Look how this Western indoctrinated dhociil is indirectly insulting Prophet Muhammad (SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Salam)

Look how this Western indoctrinated dhociil is indirectly insulting Prophet Muhammad (SalAllahu Alayhi Wa Salam)
I don't see idol mention anything about clans on this post, it seems like someone has got a vendetta to settle lolI would defend and protect anyone who is stigmatized by people like her it does not mean I fall into that category.
She is contiguous disease that needs to be eliminated.
She is probably the kind that will criticise these children because they are not from her clan, so F-ck her and her fake concerns, she ain't fooling me. She got dumped for a single mother -end of story.
To be honest ive dated a single mother before
Her EX husband used to mentally abusive her, which is perhaps worse than being physically abused. This led the marriage to crumble.
All she received from the relationship was a child.
A single mother still carries the emotion common to humanity.
Every women desires a man who will love and squeeze them. A single mother has lost a relationship in the past and will most likely sweat to make sure the same actions don't repeat. A women is a women no matter what. Heck, if the child is under one and I'm the new father, I'd be blessed: The kid would now have a father figure and will look up to me as my child.That's a win win.
Ain't nothing wrong with it.
That's my two cents with all honesty.
I think your gonna be my new favorite posterWhat do you think?
I don't see idol mention anything about clans on this post, it seems like someone has got a vendetta to settle lol
Deeds are by intentions only Allah knows what's in her heart. Now take a seat miss judge, jury & executioner lolReading comprehension dear, I didn't say she did on this thread - I said probably the kind that would - I've not been here long to have vendetta against her- correct me if I am wrong or not- does she bash other clans or not?
Ignore this niggah @CognitivedissonanceReading comprehension dear, I didn't say she did on this thread - I said probably the kind that would - I've not been here long to have vendetta against her- correct me if I am wrong or not- does she bash other clans or not?
Deeds are by intentions only Allah knows what's in her heart. Now take a seat miss judge, jury & executioner lol
It's my God given right to speak my mind! lolIgnore this niggah @Cognitivedissonance
This niggah gets fed up with emotion real quick. We call'em emotion around here
I'm merely a slave only the most benevolent the most wise knows.Well, luckily we are not in heart so will judge her on what she writes.
Now the judge demands an answer!
How you doing Emotion??siilaanyolaughIt's my God given right to speak my mind! lol
You're literally doing the same shit all over the website. Not only are you ugly but you're also dumb with no common sense.How you doing Emotion??siilaanyolaugh
Everyone ignore @sunflower she is a single mother from somnet.com who still has anger issues towards me because I used to tell her to stop seeking men on Somali forums. She's still bitter.
YM you're in my territory now. LJ won't save you.
somnet??? LJ ??? I have no idea what you're on about but Ok dear whatever helps you sleep better at night.
Come again? Mr I don't believe in a caliphate lolHow you doing Emotion??siilaanyolaugh
You're literally doing the same shit all over the website. Not only are you ugly but you're also dumb with no common sense.
How did I PAINED an entire group? I was warning them from leeches like you.
Ain't no one addressing you, you're taking the L on this thread. Simply because you pained an entire group with the same brush.
You keep mentioning my looks as if I'm tryna game you down lol, your opinion doesn't sit well with me.
If you don't like whatchu see, I'm sure saxiibtaa thinks otherwise. Each to his own ayaa la yiri