remember how I said I was working on a long reply to your post? I will show the Somali people that the so-called Hadiths that have enslaved hundreds of millions of Muslim males are in contradiction of the Holy Quran, and other Hadiths as well! The religious folks at Somali Net had no answer when presented with these facts. They could not justify the barbaric ritual of Male Genital Mutilation without looking ignorant! I showed the Somali people the absurdities of the many reasons used to justify the Torture and Genital Mutilation of children. For that reason, I was permanently banned.

I cannot always reply promptly. I will do my best to answer all comments that are not an attack on me.



☛ Original G ☚
Why are you so obsessed about this issue? You will write 900 pages of this qashin and still be repeating the same bs until 2026

don't you have other interest or other issues to talk about???


LoveandLight the Liberator
Its the same troll from Somnet.

The Torture and Genital Mutilation of children has a COSMIC effect on the Somali people. Anyone with an open mind can readily see the outcome of brain-damaging and mutilating an entire population: Psychological Devastation, and Sexual Dysfunction on a National Scale!

Young people, open your eyes! You pray for peace in your Godforsaken, balkanized country, yet you wish to continue brutalizing children! Cause and Effect, remember that.

Superstar LoveandLight
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LoveandLight the Liberator
Sxb, do you know how many people in Somalia die due to starvation, qabiil war, droughts, toxic dumps, and your devoting your time to end M/FGM. I think your cause is a waste of time, and no one will show any interest. Mutilation of men reduces sexual desires, prevents stimulation, prevents spasms, and as Muslims who pray 5 times a day, we need to ensure we are clear of urine.

In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

Peace be with you.

Allah is Merciful. I do not believe He wants His creatures, especially babies to be Tortured and Mutilated. Allah did not order the genital mutilation of either sex in The Holy Quran.

The Holy Quran

Chapter 15- AL-HIJR (The Rocky Tract)

Verse 9- Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.

Allah has promised to protect The Holy Quran from corruption. Can the same be said about the Hadiths?

Chapter 95- AT-TIN (The Fig)

Verse 4-

We have certainly created man in the best of stature;

Chapter 32- AS-SAJDAH (The Prostration)

Verses 6 and 7-

6- That is the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, the Exalted in Might, the Merciful,

7- Who Perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay.

Do the lowly creatures think that they can improve on what the Omnipotent Designer has fashioned?

I would like to tell the community that I am a humanitarian, researcher and investigator. I have been researching the barbaric ritual of torturing and mutilating children for years. I understand the real reason behind the torture and mutilation of children. It is about Control and Slavery! The most effective prison is one where the person doesn't see the prison. Free Your Mind!!

I would like to urge those who would debate me on this disGUSting ritual to inform themselves and look at the issue from different angles (religious, ethical, medical, Human Rights, societal, psychological, etc.). Some people think that the torture and genital mutilation of boys and girls is sunnah. There are firebrand imams who quote Hadiths and urge their congregation to mutilate their daughters! Just because we are told it is sunnah doesn't mean that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Kheyru Khalqullah, ordered the torture of children, including babies.

The so-called Hadiths, which have enslaved hundreds of millions of Muslims, contradict the Words of Allah and other Hadiths as well. I will post some of these Hadiths, God willing. I am still researching. You learn something new every day.

I believe the reason I was permanently banned from Somali Net Forums was because I used the Words of Allah to prove to the Somali people the absurdity of the reason used for torturing children, including babies, which is, "It is sunnah."

Sadly, most Muslims don't study their religion! This is how these Human Rights abuses are perpetuated.

I believe the Torture and Genital Mutilation of children to be the single greatest calamity to befall the Somali people! This barbaric ritual has far-reaching consequences! Man-made and natural (the Wrath of God) calamities are plaguing the Somali people. The Somali people invited dishonor and destruction to themselves. There is something fundamentally wrong with the Somali people!

I will continue my reply to your post in another post, insha Allah. I have so much information to share with the Somali people. I am very dedicated to protecting children, especially babies!

Save Your Babies!!!
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LoveandLight the Liberator
Haha i did my dissertatiom on FGM its a facinating practive which leaves one questioning the mentality of people who practice this anyway im pretty sure its a dying tradition now cmon people are getting more wiser on the effects of FGM. As for males I couldnt care less its bettr for their hygiene even non muslims practice male circumcision its a common procedure in hospitals.

So the TORTURE of boys, including babies is acceptable?! The hygiene argument is a myth. If intact females are capable of cleaning themselves, then why would it be a problem for intact males to clean themselves? Most males in the world are not brutalized.

Circumcision rates are dropping in so-called civilized countries as more and more people become aware of the harmful effects this crime against God has on the individual, family, and society.

I strongly urge you to research Male Genital Mutilation!

Consider Yourself Extremely Lucky If You Have No Sons, For My
Words Have Reached You At A Most Opportune Time!

Love Your Sons! Protect Your Sons!! Save Your Baby Boys!!!
So the TORTURE of boys, including babies is acceptable? The hygiene argument is a myth. If intact females are capable of cleaning themselves, then why would it be a problem for intact males to clean themselves? Most males in the world are not brutalized.

Circumcision rates are dropping in so-called civilized countries as more and more people become aware of the harmful effects this crime against God has on the individual, family, and society.

I strongly urge you to research Male Genital Mutilation!

Consider Yourself Extremely Lucky If You Have No Sons, For My
Words Have Reached You At A Most Opportune Time!

Love Your Sons! Protect Your Sons!! Save Your Baby Boys!!!

"Love Your Sons! Protect Your Sons!! Save Your Baby Boys!!!".

From who, @ChickenOriental?



LoveandLight the Liberator
I work in healthcare mate i see repeated episodes of men having infections cuased directly by their foreskin is unparamount so much so they end up having it cut anyway. Look dont tell me FGM is in the same callibre as male circumcision plus its a religious obligations for males to be circumcised do you tell me your against that to ?

Doctor Light weighs in.

Most of the males in the world are intact. The Omnipotent Creator designed a perfect organ. Clearly you know nothing about the many functions of the prepuce. Inform yourself!

There are people who believe Female Genital Mutilation prevents yeast infections! There are firebrand imams who exhort their congregation to Mutilate their daughters, citing Hadiths! Are you going to trust Hadiths that force parents to TORTURE and Mutilate their children?!

I am not comparing these barbaric rituals which have caused untold suffering to the Somali people. I believe clitoridectomy of baby girls to be the most horrendous form of genital mutilation. I also think people should not trivialize the TORTURE and genital mutilation of baby boys. Babies experience Near-Death Excruciating pain!!! Save Your Babies!!!

Male Genital Mutilation is not an obligatory part of Islam. If it were, Allah would have commanded it. If people want to Mutilate themselves as per their beliefs, that is their business. If one cannot own his body, is one free? All children, regardless of sex, should be protected from TORTURE and genital mutilation.

In this and other threads, I will be showing the Somali people that the so-called Hadiths, which have enslaved hundreds of millions of Muslims, are in contradiction of The Holy Quran and other Hadiths, like the following:

Sahih Al- Bukhari

2. The Book of Belief (i.e. Faith)

Chapter 3. A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands.

10. Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr (May Allah be pleased with him) : The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, "A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands. And a Muhajir (emigrant) is the one who gives up (abandons) all that Allah has forbidden."

I have much work to do! And I shall do it with passion, God willing.
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