Madow gets absolutely violated by Madow

Him saying I'm revoking your black card is superiority too but due to A.A power people will shit on the African Dude.

I do think the African dude did too much though. The other guy was even being to extreme and seemed nice.
You see how the comments are full of different Africans backing eachother.. but if it was a Somali person who said the same they would ALL unite against us.

Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff
Because everyone thinks we are sellouts for being Muslims lol when they chose a Jew to follow. 🤣 Christians worship a man and they call us Arab worshippers. We don't worship our Prophet.

A lot of Somali people in the West are also weirdos. So that doesn't help.
The Congolese guy was tap dancing like crazy. He got hurt in front of his ajnabi friends and decided to do all of that for their amusement.

He probably calls himself black in front of those friends, he just got mad that someone called it into question in front of his boys.

It’s no different than when Somalis on the internet can’t take a joke about big foreheads and decide to call people j*reer.

You can say whatever you want in the replies to this, but you can’t call me a hypocrite.

This is way of thinking is why people can't stand A.A.

Why the hell do you think he was saying this FOR the other dues instead of him trying to defend himself? He's supposed to let him talk down to him based on his ancestors, fucking retarded.

The other guy wanted to make him feel inferior due to his friends. For what? Those guys aren't even white. So is he inferior to those friends of his simply because he is African? Who wants to live like that? Thinking everyone is superior to you? I feel bad for A.A but they should stop spreading their trauma. We have every right to reject it. Especially when Congo is worse than A.A.

A.A should check their privilege when it comes to Africans which are poorer and less powerful. They are powerful group now with Presidents, intellectuals, music etc. They should start acting like it now. I respect them but I refuse to kiss their feet which is what some of them are looking for. That's why they treat Ilhan like shit.
You can’t be this dumb? You really can’t can you? somalia descend from people that are extinct! What’s wrong with you and this mix is more than 5,000 yrs?! If you’re going to come up with a comparison make it logical for flip sake.

We know the exact tribe and group of the people the forefathers AAs hail from. They can do a DNA test and their actual tribal background can be broken down. Some of them literally have recorded consensus as well.

How the F are you comparing a group whose ancestors only came to West on average in the 1700s which is only like your 6th great grand-parent to our ancient lineage whom we’re not even sure about?

I can abtirsi my great grand father from the 1700s right now, I know his name and I know what region he lived in. Thats how recent the 1700s is. But you want to compare events of 5000 years ago of groups that no longer exist?

This is what I mean about the quality of arguments I have to deal with.

Get out of here?!

Many of them do hail from modern day Congo. I even mentioned they have various tribes. So I don’t know why you’re thing to correct a point I’ve already mentioned? I literally said AAs are a mix of different West African tribes which is what makes it tricky about them going to back to Africa.

Also, many of them are indeed only 10% white. They’re on average 10-20% white pales compared to their W.African blood!

Whether they’re distinct people or not, AAs are mostly W.African descent. That’s what they are.
Literally all of your points don’t matter in the slightest, they have no family they can trace back to or any close relatives in that area due to being separated for so long, at that point these two groups are distinct period, yes the Somali example is extreme but I only used it to prove the point that when two groups are separated they become two different groups period, you didn’t understand my point and decided to attack the comparison rather than the actual point.

Some afar groups could be closely related to northwestern Somali groups by only a couple 100 years yet you wouldn’t say they’re the same. We literally treat each other like complete strangers.
Literally all of your points don’t matter in the slightest, they have no family they can trace back to or any close relatives in that area due to being separated for so long, at that point these two groups are distinct period, yes the Somali example is extreme but I only used it to prove the point that when two groups are separated they become two different groups period, you didn’t understand my point and decided to attack the comparison rather than the actual point.
Yes but it was ridiculous and very extreme. 1700s is very recent. It’s my grandfathers grandfather, it’s that close. I know his name and if you’re close to your grandparents and they knew their grandparents, you’d even be able to find out legitimate information about them. Westerners even have consensus about their 1700s ancestors whom they know their previous address, actual jobs they had and even date of death or any imprisonment and major life issues. Thats how recent the 1700s is in the grand scheme of things.

I understood your point, but I attacked it because of the extremity to such an extent that it made your point invalid. West Africans aren’t that far removed. What makes them far removed is that their linage is all over West Africa and due to the fact that they were enslaved and forced to not speak their original language. It was the cruelty of stripping them of their traditions that caused a lot of their distance to them.

Ask an Irish American and he’d be able to tell what city the patriarch of this family that first moved to America came from, he’d tell you what jobs he had and the list continues. Most Irish American, German Americans came in the 1700s. Even some Italian American came in the 1800s and we know that even in the early 1800s, slaves from Africa were coming to American shores. Yet we know J.F Kennedy was a proud Irish American and know many famous Italian Americans whose ancestors have been in America for at least 200 years.
Some afar groups could be closely related to northwestern Somali groups by only a couple 100 years yet you wouldn’t say they’re the same. We literally treat each other like complete strangers.
No, doubt it. Afars are surprisingly more than a 1000 yrs. I’m not that sure but I remember reading it from the other lot who specialize in genetics.

I don’t discount your point. I don’t see AAs and W.Africans as the same people. I never said they were. I said they’re interconnected and they are. That’s why you have a lot of AAs going to Ghana and feeling ‘at home’ since whilst they’re not the same as W.African locals anymore, there is a sense of belonging. Countries like Liberia for instance was made of returning Americans who wanted to go back to West Africa.
Yes but it was ridiculous and very extreme. 1700s is very recent. It’s my grandfathers grandfather, it’s that close. I know his name and if you’re close to your grandparents and they knew their grandparents, you’d even be able to find out legitimate information about them. Westerners even have consensus about their 1700s ancestors whom they know their previous address, actual jobs they had and even date of death or any imprisonment and major life issues. Thats how recent the 1700s is in the grand scheme of things.
My point is that literally doesn’t matter, they’d be at most 4-5 cousins to people in some African countries, essentially no relation at all.
I understood your point, but I attacked it because of the extremity to such an extent that it made your point invalid. West Africans aren’t that far removed. What makes them far removed is that their linage is all over West Africa and due to the fact that they were enslaved and forced to not speak their original language. It was the cruelty of stripping them of their traditions that caused a lot of their distance to them.
Yes the stripping of their culture caused even more distance but that isn’t the only reason, it’s also the fact that they have no close family in those regions at all and have essentially formed their own ethnicity/culture, they’re their own people now and they should stop looking to Africa for some sense of closure, that’s some bs. They need to realize that they have their own ethnicity/culture which was constructed within the Americas and that’s fine.
Ask an Irish American and he’d be able to tell what city the patriarch of this family that first moved to America came from, he’d tell you what jobs he had and the list continues. Most Irish American, German Americans came in the 1700s. Even some Italian American came in the 1800s and we know that even in the early 1800s, slaves from Africa were coming to American shores. Yet we know J.F Kennedy was a proud Irish American and know many famous Italian Americans whose ancestors have been in America for at least 200 years.
Ask a real Irish man about what he thinks about Irish Americans and he’ll laugh at you. How many times have white Americans cringed at other white Americans who claim ancestry from here or there when they’re just white American with no real connection to Ireland except for what their parents told them about their ancestors.
No, doubt it. Afars are surprisingly more than a 1000 yrs. I’m not that sure but I remember reading it from the other lot who specialize in genetics.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some sub-groups of afars who are signfiicantly closer to some Somali clans from the northwest. No evidence except for some generations of intermarriage between the groups.
I don’t discount your point. I don’t see AAs and W.Africans as the same people. I never said they were. I said they’re interconnected and they are. That’s why you have a lot of AAs going to Ghana and feeling ‘at home’ since whilst they’re not the same as W.African locals anymore, there is a sense of belonging. Countries like Liberia for instance was made of returning Americans who wanted to go back to West Africa.
These AA going to Ghana to feel “at home” are living in a delusional world, these people aren’t really connected at all except for potentially having some distant ancestry from that region, doesn’t mean much.

I get feeling sorry for these people not having a sense of belonging but the problem isn’t their ancestry it’s their mindset which needs to change. They are home, in America where their people are and where their ethnicity/culture was constructed, going to Africa to find your “home” when your AA is honestly just going to where some of your ancestors existed and and trying to relive a past that’s way beyond anything that really impacts who you are today, the disconnection is so strong as to be meaningless.
My point is that literally doesn’t matter, they’d be at most 4-5 cousins to people in some African countries, essentially no relation at all.

Yes the stripping of their culture caused even more distance but that isn’t the only reason, it’s also the fact that they have no close family in those regions at all and have essentially formed their own ethnicity/culture, they’re their own people now and they should stop looking to Africa for some sense of closure, that’s some bs. They need to realize that they have their own ethnicity/culture which was constructed within the Americas and that’s fine.

Ask a real Irish man about what he thinks about Irish Americans and he’ll laugh at you. How many times have white Americans cringed at other white Americans who claim ancestry from here or there when they’re just white American with no real connection to Ireland except for what their parents told them about their ancestors.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some sub-groups of afars who are signfiicantly closer to some Somali clans from the northwest. No evidence except for some generations of intermarriage between the groups.

These AA going to Ghana to feel “at home” are living in a delusional world, these people aren’t really connected at all except for potentially having some distant ancestry from that region, doesn’t mean much.

I get feeling sorry for these people not having a sense of belonging but the problem isn’t their ancestry it’s their mindset which needs to change. They are home, in America where their people are and where their ethnicity/culture was constructed, going to Africa to find your “home” when your AA is honestly just going to where some of your ancestors existed and and trying to relive a past that’s way beyond anything that really impacts who you are today, the disconnection is so strong as to be meaningless.
Each to their own. I knew a Caribbean kid to did a DNA test and found out he was mostly Nigerian mostly from a Muslim tribe. I think that definitely made him more curious about his African roots and it lead him to accept Islam. He felt like he was going back to his origins.

As I’ve said time and time again, I don’t think they’re the same people anymore, but they’re interconnected. W.Africa is there history and that was were they were stolen from. I can imagine any conscious AA and Caribbean would feel some sort of curiosity about the homeland of their forefathers.
Each to their own. I knew a Caribbean kid to did a DNA test and found out he was mostly Nigerian mostly from a Muslim tribe. I think that definitely made him more curious about his African roots and it lead him to accept Islam. He felt like he was going back to his origins.

As I’ve said time and time again, I don’t think they’re the same people anymore, but they’re interconnected. W.Africa is there history and that was were they were stolen from. I can imagine any conscious AA and Caribbean would feel some sort of curiosity about the homeland of their forefathers.
It’s nice that that guy accepted Islam but Islam shouldn’t ever be tied to one’s genetics or heritage, that’s a very sad circumstance if it were the norm.

Also curiousity is fine, it’s the whole finding your home thing that’s too much, a lot of Somalis are curious about the origins of Somalis on this forum, that doesn’t mean we’re going to Sudan and calling it our original homeland.
It’s nice that that guy accepted Islam but Islam shouldn’t ever be tied to one’s genetics or heritage, that’s a very sad circumstance if it were the norm.
It’s what made him curious. Knowing that was the religion of his ancestors is what made him do research. I never said he only converted because of that. Like there is no insinuation of that. I made it clear that researching his heritage led him to Islam. Not that he became a Muslim because of it.

Rather weird that’s what you first jump to.
It’s nice that that guy accepted Islam but Islam shouldn’t ever be tied to one’s genetics or heritage, that’s a very sad circumstance if it were the norm.

Also curiousity is fine, it’s the whole finding your home thing that’s too much, a lot of Somalis are curious about the origins of Somalis on this forum, that doesn’t mean we’re going to Sudan and calling it our original homeland.
Abdirazaq, Somalis have been living in Somalia for about 5000 yrs? Can we please understand that 5000 yrs with no clear knowledge of who truly were our forefathers isn’t the same as someone whose people came from a well known area from 300 yrs ago and who descend from people who are still alive and kicking and who still speak the exact same language as their ancestors did?

The people we supposedly originate from are all gone. We barely have any artifacts? A lot of is theory and we’re still trying to piece together information. Humans in general hardly know anything about 5000-6000 yrs ago. A lot of it is guessing work. We don’t need to guess when it comes to AAs.

One is ancient and I mean ancient history before the Ancient Egyptians and one is literally what we call modern history. Let me bolden the modern part for you. Our mix is so ancient, it doesn’t even come up in regular DNA tests. We have to use Gedmatch.

I’m truly at a loss as to how you can compare Somalis to AAs when it comes to this matter.
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Abdirazaq, Somalis have been living in Somalia for about 5000 yrs? Can we please understand that 5000 yrs with no clear knowledge of who truly were are forefathers isn’t the same as someone whose people came from a well known area from 300 yrs ago and who descend from people who are still alive and kicking and who still speak the exact same language as their ancestors did.

The people we supposedly originate from are all gone. We barely have any artifacts? A lot of is theory and we’re still trying to piece together information.

One is ancient and I mean ancient history before the Ancient Egyptians and one is literally what we call modern history. Let me bolden the modern part for you.

I’m truly at a loss as to how you can compare Somalis to AAs.
Ugh, I get the fact that there’s a lot of way’s that they’re not comparable but that doesn’t matter, the point was curiousity about one’s ancestry as opposed to trying to find a home and in that sense they’re comparable. It’s okay for Somalis to look beyond the ethnicity to see where they originated thousands of years ago but to not call it home, comparably it’s okay for AA to look a few hundred years back and see where they originated but not to call that home also, get it?

Yes there’s going to be a bigger curiosity for AAs due to time reference and stripping of culture but that doesn’t change the point that they shouldn’t call these areas home, it’s not their home, it’s where there ancestors originated, please just understand instead of trying to fight every point.