Mohammed Hijab gets called a pedo by the far-right, Zionists, and Ryan Garcia after an old video resurfaced in which he talks about underage marriage


Coping through the 1st world
Why not, it’s not the Quran.

There’s needs be an honest discussion about the Hadith’s and its odd nature. I realised certain Islamophobes uses the Hadiths (and the weird chapter that exist in the Hadiths) as an ammo at the religion.

If the Hadiths documents the Prophets behaviours and actions it will be deemed wrong or out of touch from our modern world. But this is religion we’re talking about. Prophet Mohammed was highly influential but his methods are considered unorthodox from our modern world.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
Most schools of Islam including the Shafi’i madhab that Somalis follow rules that one becomes age of maturity after signs of puberty appears. For boys appearance of wet dreams and girls their menstrual cycle.
This was also the case for the entire world besides the west until Europeans exported public school education around the world through colonization & cultural export.

Mohammed Hijab didn’t say anything wrong islamically and biologically.
This clip with Mr Hijab and Sneako isn't new. It resurfaces every now and then on the right-wing side of Twitter.
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Most schools of Islam including the Shafi’i madhab that Somalis follow rules that one becomes age of maturity after signs of puberty appears. For boys appearance of wet dreams and girls their menstrual cycle.
This was also the case for the entire world besides the west until Europeans exported public school education around the world through colonization & cultural export.

Mohammed Hijab didn’t say anything wrong islamically and biologically.
Not exactly true for Europeans.

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No, you can't "affirm" this, you're not a woman. When I had my first period (and i started mine late) i was still very childlike physically and mentally, certainly not ready for marriage. Same with all the other girls I know.

Stop hiding behind Islam to justify being a perv.
Different times, women matured quicker than they do now at that time. It’s proven that stresses such as hunger/weight loss can accelerate the puberty process in women, now add war to the equation
The cognitive dissonance in this thread is crazy. Every knows Aisha RA was 9 when her marriage was consumnated. Does that mean the rasul is a pedo, or just anyone else besides him?
It's things like this that makes me realize Islam is 100% going to reform just like Christianity and any other religion in the west


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
From an Islamic and jurisprudential perspective it is legal but morally it’s unacceptable in this day and age. I can see people a thousand years ago marrying underage but there’s been a thousand years of progress in which people live longer and have access to medicine and treatment, therefore there wouldn’t be a need to marry underage.
The implications of this statement is massive. Maybe I misunderstood but from what I understood you are implying that the laws of Allah aren’t always moral.
The cognitive dissonance in this thread is crazy. Every knows Aisha RA was 9 when her marriage was consumnated. Does that mean the rasul is a pedo, or just anyone else besides him?
It's things like this that makes me realize Islam is 100% going to reform just like Christianity and any other religion in the west
Yup, the white man did a number on their heads.
@El Nino @Afeik_Abiy @Gacmeey

The issue:

Aisha’s age Hadith is one of protection. Muslims are sure of their Hadith methodology. Also, look at the ramifications? If a Hadith is wrong despite being classed as sahih, what about the others? Quranism is simply a dead end. We need Hadiths to pray and the like. And if some of the Hadiths we have believed to be graded as ‘Hassan/sahih’ for at least a 1000 yrs aren’t actually strong but weak, then it does cast and cause a lot of confusion. Hadiths that have been classed as Sahih being factual is necessary. it's boils down to avoiding a slippery slope. In saying that, people like AlBani who is a pretty modern scholar has graded some Hadiths as strong and even some previously strong ones as weak, but even he has acknowledged this Bukhari hadith to be strong. Basically, this debate doesn’t hinge upon the actual age of Aisha but the reliability of certain Hadiths and that’s a can of worms that cannot be opened.

Muslim men on average would never marry a 12 yr old or let their 12 yr old daughters marry generally unless they’re in a poverty stricken backwater place and such a marriage means less mouths to feed. Across every region of the world, when parents have money and resources, they don’t want their kid daughter marrying. They simply don’t. Hence I don’t understand why incel young men love to discuss this. For every so called ‘feminist women’ wincing at it, you’ll find hordes of fathers willing to shoot you if you dare go near their child. Go to any Muslim country that isn’t steeped in poverty, most all get married after 18.

@World What is your view on this? I think you’re pretty intelligent when it comes to Islamic fiqh and history, I’d love to get your opinion on this if possible?
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I can't believe some of you are seriously writing off Muslims who viscerally squirm at the idea of an adult having sexual relations with a child as simply being brainwashed by the West...
I can't believe some of you are seriously writing off Muslims who viscerally squirm at the idea of an adult having sexual relations with a child as simply being brainwashed by the West...

They are 100% brainwashed by the west.

They have no issues or outrage about children being sexually active its normal to them and even encouraged for them to participate in Zina with school mates.

It is only marriage and not sexual activity these people have an issue with. Everyone knows kids start to get sexually active at puberty, which is why Islam legislates that thats when people CAN get married. Whether you do or dont has other factors and yes it is up to the guardians who care for and know best for their children.

There is nothing wrong with a halal marriage at puberty, totally normal throughout all of human history.

These same people who are okay with all kinds of deviance and now their latest "progress" is puberty blockers for children and drag shows. Even that does not draw as much outrage in them.

So yes, it is perfectly normal and okay for people to get married at puberty. Perfectly moral. It is an objective criteria unlike the random ages set which tries to decrease marriage and increase zina.

Islam is perfect and it will never change, that is what all true Muslims believe and it is clear when compared to everything else. For those so brainwashed that they take an issue with that, they can continue to "progress' into oblivion with the liberals.
They are 100% brainwashed by the west.

They have no issues or outrage about children being sexually active its normal to them and even encouraged for them to participate in Zina with school mates.

It is only marriage and not sexual activity these people have an issue with. Everyone knows kids start to get sexually active at puberty, which is why Islam legislates that thats when people CAN get married. Whether you do or dont has other factors and yes it is up to the guardians who care for and know best for their children.

There is nothing wrong with a halal marriage at puberty, totally normal throughout all of human history.

These same people who are okay with all kinds of deviance and now their latest "progress" is puberty blockers for children and drag shows. Even that does not draw as much outrage in them.

So yes, it is perfectly normal and okay for people to get married at puberty. Perfectly moral. It is an objective criteria unlike the random ages set which tries to decrease marriage and increase zina.

Islam is perfect and it will never change, that is what all true Muslims believe and it is clear when compared to everything else. For those so brainwashed that they take an issue with that, they can continue to "progress' into oblivion with the liberals.

You have described white American liberals who actively engage in LGBT activism in this little essay of yours, but none of what you wrote applies to any users on this thread that I was referring to.

We're literally on a Somali forum but you're seriously arguing that users like @El Nino are in favour of drag queens now? :mjlol:

Please take your low IQ Daniel Haqiqatjou copypasta elsewhere.

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You have described white American liberals who actively engage in LGBT activism in this little wall of text of yours, but none of what you wrote applies to any users on this thread I was referring to.

We're literally on a Somali forum but you're seriously arguing that users like @El Nino are in favour of drag queens now? :mjlol:

Please take your low IQ Daniel Haqiqatjou copypasta elsewhere.

The Rasul (SAW) married Aisha (RA) at 6 years old and consummated that marriage at 9 years old. Say something about that! His point is like any Muslim deserving to smell the scent of jannah, is that his morals are based on the sunnah. You got a problem with that?
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The Rasul (SAW) married Aisha (RA) at 6 years old and consummated that marriage at 9 years old. Say something about that! His point is like any Muslim deserving to smell the scent of jannah is that his morals are based on the sunnah. You got a problem with that?
I will stand ten toes and say that any where in front of anyone.


Coping through the 1st world
The Rasul (SAW) married Aisha (RA) at 6 years old and consummated that marriage at 9 years old. Say something about that! His point is like any Muslim deserving to smell the scent of jannah is that his morals are based on the sunnah. You got a problem with that?

If you had a daughter. And she turns 13 years of age would you allow her to marry a 30 year old man?

Honest answer.