Marriage help (males only )

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My bad sxb wallahi I just got a little heated reading his thread.
I would just be bummed out and disappointed if I paid a lot and the chick didn't fit all the preferences I wanted.

Why tho,your the same guy who prefers Becky's over our own and lord knows they lose their virginity at 13.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Im curious are you a virgin?

Otherwise it makes no sense why You would Divorce her for it


very lowkey
What do you think he should do?

I'm thinking he should ask for a portion of the mehr back and use that money on zakat or Spend it on the construction of a masjid.
I think he needs to look into himself first. Was he himself 100% honest before getting married? If the answer is yes, then think about the situation. Why did you marry her? Is she worth letting go of? Can she be the mother of your children? What kind of wife is she?

I personally think that you shouldn’t divorce someone for one mistake or one problem, unless that is a major problem (such as mental/physical abuse or infidelity). Lies are a big problem as well, because it breaks the trust in the relationship. But it has to be more than 1 lie for me to bounce..

The sins she has commited is between her and Allah(swt). However the lie she told you is a problem between the two. I say fix it!

Think long and hard before you file for a divorce. You have only been with her for 1 month. It’s marriages like this that shame our community and gives us the high-divorce rate stigma. I say think about the bigger picture before you make a stupid decision.

If it’s valuable you fix it, you don’t throw it all away! That’s what i think. But then again, I don’t know the full story.


Honestly I would just divorce her if she lied to me about her virginity. If she lost her virginity before marriage, then she was probably a khamri drinking, club going, local bicycle.
We got married the islamic way no government shit here

Good lad, that means your next decision won't be more likely to stay because you dont want to pay a settlement. Now you have a chance to weigh up the pros and cons and make a decision.

Take time on the decision, think the name of the prayer is istikhara and good luck.

Ps if you do decide to divorce, stay with her for a while before you tell her whilst not sleeping with her so you know if you got her pregnant.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
If I were you I'd divorce in a heartbeat.

No hymen no diamond that's the motto. :manny:


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
I think he needs to look into himself first. Was he himself 100% honest before getting married? If the answer is yes, then think about the situation. Why did you marry her? Is she worth letting go of? Can she be the mother of your children? What kind of wife is she?

I personally think that you shouldn’t divorce someone for one mistake or one problem, unless that is a major problem (such as mental/physical abuse and infidelity). Lies are a big problem as well, because it breaks the trust in the relationship. But it has to be more than 1 lie for me to bounce.

The sins she has commited is between her and Allah(swt). However the lie she told you is a problem between the two. I say fix it!

Think long before you file for a divorce. You have only been with her for 1 month. It’s marriages like this that shame our community and gives us the high-divorce rate stigma. I say think about the bigger picture before you make a stupid decision.

If it’s valuable you fix it, you don’t throw it all away! That’s what i think. But then again, I don’t know the full story and all.

Marriage isn't a relationship only build upon emotions and romance, but a business contract that the rights of both gets protected.
And since i was a virgin before we got married, im entitled to one.
I would say to demand a refund and leave the marriage. Forcing yourself to stay will only hurt you in the end and delay your fresh start on life.


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
Good lad, that means your next decision won't be more likely to stay because you dont want to pay a settlement. Now you have a chance to weigh up the pros and cons and make a decision.

Take time on the decision, think the name of the prayer is istikhara and good luck.

Ps if you do decide to divorce, stay with her for a while before you tell her whilst not sleeping with her so you know if you got her pregnant.

Wallahi that is the scariest part i can imagine, me knockin her up would be worst case scenario


very lowkey
Marriage isn't a relationship only build upon emotions and romance, but a business contract that the rights of both gets protected.
And since i was a virgin before we got married, im entitled to one.
If you’re a virgin then so should she, ngl. I feel the same way. The guy I marry has to be a virgin as well. The clean guy is for the clean girl, that’s how it goes.

But I feel like it’s a little too late for that, since you’re already married to her. I don’t know. It’s a sticky situation. But I personally wouldn’t find this reason enough for me to divorce, but it would make me think about it..

And also how did you not know she wasn’t a virgin? Like she prob must have been too experienced, which gives it away. Thats what I’m gonna base it of on when I get married one day. (insha’Allah).
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