Married to a Jamaican brother

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Why you not accepting there are fathers who failed their children
There are pedophile fathers as well, who raped their children. I don't reject that these people have failed their children. I reject your idea of being a failure as a father if you don't help your children with homework. And the fact that this translates that the Somali culture have a problem with "failure fathers", and "divorce".


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
There are pedophile fathers as well, who raped their children. I don't reject that these people have failed their children. I reject your idea of being a failure as a father if you don't help your children with homework. And the fact that this translates that the Somali culture have a problem with "failure fathers", and "divorce".

I didnt say they were failures I Said they should be more involved in their kids life IF they cant help with the homework just get a tutor

And yes The Somali community does have a problem with fathers not there for their kids

If their sons turn out bad its falling back on the parent

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
I didnt say they were failures I Said they should be more involved in their kids life IF they cant help with the homework just get a tutor

And yes The Somali community does have a problem with fathers not there for their kids

If their sons turn out bad its falling back on the parent
You're a parrot who repeats himself and doesn't know shit. I bet you failed school and now you blame your father for it. :drakelaugh:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
You're a parrot who repeats himself and doesn't know shit. I bet you failed school and now you blame your father for it. :drakelaugh:

Actually I finished uni a while back But thats irrelevant youre still on your imaginary trip were Somali fathers havent Done nothing wrong youre to dumb to even see it


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
The people who are going at peoples parents are you guys. I insulted him and never mentioned a single bad word about his father if you are able to read.

Its like talking to a damn Wall I told you we got problems in the Somali community and youre pretending they dont exist really ?

And I Said there are parents who failed their children I can see the truth unlike you

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Its like talking to a damn Wall I told you we got problems in the Somali community and youre pretending they dont exist really ?

And I Said there are parents who failed their children I can see the truth unlike you
Our community is error free and we have absolutely no problems. You are a self hater.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
One would think that this woman committed mass genocide or shirk the way she is being talked about subhana'Allah.
Why make that haram, which Allah has made halal? Is the man from a different species? Joke is even among on our kind we do not
marry certain tribes we deem 'untouchable' and we wonder why Somalia is in flames? Intolerance only breeds intolerance. Fact stands that even if this woman had married a somali man, her chances of staying married are either way in the end, it doesn't matter.

Its a sad state of affairs that feckless people decide to focus on a small percentage of Somalis, as if their very lives depend on espousing vile rhetoric
and outdated opinions. Why wouldn't her children be accepted? Are they of unknown entity set upon bringing about the downfall of the Somali people?

This post offends me deeply, no wonder the world and mostly Africa is in such a sad state.

Naa naga aamus Allah ku cadaabyee


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The statistics for Islam in Jamaica estimate a total Muslim population of about 4,999 (plus one person that immigrated to Canada;Sarim Khan).

As far as i am concerned there are more than 20 million somali muslims. So basic maths shows that 99 % of jamaicans are going hellfire and 99 % of somalis will eventually enter jannah. We are the superior race.


Jannah masterrace


Somalis should stop talking about Black people period. In many ways, we have no leg to stand on. I can tell you even in the burbs, some of them somehow find ways to get up to mischief with the law.
Our community is error free and we have absolutely no problems. You are a self hater.
This must be a joke :cryinglaughsmiley:
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Somalis should stop talking about Black people period. In many ways, we have no leg to stand on. I can tell you even in the burbs, some of them somehow find ways to get up to mischief with the law.

This must be a joke :cryinglaughsmiley:
You cant reason with this dude hes too proud to talk about the faults


You cant reason with this dude hes too proud to talk about the faults
Somalis just need to stop talking about agnabis and women who marry agnabis all the damn time. Just stoppp it, it's the least of our problems, in fact it's a non-problem.

Why are they worrying about her prospects like she asked them to marry her. :O27GWRK:

Why are they berating Jamaicans and African Americans?

Whether it's against Tyrone or Roger, it's all useless. At the end of it, people have their preference and they go after what they want. If the Jamaican left her, that's her problem not yours.

Worry about yourself and the real issues, Jay.

@inahey finally someone with perspective. Welcome!


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
*Rolls eyes** She can easily get remarried, to a non Somali. No Somali man would marry her though. Unless she's really pretty and claims she was siixired into that marriage. That's what I would do. :sass2:
@inahey finally someone with perspective. Welcome![/QUOTE]

Thank you, it would seem that for some on this forum it's easier to place the blame elsewhere, mob mentality at its finest

The sad part is that we have a tendency in our community towards tunnel vision, thereby sacrificing valuable time...that could otherwise go towards fixing the real issues.
So what if less than 1% choose to marry out, why should that be given the same attention as low educational achievement, low incomes and most importantly lack of correct parental guidance? Some people on here are of the opinion that these issues only affect first generation Somali migrants! I wish that was the case but it simply isn't, children recreate the environment in which they were raised and subsequently reenact the conditioned behaviours later in life.

I do not want my views to come across as if I were stereotyping somali men, but the stark reality is that somewhere in our collective cultural attitudes, we have become desensitised towards absent fatherhood...ofcourse there are many wonderful competent fathers in our community but they are sadly not the norm.

Does that then mean that we lay the blame squarely on Somali men? Why ofcourse not, women also have a large role towards the dysfunction that is within our community, whereby the smallest of marital issues gets blown into a just cause for divorce, I mean it's insanity! Also many of our women play a role in emasculating our men, at times having outrageous expectations even.

There are many overlapping issues and challenges and it would be interesting to have an open discourse at a larger scale within our community and inshallah khayr.
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