Marriage help (males only )

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Do you live under a rock or something? The reason most of your marriages never last is because y’all place so much value on a hymen than characteristics and compatibility. Somalian men are so fucking weird:heh:

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
Women are not commodity, they are fucking humans. And paying a dowry is part of culture has nothing to do with women’s virginity.

I'm still paying a mehr regardless. If the person I met fit all the requirements I wanted but told me before hand she wasn't a virgin before the marriage I would still go through with it.

But an expensive mehr is something I wouldn't accept if I new beforehand the person was a non virgin. I'm more interested in marrying a virgin than a non virgin.a virgin to me is someone who took their deen seriously and abstained as long as I did. A jewl. I would definelfy pay whatever they wanted.

In that guy situation though I don't think I would divorce. Probably be bummed out for a couple of days though. I wouldn't want to be lied too.
What sane girl would tarnish her reputation by admitting this?

Most guy's on this forum are married to Born Again virgins.:mjlol:


So after i had a conversation with wife yesterday she admitted to me that she wasn't a virgin before we got married.
And she told me before the marriage that she was a virgin, and i wrote in the contract that i wanted her to be a virgin.

At this moment i am seriously considering a divorce, since we've only been married for 1 month.

Are you a virgin?


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
Man just thinking of this situation gives me a headache.

I feel like if I was in his situation and just found out my wife was a non virgin. I would have just left the house and contemplated about life for a few days.

My thoughts:"Nigga you dead ass abstained for 20+ years but ended up losing your virginity to a non virgin"

My thoughts again: "my nigga I paid 10k+ plus for this female and she wasn't even a virgin! Man wtf"

Yeah man its fucked, women lie nothing new
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