Thats where your wrong, You can see that Maya and stormzy's relationship is purely superficial he is ugly she is not BUT he is rich, and if we analyse their relationship it was very rocky and not a ACTUAL relationship merely superficial. Their relationship literally refutes your entire statement. Also there is something called the Halo effect and even if a woman goes for a ugly guy thats rich and is confident 9/10 times she would leave him for the good looking guy who isnt rich and isnt confident or she would go for the same guy but good looking etc. etc there is many outcomes but all would be negative for the rich ugly guy.Aseer, women care more about other factors and not just looks. Many women would take a worse looking but good personality and money over a bummy guy who might look better and who doesn’t have confidence and charisma.
Also, Maya’s current pictures clearly look better than her before. She doesn’t ’still look good’ no, she actually looks better. I’m clearly going by pictures.
View attachment 335036
View attachment 335037
She clearly looks better in the second picture.

Angelina please post 2 pictures of her (one in her prime and one current) with no makeup, same angle and same lighting you just posted 2 pictures of her with makeup, one with bad angle and lighting and vice versa for the other, I am not dumb and please dont be biased.
Like maya, Thats the key word here say it with me now, LIKE.As for you? You’re not rich, you’re not famous, you don’t have clout or anything so of course you won’t be able to attract a woman like Maya.
-Self hating
-Low standards
I can keep going on but I think you understand.