Men who marry or seek single mothers.

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You can't blame them for wanting a father figure in the lives of their children. Some cunts take advantage of these single mothers, but cunts take advantage of women whenever possible. It's difficult raising kids on your own too so you can't blame them for wanting help. All you can ask them to do is be careful.
You can't blame them for wanting a father figure in the lives of their children. Some cunts take advantage of these single mothers, but cunts take advantage of women whenever possible. It's difficult raising kids on your own too so you can't blame them for wanting help. All you can ask them to do is be careful.

If she had opened the thread with this comment, it probably wouldn't have even reached 11 pages because most ppl would agree with this. But she's clearly looking down on single mothers and being condescending towards them. I wonder wexe ka haleeyeen bal?

I'm not buying her faux pas concern.

Btw single mothers are divorced women too. You can't dance around semantics. The Prophet did marry these women you look down on from your high horse. Some were widowed and others were divorced and they did have kids and he raised those children as his own. I salute any man who could do that.

Kibirka waa lugu kufaa. Lets hope you don't land flat on your ass.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
@Idol was referring to single mothers, not widows or divorced women without kids. I've seen the same pattern she's mentioned so I don't know why certain members who have problems with Idol are using this topic to attack her. Let's not act like there aren't men who seek out single mothers so they can use them. I've heard several stories about sexual deviants who target single mothers with small children. Instead of marrying the first man who looks their way, single mothers need to be careful who they bring around their kids.


>,,< certified creep >,,<

@Duchess, I understand she is your girl but some things you just can't defend. She was coming at single mothers for no reason. Yes, they should be careful and prioritise their children (as everyone would agree) but your friend is saying only losers are interested in them. She's looking down on them. These women found themselves in that unfortunate circumstance and they're not always to blame for the dissolvement of their marriage. It could very well be that Idol could end up in that predicament. Ilahay kuma keeno.

I know this chick that would always talk shit about a certain qabiil and say she would never marry them and guess what? She ended up marrying a guy from that exact qabiil. Sometimes waxaad ceeysid ama qof ku ceeysid aya xujo lagaaga dhigaaya. Never think you are better than anyone because life has a way of humbling you.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Yes I would cognitive, I am more concerned with a woman's worth via her akhlaaq, deen and personality than the status of her virginity


@Duchess, I understand she is your girl but some things you just can't defend. She was coming at single mothers for no reason. Yes, they should be careful and prioritise their children (as everyone would agree) but your friend is saying only losers are interested in them. She's looking down on them. These women found themselves in that unfortunate circumstance and they're not always to blame for the dissolvement of their marriage. It could very well be that Idol could end up in that predicament. Ilahay kuma keeno.

I know this chick that would always talk shit about a certain qabiil and say she would never marry them and guess what? She ended up marrying a guy from that exact qabiil. Sometimes waxaad ceeysid ama qof ku ceeysid aya xujo lagaaga dhigaaya. Never think you are better than anyone because life has a way of humbling you.

All jokes aside, wallahi your comment is something everyone should read. No sane person can argue it.
Wax walbo waa calaf, waad ku mahadsantahay runti walashiiis.


Speak for your self, blessed are the virgins that guard that which is in-between their legs lol
Are saying everyone who falls in love commits zina? War ninkaan niyow
Love has no boundaries, this is why they its blind. Not everyone in love sleeps around, some people prefer to wait.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Duchess, I understand she is your girl but some things you just can't defend. She was coming at single mothers for no reason. Yes, they should be careful and prioritise their children (as everyone would agree) but your friend is saying only losers are interested in them. She's looking down on them. These women found themselves in that unfortunate circumstance and they're not always to blame for the dissolvement of their marriage. It could very well be that Idol could end up in that predicament. Ilahay kuma keeno.

I know this chick that would always talk shit about a certain qabiil and say she would never marry them and guess what? She ended up marrying a guy from that exact qabiil. Sometimes waxaad ceeysid ama qof ku ceeysid aya xujo lagaaga dhigaaya. Never think you are better than anyone because life has a way of humbling you.
Samocoon disses qabil's especially Mj, do I bare any ill will towards him? Certainly not, this is the Internet after all it's a facade so take it with a pinch of salt. Judging by the venom seeping through your words I'd say you're bearing a grudge in my humble opinion lol

Samocoon i see Hollywood indoctrination has taken its toll on you "love at first sight" kulaha lol
On the contrary, I believe it comes after one settles down & has children.
Samocoon disses qabil's especially Mj, do I bare any ill will towards him? Certainly not, this is the Internet after all it's a facade so take it with a pinch of salt. Judging by the venom seeping through your words I'd say you're bearing a grudge in my humble opinion lol

Samocoon i see Hollywood indoctrination has taken its toll on you "love at first sight" kulaha lol
On the contrary, I believe it comes after one settles down & has children.

What venom is seeping through my post? Lol iska hadal ma fiicno. I don't bear any ill will towards anyone here especially a Somali sister. Ruunta lee uusheegay dhib mee kugu haaysa?

Teeda kale, I don't care what SOMACOON says besides he aint the only qabiilist here. Don't involve me in your little beef.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What venom is seeping through my post? Lol iska hadal ma fiicno. I don't bear any ill will towards anyone here especially a Somali sister. Ruunta lee uusheegay dhib mee kugu haaysa?

Teeda kale, I don't care what SOMACOON says besides he aint the only qabiilist here. Don't involve me in your little beef.
You seem to be drawing too many assumptions there, wouldn't it be wiser to ask instead of allowing your mind to go off on a tangent my fair-lady, in my humble opinion.

Queen Carawelo

Let's be honest for one second. All these calcaal from people who don't even act upon the religion. Niggas are literally smoking weed, bragging about Zina but God forbid idol has an opinion on something. Hypocrites. I don't need to explain myself. I meant single mothers who marry men while they have toddlers. And yes I am concerned about the kids, so save me your crap!
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