Mixed Somalis


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I came across this post, about a comedian whose dad is Somali, I felt bad for him losing his heritage, wonder how many of them are out here.

Hi, welcome back to Mixed Messages! This week I’m speaking to comedian Tony Wright, who is of Somali and white British heritage. As a self-professed “half-Black person who looks Asian,” I was excited to continue exploring mixed identity with someone who doesn’t quite fit the mould of what people expect from him.

What’s your ethnicity?

I’m half-English, half-Somali. I describe myself as 50/50, mixed-race or biracial... but I don’t know what the correct lingo is in the eyes of the majority. I grew up in the very white Margate, where using half-caste was OK growing up.

Do people know you’re mixed-Black from looking at you?

No, my face isn’t a good indicator of my mix. Mixed Black and white males don’t typically look like me – I have no idea what went wrong in my genes. I feel like a lot of people don’t realise that being mixed creates something new, rather than the same thing over and over again.

Growing up, were you connected to your Somali culture?

I don’t know my biological dad, which is where I get my Somali heritage. I grew up with a white family who didn’t acknowledge my difference. It was out of love, but it was odd.

My reality is so different to what the public perceive me as. English is all I’ve ever known, but you can’t fit in with white culture if you've got a slightly darker pigment. They don't let you.

I want to get to know my Somali side more, but my family are scared that I’m going to throw them away. I’m not – I just want to see what my biological dad is like. It would answer a lot of questions for me.


I put Books to the Test of Life
That is actually scary :mjlol:how come when other Blacks mix with Cadaans they do not turn out like this. His Somali Dads Genes literally got Colonised typical Brits. Cushitic's are deffo most Ancient Humans on earth.



♚Sargon of Adal♚
That is actually scary :mjlol:how come when other Blacks mix with Cadaans they do not turn out like this. His Somali Dads Genes literally got Colonised typical Brits. Cushitic's are deffo most Ancient Humans on earth.

View attachment 318386
Probably due to us having 40-45% Eurasian(25 -30% West Asian and 15% NA) so much stuffed caked into that, no border police in the Neolithic. :hemad:


I put Books to the Test of Life
Probably due to us having 40-45% Eurasian(25 -30% West Asian and 15% NA) so much stuffed caked into that, no border police in the Neolithic. :hemad:
That is bs :pachah1:we do not have no Persian or roman blood in us nor where we in any empires to have been diluted, also you cannot have that much mix and Somalis are today on average Madow skinned and average hair type is Kinky hair 3a-4b. Our features is not Eurasian nor white people their are Somalis with flat noses just like how Japanese and Chinese also have flat noses and faces yet they are white skinned and lank haired like Europeans

Check that Link to see half Somalis mixed with other races its interesting.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
That is bs :pachah1:we do not have no Persian or roman blood in us nor where we in any empires to have been diluted, also you cannot have that much mix and Somalis are today on average Madow skinned and average hair type is Kinky hair 3a-4b. Our features is not Eurasian nor white people their are Somalis with flat noses just like how Japanese and Chinese also have flat noses and faces yet they are white skinned and lank haired like Europeans

Check that Link to see half Somalis mixed with other races its interesting.
When I say Eurasian(very little neanderthal dna), it's mostly ancient like 10,000 years ago, long before the pyramids and Rome, the people back then had dark skin and no light skin allele, our ancestors lived in the Red Sea Hills between Egypt and Sudan during the Neolithic.
I came across this post, about a comedian whose dad is Somali, I felt bad for him losing his heritage, wonder how many of them are out here.

Hi, welcome back to Mixed Messages! This week I’m speaking to comedian Tony Wright, who is of Somali and white British heritage. As a self-professed “half-Black person who looks Asian,” I was excited to continue exploring mixed identity with someone who doesn’t quite fit the mould of what people expect from him.

What’s your ethnicity?

I’m half-English, half-Somali. I describe myself as 50/50, mixed-race or biracial... but I don’t know what the correct lingo is in the eyes of the majority. I grew up in the very white Margate, where using half-caste was OK growing up.

Do people know you’re mixed-Black from looking at you?

No, my face isn’t a good indicator of my mix. Mixed Black and white males don’t typically look like me – I have no idea what went wrong in my genes. I feel like a lot of people don’t realise that being mixed creates something new, rather than the same thing over and over again.

Growing up, were you connected to your Somali culture?

I don’t know my biological dad, which is where I get my Somali heritage. I grew up with a white family who didn’t acknowledge my difference. It was out of love, but it was odd.

My reality is so different to what the public perceive me as. English is all I’ve ever known, but you can’t fit in with white culture if you've got a slightly darker pigment. They don't let you.

I want to get to know my Somali side more, but my family are scared that I’m going to throw them away. I’m not – I just want to see what my biological dad is like. It would answer a lot of questions for me.
First time the hell 😭😭😭

My cousin is half Somali half cadaan
He looks like southern European but coloured eyed
I came across this post, about a comedian whose dad is Somali, I felt bad for him losing his heritage, wonder how many of them are out here.

Hi, welcome back to Mixed Messages! This week I’m speaking to comedian Tony Wright, who is of Somali and white British heritage. As a self-professed “half-Black person who looks Asian,” I was excited to continue exploring mixed identity with someone who doesn’t quite fit the mould of what people expect from him.

What’s your ethnicity?

I’m half-English, half-Somali. I describe myself as 50/50, mixed-race or biracial... but I don’t know what the correct lingo is in the eyes of the majority. I grew up in the very white Margate, where using half-caste was OK growing up.

Do people know you’re mixed-Black from looking at you?

No, my face isn’t a good indicator of my mix. Mixed Black and white males don’t typically look like me – I have no idea what went wrong in my genes. I feel like a lot of people don’t realise that being mixed creates something new, rather than the same thing over and over again.

Growing up, were you connected to your Somali culture?

I don’t know my biological dad, which is where I get my Somali heritage. I grew up with a white family who didn’t acknowledge my difference. It was out of love, but it was odd.

My reality is so different to what the public perceive me as. English is all I’ve ever known, but you can’t fit in with white culture if you've got a slightly darker pigment. They don't let you.

I want to get to know my Somali side more, but my family are scared that I’m going to throw them away. I’m not – I just want to see what my biological dad is like. It would answer a lot of questions for me.

Half Somali? If you told me he was Indian I would’ve believed you.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
He looks pretty run-of-the-mill when it comes to mixed Somalis. My question to you guys is, why do they focus on these topics?

If full Somalis with no recent admixture already range from almost blue to pretty much olive. Why would you not expect half Somalis to have a wide range, maybe even greater?


Plotting world domination
:mindblown: another abandoned mixed kid.

Bro older somali niggas were moving crazy back in the day :pacspit:

They're tarnished our rep by moving like madow niggas.