May Allah curse the BBC

UN supported media called “bilan media”. The corruption here is wild. Imagine china went to the US and started influencing the media there lol.

The theme of feminism is so disingenuous when the real biggest issue with Somalia is POVERTY. Don’t get me wrong, of course there’s issues with gender related topics but knowing the extent of this issue is truly hard to come by especially in Somalia, this is because it’s a social issue and social issues are hard to define let alone calculate and to do that in Somalia of all places.

What’s obvious is that a Somali woman who comes from a good name that’s rich and privileged in Somalia will be treated 100 times better than some random poor Farax who comes from no name, these are the biggest levels of inequality in Somalia period, your background, income and your status are number one.

They’ll use feminism first to spread liberal propaganda but it won’t stop there, they’ll use LGBT stuff when they’re confident enough that they’ve corrupted the land and will go from there. The reality here is simple, what we’re witnessing here is cultural colonization, it’s soft power simple as that, if they can sway people into thinking more like westerners they can use Somalia as a toilet to abuse when they need to.

I thank Allah that western hegemony is dying and there’s different powers in the world to keep these organizations in check. Don’t get me wrong no one is on our side but as long as they’re fighting each other they’ll have less influence over us.

I don’t even blame the Somali women who made the article, she’s just trying to get a pay check but really is a clueless puppet being used by westerners for their own gain, I’m sure she thinks she’s fighting for those who are marginalized and she might’ve even be able to gain the system by doing some real reporting without it being used by western propaganda but that takes real skill as a journalist.
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It would be a million times better if we could get somali owned media that’s unbiased in nature to actually report on things happening on the ground and see the issues really plaguing Somali women on average. Then these issues could actually be dealt with but now where gonna be left with BS propaganda and nothing will be done.

It would actually be interesting to see what the general opinions are of the people there and how they differ according to their backgrounds, economic status, gender etc.
Some of these somali girls will be bragging about how you can freely divorce and have a track record of 3-4 failed marriages and still find a good guy, independence to freely travel and work without a mehrem, running the house hold being leaders and entrepreneurs and still have time to proudly write articles about being the worse nation for a woman on the planet.

Obviously women are abused im not trying to downplay the atrocities and mysogny somali women face on the daily but to be the worst is exaggeration and delusion

