Men who marry or seek single mothers.

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What makes me sleep at night is knowing I don't have to seek men on forums. And knowing I'm not a fat, bitter harlot. Have a snicker you're not being yourself. :feelinmyself:

It is well known fact- actually scientifically proven- that those who brag on the internet are insecure loners/losers.
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Queen Carawelo

It is well known fact- actually scientifically proven- that those who brag on the internet are insecure loners.
I don't think you know the meaning of bitter dear. Now I am done conversing with you because unlike you I have life outside the internet and frankly you ain't worth my time.


You're a new definition of troll.


How did I PAINED an entire group? I was warning them from leeches like you.

Define taking an L. You bum scrub. No wonder you are all mad, you all prey on desperate single mothers. Kulaha her Ex abused her, nigga nobody believes you.

Game me down? Learn how to talk properly you illiterate weed head. I would rather lay down with a dog than give you a chance. Don't flatter yourself.
This girl is really attacking me with a typo lol
Everything is, "calaf" what has been written cannot be erased. Single mothers are devoted to their children and husbands. You're simply attacking women because you seek attention, I mean all your threads are shitty. Your personality is shitty, and I'm shitty cause I'm responding to you. But a niggah high as f*ck, so we don't give a f*ck.
I'd take a single mother with 3 children over you if given the chance. I'd hate to wake up hearing your calaacal. Plus your personality is a turn off. Whatchu got to offer? You curvy? Thick? Dhaxyar? Or caato I arag? Idk you tell me

Queen Carawelo

This girl is really attacking me with a typo lol
Everything is, "calaf" what has been written cannot be erased. Single mothers are devoted to their children and husbands. You're simply attacking women because you seek attention, I mean all your threads are shitty. Your personality is shitty, and I'm shitty cause I'm responding to you. But a niggah high as f*ck, so we don't give a f*ck.
I'd take a single mother with 3 children over you if given the chance. I'd hate to wake up hearing your calaacal. Plus your personality is a turn off. Whatchu got to offer? You curvy? Thick? Dhaxyar? Or caato I arag? Idk you tell me

Wait am I supposed to be offended by a weed head who probably lives in his hooyo's basement? Shitty or not my topics are always on fire. You're still an insecure, bum who can't get a Somali girl so he settles for single mothers. Like I said before no young woman would settle for an ugly, weed head.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Don't be a troll, nobody likes trolls.
Honey you are the one trolling you've accuse 60% of Somali girls you have no knowlege of with something really big. I repeat how do you know about this? Where is your facts?


Who knew that this would be such a sensitive topic.

I agree that single mothers should be really choosy if they aren't already. Weirdos should not get a free house and food while making a beautiful woman feel like she should be grateful.
In defense of my cousin Idol, there's a famous hadith narrated by Aisha (radiyallaahu-anhaa): I said, 'O Allaah's Messenger! Suppose you landed in a valley where there is a tree of which something has been eaten and then you found trees of which nothing has been eaten, of which tree would you let your camel graze?' He said: 'I will let my camel graze of the one of which nothing has been eaten before.' The sub narrator added: Aisha meant that Allaah's Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) had not married a virgin besides herself.

Also, In Sahih al-Bukhari of the hadith of Jaabir, it states that when he got married, the Prophet (saw) asked him if he married a virgin or a non-virgin. He replied that she was a non-virgin. The Prophet (saw) then told him, “Why didn’t you marry a virgin [from among the young women who stay in seclusion] such that you may ‘kiss with her.’”

Another hadith, "while we were returning from a Ghazwa (Holy Battle) with the Prophet, I started driving my camel fast, as it was a lazy camel A rider came behind me and pricked my camel with a spear he had with him, and then my camel started running as fast as the best camel you may see. Behold! The rider was the Prophet himself. He said, ‘What makes you in such a hurry?” I replied, I am newly married ” He said, “Did you marry a virgin or a matron? I replied, “A matron.” He said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?” When we were about to enter (Medina), the Prophet said, “Wait so that you may enter (Medina) at night so that the lady of unkempt hair may comb her hair and the one whose husband has been absent may shave her pubic region.\

Not saying you shouldn't marry a non-virgin/ garob but you guys are leaving out the part where some of the Prophet marriages were mainly to forge alliances with tribes.

Marry the virgin my friends.obamadatazz


Honey you are the one trolling you've accuse 60% of Somali girls you have no knowlege of with something really big. I repeat how do you know about this? Where is your facts?

It's not an accusation it's a fact. Why so sensitive?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Why is everyone hating on Idol? And using a slew of ad hominems. I don't think she has prejudicial views on single mothers. Many of them put their children first and have had to deal with insufferable circumstances and/or spouses. I don't think she's criticizing them all, but a segment of them that are quick to remarry when the chance presents itself even if the man is of low quality (just for the purpose of companionship) and/or those that prioritize the needs of their new spouse over that of their children. This thread is more nuanced than you think and discusses a cross-section of a population. Also, don't take it to heart. Folks don't let this be you...

Everyone just have a look at the kind of comments this swine being *likes * comments like marrying or sleeping with virgins.
Remember; her "argument" was these guys are losers dead beat taking advantage of single mothers but she supports them marrying virgins?? Why does she give a f-ck where they dip their d*ck in?
Therefore; the only conclusion that can be drawn from her outburst and I was right all along: she is revengeful because she was hurt by a single mother. Oh dear it must be sad to be you.
Why is everyone hating on Idol? And using a slew of ad hominems. I don't think she has prejudicial views on single mothers. Many of them put their children first and have had to deal with insufferable circumstances and/or spouses. I don't think she's criticizing them all, but a segment of them that are quick to remarry when the chance presents itself even if the man is of low quality (just for the purpose of companionship) and/or those that prioritize the needs of their new spouse over that of their children. This thread is more nuanced than you think and discusses a cross-section of a population. Also, don't take it to heart. Folks don't let this be you...


Oh dear and you called yourself "sophisticated!??


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Everyone just have a look at the kind of comments this swine being *likes * comments like marrying or sleeping with virgins.
Remember; her "argument" was these guys are losers dead beat taking advantage of single mothers but she supports them marrying virgins?? Why does she give a f-ck where they dip their d*ck in?
Therefore; the only conclusion that can be drawn from her outburst and I was right all along: she is revengeful because she was hurt by a single mother. Oh dear it must be sad to be you.

Exactly, why do they reduce a woman to the status of her virginity, sounds outright misogynist. Cherry picking hadiths, when the Prophet's first marriage was too Khadijah a woman 25 years older than him. You should love a woman for who she is not reduce her to the history of her private parts.:drakewtf:
Exactly, why do they reduce a woman to the status of her virginity, sounds outright misogynist. Cherry picking hadiths, when the Prophet's first marriage was too Khadijah a woman 25 years older than him. You should love a woman for who she is not reduce her to the history of her private parts.:drakewtf:

And it is so-called women like her stigmatizing other women. How sickening.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Exactly, why do they reduce a woman to the status of her virginity, sounds outright misogynist. Cherry picking hadiths, when the Prophet's first marriage was too Khadijah a woman 25 years older than him. You should love a woman for who she is not reduce her to the history of her private parts.:drakewtf:
You honestly mean to tell me you would choose a garoob than a Virgin? lol we don't believe you, you need more people.
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