shoo inahay
This forum has no need for your real world logic or nuance
But being real we're exactly as despised in the same quantity as we despise others. It's a vicious circle of hate.
Came across this and I must say the level of delusion on this forum is worrying. The self righteousness and superiority complex on here is in stark contrast with the reality of the Somali community. As someone mentioned earlier; the majority of Somalis do not stay married, hence generation upon generation of fatherless children, who then repeat the cycle of broken families. In many studies on the Somali community in the UK, they repeatedly found that apart from Somali children underachieving, they also come from fractured households with no positive father figures. I personally only know of one couple who are still together after 19 years mashAllah but the sad situation is that instead of focusing on mending our attitudes towards marriage many focus on false narratives and cautionary tales about marrying out.
Rather than bashing people who marry out and policing general attitudes, I think some self reflection is in order. It is also amusing that the characteristics which you are condemning the Jamaican guy for is also rampant in our own community e.g.
deadbeat fathers, infidelity etc., That is of course not to say that all Somali men are like this, but we as a community do not have well defined roles nor a moral value towards the family unit or child rearing.
The irony is that whilst we set ourselves above certain ethnicities we deem 'unworthy' we also share if not have the exact same issues....
Haha point taken, however its still disturbing when we distract ourselves with irrelevant issues rather than the real ones we as a people are facing.
Statistics are worthless in the case of Somalis in the UK since many low income households are involved in social fraud and fake their divorce to get more welfare. Others do not report their income to the authorities.
Aside from certain pockets in the West where there has been a breakdown in cultural values, Somali culture generally promotes conservative marriage values. Somalis in the Gulf countries and Africa still have their culture intact.
Statistics are worthless in the case of Somalis in the UK since many low income households are involved in social fraud and fake their divorce to get more welfare. Others do not report their income to the authorities.
Aside from certain pockets in the West where there has been a breakdown in cultural values, Somali culture generally promotes conservative marriage values. Somalis in the Gulf countries and Africa still have their culture intact.
One thing that the Somali community should do is call out dead beat parents the west and back home aint the same
Back home IF the father is absent all the relatives are around to support the family
But in the west its different
Hmm am I to understand that you are saying, that back home it doesn't matter whether the father is there or not, as there is a substitute for him by way of
relatives? This is another issue where we delegate the role of the father to whoever is available.
There's nothing inherently wrong with divorce as long as the children are taken care of and the woman is able to remarry, which she can since there is no taboo attached to being a divorcee in our culture (unless your ex was an Abu Jailbird)
At any rate, none of what you mentioned is comparable to the reality that faces many AA's and Jamaicans.
He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones is essentially the moral here.
Difference is that back home it's the father's family/clan that takes care of children, which is luxury you don't have in the diaspora.One thing that the Somali community should do is call out dead beat parents the west and back home aint the same
Back home IF the father is absent all the relatives are around to support the family
But in the west its different
Difference is that back home it's the father's family/clan that takes care of children, which is luxury you don't have in the diaspora.
People forget that a child is raised by a village and that the current view of a nuclear family is very much a new invention as child raising has historically been a shared responsibility. I also don't view somalis liberal views of divorce as a bad thing because the reverse would mean a living hell for most somali women.Yeah but theres still many in the west who still got that approach to parenting back home it works Cause the relatives even neighbours Will chip in
I believe 95 % of black american (not immigrants) children are born out of wedlock?must be a uk thing.I here this kind if nonsense going on with the uk revert jamaican salafis. As for in the U.S. the black american reverts are one of the most dedicated muslims, and all around good men.
Behind close doors and out to the open is very different. Some parents will break ties completely with their daughter, others will paint a great picture of the guy to save themselves from more embarrassment.If you read the op, you can see the fam was happy with the man indicating that they must hav seen good in him
And the Sahaba also divorced and remarried plenty of times and had a really high divorce rate. So what?Also you said I couldn't compare AA's and Jamaicans to the issues facing us...lets see; apart from religion it seems we have similar issues. Though their unions may not be halal (children out of wedlock and cohabiting/ casual relationships) they still are affected by the same issues such
as broken households, no positive role models and a whole generation of single-mother raised children.
And the Sahaba also divorced and remarried plenty of times and had a really high divorce rate. So what?
Single mothers raising children is not our culture either. It is the culture of the West where women get custody of the children along with financial benefits, housing etc. Back home the father and his family is the one who takes the children (and this is what our religion also says).
No Somali of self worth would ever compare Somalis to these Jamaicans and say we are similar to them.