Mohammed Hijab gets called a pedo by the far-right, Zionists, and Ryan Garcia after an old video resurfaced in which he talks about underage marriage


Plotting world domination
Honestly him, ali dawah, daniel haqiwhatever are always fighting tooth and nail to justify p€dophillia. I genuinely question the moral compass of the women that choose to procreate with them.

Aishas age upon marriage to our beloved Prophet SAW is one of the biggest issues damaging our faith.

I personally believe the hadith about her age upon marriage is not true and it has been fabricated for some reason, most popular reason being political (amplifying Aishas virginity) but many believe it to be true for the sake of preserving authenticity of hadiths.

However I do believe she got married young, from 15-18.

The originator of the infamous hadith, Hisham Ibn Urwah was first a reliable narrator but after becoming old was deemed unreliable narrator by Ya'qub bin Shayba and reportedly also by his student, Malik Ibn Anas. Browsing through the net I haven’t found good sourcers for these claims and I do not understand arabic so I can’t read arabic sources.

Trigger happy ex Muslims and far right islamophobes will always bring up Aisha's age just to piss off Muslims.

There's a loud minority of niggas that give no fucks and will loudly preach about how it's okay to marry any girl once she reaches puberty. Now the convo just moves away from Aisha and revolves around ignorant niggas justifying pedophilia.

There needs to be some sort of international Islamic organization that makes a ruling stating that women shouldn't be getting married until they're Atleast 18. Muslim governments will also have to figure out how to stop child marriages happen within their countries.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
At the age Aisha was married she would have to be physically able to birth children and nourish them. She would also have to be mentally well enough to care for the child etc at the age of 10. One look at girls her age in poor countries shows they are not mentally or physically able to have kids.

Traditionally people married earliest at 14-16.

As all of us know we follow the example of our Prophet SCW. What he did, us muslims will follow until to the end. So lets make sure we are not attributing false actions on him.


Coping through the 1st world
The Rasul (SAW) married Aisha (RA) at 6 years old and consummated that marriage at 9 years old. Say something about that! His point is like any Muslim deserving to smell the scent of jannah, is that his morals are based on the sunnah. You got a problem with that?

Why aren’t you answering my question?
If you had a daughter. And she turns 13 years of age would you allow her to marry a 30 year old man?

Honest answer.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

Trigger happy ex Muslims and far right islamophobes will always bring up Aisha's age just to piss off Muslims.

There's a loud minority of niggas that give no fucks and will loudly preach about how it's okay to marry any girl once she reaches puberty. Now the convo just moves away from Aisha and revolves around ignorant niggas justifying pedophilia.

There needs to be some sort of international Islamic organization that makes a ruling stating that women shouldn't be getting married until they're Atleast 18. Muslim governments will also have to figure out how to stop child marriages happen within their countries.

18 is too old. You know whats right from wrong at that age. There is a reason why you can get charged as an adult in your country America even if you are juvenile.
The Rasul (SAW) married Aisha (RA) at 6 years old and consummated that marriage at 9 years old. Say something about that! His point is like any Muslim deserving to smell the scent of jannah, is that his morals are based on the sunnah. You got a problem with that?
Me trying to find where I actually criticised the Messenger of Allah on this thread:

senor chang GIF
Why aren’t you answering my question?

Most Western Muslims don't have the courage to face that question because it comes with the implication that the religion they've been devoted to their whole life was a lie and they generally lack the in-depth Islamic history knowledge to articulate their thoughts on the matter properly so they just sit there like:

Awkward Jesse Pinkman GIF by Breaking Bad


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
Not exactly true for Europeans.

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That’s why I said besides the west in my post. Historically everywhere else it was normal to get married younger. For example I’m 2 generations removed from badiyo which is the perfect example for how marriage looked in pre colonial Somalia. in my dad’s side my great grandmother had my grandfather at 16 and my grandfather had his first kid at 17 and his wife was 14. Nobody thought this was unusual cause it wasn’t. Same with other civilizations.




4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement, T-Y16897 Arabi
That’s why I said besides the west in my post but everywhere else it was normal to get married younger. For example I’m 2 generations removed from badiyo which is the perfect example for how marriage looked in pre colonial Somalia. in my dad’s side my great grandmother had my grandfather at 16 and my grandfather had his first kid at 17 and his wife was 14. Nobody thought this was unusual cause it wasn’t. Same with other civilizations.

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It does not matter. The point is puberty, if that happens for most now a days at 13-16 then that is when they are *allowed* to get married. If it happens at 9-13 regardless of how common that is then it is allowed and there is no issue with it.

It is an objective criteria in Islam, it is not the age of 9 in particular but whenever the particular person reaches puberty. Then it is permissible for them to consummate a marriage.

This is agreed upon in Sunni Islam and all Muslims believe in it. Modern sensibilities or feminist/liberal objections to it do not matter.
It does not matter. The point is puberty, if that happens for most now a days at 13-16 then that is when they are *allowed* to get married. If it happens at 9-13 regardless of how common that is then it is allowed and there is no issue with it.

It is an objective criteria in Islam, it is not the age of 9 in particular but whenever the particular person reaches puberty. Then it is permissible for them to consummate a marriage.

This is agreed upon in Sunni Islam and all Muslims believe in it. Modern sensibilities or feminist/liberal objections to it do not matter.
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