Misconceptions about Islam

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Keep going :mjohreally:
Shouldn't you jacking off to communist rhetoric until everything fades to a bright hue of commie red right about now?

I commend ppl for their patience with you.
Looks like you're suffering from premature Alzheimer's. Have you not read your previous post? Xoolo waaxid.
How is it even remotely related to your response to it and to how you're going on about your appearances Please I'm genuinely curious to know :mjlol:
Are you playing dumb on purpose :mjlol: WHOOO the f*ck in the right mind would sleep with someone who literally just killed their relatives???? Wallahi You and @Discontinous must have deluded yourself into thinking women are robots or smth lmaooooooo

It's the cruelest thing anyone could do to another person. That's why you have countless accounts of women committing mass suicides when their cities have been captured :kodaksmiley: anything is better than serving the dogs who just destroyed ur life
Maybe there wasn't a stigma attached to it in 7th century Arabia. Doesn't change the fact that rape is not permissible.

Horta it's funny how y'all make everything about sex. A slave could be either a male or a female, their main purpose is not to satisfy the sexual desires of their masters. They are mainly used for labour; get that through your thick head. I know it's hard, but try.
Human ownership is disgusting period

How the f*ck is allah going to go out of his way to ban something as trivial as threading ur eyebrows but allow slavery????:mjlol:
Human ownership is disgusting period

How the f*ck is allah going to go out of his way to ban something as trivial as threading ur eyebrows but allow slavery????:mjlol:
Ok what alternative do you suggest? Muslims could either:

1) Murder all of their opponents


2) Release them en masse only for them to come back, perhaps this time more prepared

Your doqonimo is unmatched seriously.


Accomplished Saaxir
Ok what alternative do you suggest? Muslims could either:

1) Murder all of their opponents


2) Release them en masse only for them to come back, perhaps this time more prepared

Your doqonimo is unmatched seriously.

Lol that argument would only apply to male captives, not female sex slaves.


Human ownership is disgusting period

How the f*ck is allah going to go out of his way to ban something as trivial as threading ur eyebrows but allow slavery????:mjlol:
It's weird how they refuse to admit the obvious. This is the epitome of defending the indefensible. It's a flimsy fort; blind faith isn't enough to keep it up. The pieces still fall to cold, hard reality.
Lol that argument would only apply to male captives, not female sex slaves.
Ok so now you accept males being held as prisoners of war? Good. Now we're getting somewhere...

I've already addressed the point that you're trying to make btw (regarding "sex" slaves) pages back.
Ok what alternative do you suggest? Muslims could either:

1) Murder all of their opponents


2) Release them en masse only for them to come back, perhaps this time more prepared

Your doqonimo is unmatched seriously.
Geneva convention has a nice bit outlined of how to deal with prisoners of war on Wikipedia
Look nothing about slavery :ayaanswag:

Your arguments doesn't work for female captives tho? Are they going to be punished simply for being inhabitants of the whatever town was attacked? also how come descendants of prisoners of war are kept in slavery for many generations? why do they need to pay for their crimes :faysalwtf:
It's weird how they refuse to admit the obvious. This is the epitome of defending the indefensible. It's a flimsy fort; blind faith isn't enough to keep it up. The pieces still fall to cold, hard reality.
Yet they still manage to find a way! it's incredible
Killing them is an alternative option apparently :faysalwtf:
Geneva convention has a nice bit outlined of how to deal with prisoners of war on Wikipedia
Look nothing about slavery :ayaanswag:

Your arguments doesn't work for female captives tho? Are they going to be punished simply for being inhabitants of the whatever town was attacked? also how come descendants of prisoners of war are kept in slavery for many generations? why do they need to pay for their crimes :faysalwtf:
I've already addressed why the female captives should be dealt with in that manner and @Discontinous just repeated the general idea of my response. Here it is:

Is it a better idea to just leave the women to rot after their men have been defeated/captivated? Yacni literally leaving them with the responsibility of building their society and economy from the ground up; even then they'd need to pay jizya (Muslims pay Zakah btw, so I don't want anyone making Jizya seem to be an unjust phenomenon) all the more so increasing their burden. Or do you think it would be better to provide them with a roof over their heads, food, clothes, good treatment, etc. in return for burdenless labour?

> Women-only civilization... How long would such a thing even last :wtf:
Wallahi that would be x10000 better than whatever sick, twisted thing you lot have in mind. Leave them be
Wallahi billahi you're a doqon. Until today; women DON'T take on the job roles that require one to be hands-on. For a civilization to survive; it's indispensable that people take these roles. That's just too much of a burden on them. How will they balance that with their roles as mothers, etc?


Accomplished Saaxir
Ok so now you accept males being held as prisoners of war? Good. Now we're getting somewhere...

I've already addressed the point that you're trying to make btw (regarding "sex" slaves) pages back.

I never denied that males could fall into slavery.

What you guys must understand is that the concept of rape within marriage or slavery wasn't recognised in the West until the mid 20th century and it certainly wasn't in 7th century Arabia.

Women in general across the World have throughout history been treated like shit. These women likely 'consented' because they had no other real alternative - something which hardly qualifies as consent.

A women refusing her master/husband sex was simply unheard of back in those days - it was seen as the man's right. The Ahadith which state a woman will be cursed if she refuses a man sex is testament to this.

British law and other similar legal systems around the World make it clear rape is a serious offence. Why do we not see such explicit prohibition of rape in the Qur'an and Sunnah? Me thinks it's because rape simply wasn't recognised in the marital and master-slave relationships.
@Discontinous apparently there should be a woman only civilisation where they are responsible for farming, building houses, cutting trees to make furnitures, furnace, etc. while also fulfilling their other obligations, looking after their families, etc.

Wallahi only on SS would you see such stupidity.

Just two decades ago, the average Englishman would work his ass off, up to 15 hours a day in the fields.
Wallahi billahi you're a doqon. Until today; women DON'T take on the job roles that require one to be hands-on. For a civilization to survive; it's indispensable that people take these roles. That's just too much of a burden on them. How will they balance that with their roles as mothers, etc?

Wallahi there is something wrong with you. You need to stop acting like this is the 7th century, people in the present don't fight like xoolo desert nomads. Men aren't completely wiped out during wartimes in this day and age, civilians are generally offered more protection.

You still haven't answered my question about children born into slavery? You think 2 - 3 generations of ppl kept in slavery is acceptable?
Wallahi there is something wrong with you. You need to stop acting like this is the 7th century, people in the present don't fight like xoolo desert nomads. Men aren't completely wiped out during wartimes in this day and age, civilians are generally offered more protection.

You still haven't answered my question about children born into slavery? You think 2 - 3 generations of ppl kept in slavery is acceptable?
They are ALL inevitably freed. Literally, it's inevitable. Islam did not come to establish this institution permanently, rather it came to do away with it (gradually).

"Islam condones slavery"

This is one of the biggest lies that the Islamophobes spread about Islam. In fact, the exact opposite of this is true.

Not only is freeing a slave considered one of the most virtuous acts that a Muslim can do; but it's actually one of the means of expiation for many types of sins.

The expiation for breaking an oath is one good example:

“Allaah will not punish you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He will punish you for your deliberate oaths; for its expiation (a deliberate oath) feed ten Masaakeen (poor persons), on a scale of the average of that with which you feed your own families, or clothe them or manumit a slave. But whosoever cannot afford (that), then he should fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you have sworn. And protect your oaths (i.e. do not swear much). Thus Allaah makes clear to you His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) that you may be grateful” [al-Maa’idah 5:89]

No wonder why I've never come across a 3rd generation servant through the texts that I've read; they all eventually get freed and this is what Islam came for (to eventually do away with slavery)

Wallahi there is something wrong with you. You need to stop acting like this is the 7th century, people in the present don't fight like xoolo desert nomads. Men aren't completely wiped out during wartimes in this day and age, civilians are generally offered more protection.

You still haven't answered my question about children born into slavery? You think 2 - 3 generations of ppl kept in slavery is acceptable?
Children born into slavery are most likely to be a part of the owners family or freed when they grow up. Guessing its like with the Oromo captures Somalis had.

The Oromo captives also mostly consisted of young children and women, both of whom were taken into the families of their abductors; men were usually killed during the raids. Oromo boys and girls were adopted by their Somali patrons as their own children. Prized for their beauty and viewed as legitimate sexual partners, many Oromo women became either wives or concubines of their Somali captors, while others became domestic servants.[2][19] In some cases, entire Oromo clans were assimilated on a client basis into the Somali clan system.[2]

Are you done now?
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