Message to all Somalis

North,South, East and West.. To all Somali tribes, big or small..

I call you all true Somalis to unite under one banner, I know things aren't perfect and we have many challenges facing our people and nation, but there is no honor or dignity in disunity, fragmentation and constant bickering about who's wrong and who's right.. The thing is we all as somalis are in a very embarrassing predicament, let us restore the honor and dignity of our forefathers, from Ahmed Gurey, Dervish to the SYL, many have sacrificed lifes to preserve our nationhood and through this to ensure our dignity and honor, will be the ones to spit on their graves and give away everything to our enemy? Due to our arrogance and tribal hatred? Notice this message is not a tribute to HSM or his leadership, only a call for all Somali brothers to unite, unite and kick out the xabashi menace from Somali soil.
I support Somali unity, but will never trust centralism. Once bitten, twice shy.

But I like you Abdisamad, so keep up the good fight.
Thank you walahsey, I see the goverment style and how we should rule our nation as an internal matter, it shouldn't give any space to our enemies to cause friction and demand we give up our sovereignty.. But InshaAllah the good heads shall prevail and our countries sovereignty shall be restored.
Thank you walahsey, I see the goverment style and how we should rule our nation as an internal matter, it shouldn't give any space to our enemies to cause friction and demand we give up our sovereignty.. But InshaAllah the good heads shall prevail and our countries sovereignty shall be restored.

I agree that federal states need to have the same policy towards foreign nations, the only reason this even happens, is because the federal government is extremely corrupt and qabiilist.
I agree that federal states need to have the same policy towards foreign nations, the only reason this even happens, is because the federal government is extremely corrupt and qabiilist.
Yes, the federal government is corrupt and HSM has failed to unite the country, why Ethiopia felt like nows the right time to claim a piece of the Somali coast, this is very dangerous.. HSM term will soon end, so hopefully a better leader will follow, but even with hsm poor leadership we can't have any space for the likes of Ethiopia to operate and cause discord.. Have you seen how entitled they're on their claim for a piece of coast?.. It truly shows how low we've sunken since our neighbors are this emboldened.. Kulaha we've spilled blood to defend Somalia, laughable wallahi.. If we get back to hsm, if he was super corrupt he would have supported SL and let Ethiopia have a navy then in return SL would attack Khatumo and PL with Ethiopia's support, but atleast he didn't go this route which we ought to give him.


@Libaax-Joore puntitequeen has gone rogue and wants somalinimo yet all she ever got from it was ssdf and siyad wars, she got economic isolation from syl govt even tho no hawiye could lead without mj ties and they hate U.

All she gets is isbaaro on international projects by the sfg since 2016 hsm govt, USC massacres, looting. She gets nothing beneficial from Somalis yet she loves them, talk about Stockholm syndrome she isn't loyal to Puntland interests and it's Puntland time to enjoy the benefits of somalinimo since 1969s they been nothing but victims of it. Somalidu xishood malaha, cabsi bay wax ku lee yihin. But I think she has gone rogue and defending them because of that bicidyahan traitor xaange in Hamar.

Why love Egypt where abdiqasim salat hides out who teaches them USC interests, Egypt is what caused federalism after they endorsed sal balaar govt of aideed and Ali Mahdi not Ethiopia.


You can't do anything now the hatred between tribes and tribalism becomes more especially with social media and the presence of idiots in the West sending money to ignite wars between tribes on a desert land


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Libaax-Joore puntitequeen has gone rogue and wants somalinimo yet all she ever got from it was ssdf and siyad wars, she got economic isolation from syl govt even tho no hawiye could lead without mj ties and they hate U.

All she gets is isbaaro on international projects by the sfg since 2016 hsm govt, USC massacres, looting. She gets nothing beneficial from Somalis yet she loves them, talk about Stockholm syndrome she isn't loyal to Puntland interests and it's Puntland time to enjoy the benefits of somalinimo since 1969s they been nothing but victims of it. Somalidu xishood malaha, cabsi bay wax ku lee yihin. But I think she has gone rogue and defending them because of that bicidyahan traitor xaange in Hamar.

Why love Egypt where abdiqasim salat hides out who teaches them USC interests, Egypt is what caused federalism after they endorsed sal balaar govt of aideed and Ali Mahdi not Ethiopia.
Isku xishow leave our queen sister alone @π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’—π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’ πŸ™πŸ½πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡± she is a die hard majerteenia


Guul iyo Gobanimo
We have too many cadows traitors in this forum unfortunately. It is now as a country to unite against Aidsthiopian imperialism
We have too many cadows traitors in this forum unfortunately. It is now as a country to unite against Aidsthiopian imperialism
North,South, East and West.. To all Somali tribes, big or small..

I call you all true Somalis to unite under one banner, I know things aren't perfect and we have many challenges facing our people and nation, but there is no honor or dignity in disunity, fragmentation and constant bickering about who's wrong and who's right.. The thing is we all as somalis are in a very embarrassing predicament, let us restore the honor and dignity of our forefathers, from Ahmed Gurey, Dervish to the SYL, many have sacrificed lifes to preserve our nationhood and through this to ensure our dignity and honor, will be the ones to spit on their graves and give away everything to our enemy? Due to our arrogance and tribal hatred? Notice this message is not a tribute to HSM or his leadership, only a call for all Somali brothers to unite, unite and kick out the xabashi menace from Somali soil.

What country are you talking about? Hawiye and Darood taking turns to increase their clan interests is not a country. Darood are dead on arrival because they don't run the capital and now HSM is finding Hawiye limits, which is everywhere Hawiye don't live and even where they do live.

The FGS was just an experiment. Governments are not just created in lab like the FGS. They are meant to be representations of some kind of legitmate power either a moral authority that people accept as legitimate or genuine on the ground power. Hawiye and Darood were both beaten by the islamists and they have no moral authority at all after how they behaved in parts of the country. Ressurecting them and putting them into a government was always going to fail spectaculary when put to the test and Ethiopia just put them to the test and exposed they are not a sovereign government and have no capacity to be.

The question that remains is how this ends. I think in a giant fireball when they Hawiye invite every foreign coutnry they can to turn Somalia into a battle royale of the century because they couldn't get their way.

wrestlemania 31 wrestling GIF by WWE


What country are you talking about? Hawiye and Darood taking turns to increase their clan interests is not a country. Darood are dead on arrival because they don't run the capital and now HSM is finding Hawiye limits, which is everywhere Hawiye don't live and even where they do live.

The FGS was just an experiment. Governments are not just created in lab like the FGS. They are meant to be representations of some kind of legitmate power either a moral authority that people accept as legitimate or genuine on the ground power. Hawiye and Darood were both beaten by the islamists and they have no moral authority at all after how they behaved in parts of the country. Ressurecting them and putting them into a government was always going to fail spectaculary when put to the test and Ethiopia just put them to the test and exposed they are not a sovereign government and have no capacity to be.

The question that remains is how this ends. I think in a giant fireball when they Hawiye invite every foreign coutnry they can to turn Somalia into a battle royale of the century because they couldn't get their way.
Everybody agrees unification at this point in time is ridiculous. However if we do not soon come under a single governing basis based on on federalism. Somaliweyn will die and we will be weak and pathetic forever. Just think, somali was the king of black africa yesterday, imagine if everything didn't go to shit.
What country are you talking about? Hawiye and Darood taking turns to increase their clan interests is not a country. Darood are dead on arrival because they don't run the capital and now HSM is finding Hawiye limits, which is everywhere Hawiye don't live and even where they do live.

The FGS was just an experiment. Governments are not just created in lab like the FGS. They are meant to be representations of some kind of legitmate power either a moral authority that people accept as legitimate or genuine on the ground power. Hawiye and Darood were both beaten by the islamists and they have no moral authority at all after how they behaved in parts of the country. Ressurecting them and putting them into a government was always going to fail spectaculary when put to the test and Ethiopia just put them to the test and exposed they are not a sovereign government and have no capacity to be.

The question that remains is how this ends. I think in a giant fireball when they Hawiye invite every foreign coutnry they can to turn Somalia into a battle royale of the century because they couldn't get their way.

wrestlemania 31 wrestling GIF by WWE
My message only concerns the true sons of a Somali, pure blooded Somali, unfortunately you do not fit into this category, you truly are a questionable character and a very hostile and anti anything Somali character.. I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not looking to reason with the likes of you, between you and me it's only language, that is the ak47.. Now be gone ya xayawaan..

Internet Nomad

How does this apply to me? I just said that low iq people can’t think past themselves.
Lol it’s always the same trend someone says all somalis are low iq but they are always coincidentally not included in that general statement. I should keep a tally at this point.

