Mohammed Hijab gets called a pedo by the far-right, Zionists, and Ryan Garcia after an old video resurfaced in which he talks about underage marriage


why is he acting like his dad didnt suck the blood off his circumcision
From an Islamic and jurisprudential perspective it is legal but morally it’s unacceptable in this day and age. I can see people a thousand years ago marrying underage but there’s been a thousand years of progress in which people live longer and have access to medicine and treatment, therefore there wouldn’t be a need to marry underage.
Honestly him, ali dawah, daniel haqiwhatever are always fighting tooth and nail to justify p€dophillia. I genuinely question the moral compass of the women that choose to procreate with them.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Aishas age upon marriage to our beloved Prophet SAW is one of the biggest issues damaging our faith.

I personally believe the hadith about her age upon marriage is not true and it has been fabricated for some reason, most popular reason being political (amplifying Aishas virginity) but many believe it to be true for the sake of preserving authenticity of hadiths.

However I do believe she got married young, from 15-18.

The originator of the infamous hadith, Hisham Ibn Urwah was first a reliable narrator but after becoming old was deemed unreliable narrator by Ya'qub bin Shayba and reportedly also by his student, Malik Ibn Anas. Browsing through the net I haven’t found good sourcers for these claims and I do not understand arabic so I can’t read arabic sources.
Aishas age upon marriage to our beloved Prophet SAW is one of the biggest issues damaging our faith.

I personally believe the hadith about her age upon marriage is not true and it has been fabricated for some reason, most popular reason being political (amplifying Aishas virginity) but many believe it to be true for the sake of preserving authenticity of hadiths.

However I do believe she got married young, from 15-18.

The originator of the infamous hadith, Hisham Ibn Urwah was first a reliable narrator but after becoming old was deemed unreliable narrator by Ya'qub bin Shayba and reportedly also by his student, Malik Ibn Anas. Browsing through the net I haven’t found good sourcers for these claims and I do not understand arabic so I can’t read arabic sources.
You can’t question Sahih cause it don’t sit right with you :dead:
Aishas age upon marriage to our beloved Prophet SAW is one of the biggest issues damaging our faith.

I personally believe the hadith about her age upon marriage is not true and it has been fabricated for some reason, most popular reason being political (amplifying Aishas virginity) but many believe it to be true for the sake of preserving authenticity of hadiths.

However I do believe she got married young, from 15-18.

The originator of the infamous hadith, Hisham Ibn Urwah was first a reliable narrator but after becoming old was deemed unreliable narrator by Ya'qub bin Shayba and reportedly also by his student, Malik Ibn Anas. Browsing through the net I haven’t found good sourcers for these claims and I do not understand arabic so I can’t read arabic sources.
I don’t think it’s that much of a problem tbh, it was just a practice of those times, my non Muslim friends ask me about it, I tell them straight, it was a practice of those days, even the Christians and Jews of that were known to marry at that age. However there’s no need for it in the modern day and we’ve progressed well over a thousand years from that time.

people who use it as a supposed damming proof aren’t really aware as to the social mores of that era, we shouldn’t view the history of that era through our 21st century moral lenses, that would be my rebuttal.
BarakAllah Fiyk
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Hijab had to defend it cause kaffir used this Hadith. Even I will affirm that a girl become a women at menstruation. That’s the Muslim position. :kanyeshrug:
No, you can't "affirm" this, you're not a woman. When I had my first period (and i started mine late) i was still very childlike physically and mentally, certainly not ready for marriage. Same with all the other girls I know.

Stop hiding behind Islam to justify being a perv.


Coping through the 1st world
From an Islamic and jurisprudential perspective it is legal but morally it’s unacceptable in this day and age. I can see people a thousand years ago marrying underage but there’s been a thousand years of progress in which people live longer and have access to medicine and treatment, therefore there wouldn’t be a need to marry underage.

100% it has everything to do with timeline. Even Christians use to do it but unlike them they’ve progressed. Muslims needs to be critical when they’re discussing about subject like this and understand this isn’t their world. There is no easy way out in discussing about this. They’re gonna hate you and criticise you. No matter how Muslims try’s to justify Aisha marriage and her age consent we’re gonna call it out as wrong.

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