Mohammed Hijab is a hypocrite and Anti-Somali


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
You guys who insist Somalis and Islam are linked sound like fucking cult members

no wonder shabaab thrived for so long compared to other terrorist groups.

Somali is an ETHNICITY, you can’t change that, but you can change your religion

such freaks :susp: and before you assume, I’m muslim, I just recognise how stupid it is to try linking the two , we’re not an ethno-religious group
How are Somalis not ethno-religious? The distinguishing factor between Somalis and other cusbitics groups is religion, much like Pakis and Jews


E pluribus unum
He's a hypocrite, he's a scam artist, he's disingenuous but he isn't racist.

Ilhan was an easy target for Hijab for many reasons including her fame, her infamy and the fact she already receives a lot of hate from Muslims, especially her own Somalis.
Rare Periplus L 😔


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي

Who do you primarily base your beliefs off of? Please list any books/resources I'm curious
If someone labels themselves as muslim and tries to represent Islam in public but does unislamic acts and regularly goes against Islamic values. Its only natural she faces backlash from muslims worlwide. Hijab was criticising her unislamic values and actions. He most certainly wasnt attacking her because of her ethnicity.

If you cawaans support Ilhan Omar because of her religious merit you should stop because she has none of it. I and I assume most of Somalis support her because of her ethnicity not religion. I prefer a Somali over a non Somali.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Did you know Somalis ostracised non-Muslim qabiils? They all ended being defeated/kicked out of Somali lands and became I’d assume Ethiopian/Oromo.

Ethnicity of Somalis has been based on Islam for the last 1000+ years.

A non Muslim Somali is no different to an Oromo gaal for 99% of Somalis. We are all Cushitic yet you don’t see a distinct Cushitic identity because of religion and culture.

A gaal Somali doesn’t even speak Somali on average (given they tend to be in the West).

The main marker of the somali ethnicity is the somali language, which predates Islam.

Meaning the creators of the Somali language wouldn’t qualify as Somalis if we follow the criteria that Somalis are an “ethnoreligious” group.

How mad is that?

If they were alive today, many people on this thread would refuse to call them Somali.

Waa yaab.

You are absolutely right. Dude picks on Somali women specifically. He doesn’t go after his mayor of laondon Sadiq khan but goes after ilhan Omar for pride month. This is why I said earlier, there is nothing called ummah because they defend their worst of their ilk but want to attack our best. :manny:
I wouldn't call Ilhan our "best" but i get what you're saying💯


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:mjlol:There was this Somali Catholic lady who wanted to build a church. Her qabil told her she was their daughter but to perish the idea. However, if she was shisheye they would have harmed her. Just goes to show how duplicitous/hypocritical Somalis can be. Their allegiance to qabil is otherworldly.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
:mjlol:There was this Somali Catholic lady who wanted to build a church. Her qabil told her she was their daughter but to perish the idea. However, if she was shisheye they would have harmed her. Just goes to show how duplicitous/hypocritical Somalis can be. Their allegiance to qabil is otherworldly.
What’s the issue? Qabil is basically poltics but in the numbers. If they’re are large in numbers and want to influence they can do it since it’s their incentive
What a bunch of xoolo's in here, especially the dhoocil @HIBAQ123 who's line-stepping all over this thread. In her emotional tantrum she finds herself contradicting the words of the Prophet (SAW) who was very clear on lineage and dhaxal. Orod xaniinyo iska soo baar.

Ethnic pride and lineage is the field of men and has been weaponised throughout history.

People pointing to 'logic' when every nation mythologises their origin and tie it to a single moral identity where possible are short sighted. Why don't you fact-check the Anglo-Saxon origins, or Romans, Greeks, or any other nation with their wild unfounded claims?

Of course your DNA doesn't change if you're not Muslim you idiots, but it's a sentiment that bolsters ethnic pride and lineage. Every nation does this where they can and alxamdulilah that Somalis at least have a solid historical platform to build this up from: we are one of the earliest tribes outside of the Arabian peninsula to accept Islam - please rejoice in this.

I would go as far as saying Waaq was monotheistic deity and that our ancestors worshiped before the hijra and didn't contradict tawhid. In fact I would even claim we have been monotheistic from our inception as a people. Go ahead and fact check that gaalkaa tahay wasee - I'll simply ignore you and will say it louder.

Somali men, please continue to gatekeep as fiercely as you can.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
What’s the issue? Qabil is basically poltics but in the numbers. If they’re are large in numbers and want to influence they can do it since it’s their incentive
I think you misunderstood. I was pointing out that Somalis have double standards (one set of rules for others and ones set for them). We also forget the enterprise of being ethnic Somali and mainstream is having a membership to certain qabils. In fact, the construct of Somaliness is newer than how Somalis used to govern themselves beri hore, which was completely as clan entities. There was no unitary state. The clan was the state. They still somewhat operate like this. Also, the caveat I wrote earlier is true. The woman was not an adult convert but the byproduct of Somali orphans taken in by Catholics during a famine, so it is more the exception than the rule.

Nonetheless, my point still stands. Somaliness is intimately connected to Islam. It also is an ethnicity that one cannot disinherit others from based on different faith. So it stands to reason that you are kicked out only if your tribe kicks you out. So I suppose in that case, then you are no longer Somali.
Islam is Somali and Somali is Islam, to be a non-muslim and a Somali is an oxymoron. Somali Gaals are no different from Ethiopians in my book.
Why are Somalis the only ethnicity who do this? One is a religion and another is a ethnicity.. You can clearly separate the two. Stop being stupid

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Why are Somalis the only ethnicity who do this? One is a religion and another is a ethnicity.. You can clearly separate the two. Stop being stupid
The majority of the somalis would like to keep their people on track to reach jannah.

If you want to be a gaal, please leave the country and live with your gaal bretheren. This policy is a thousand years old, it ain't going to change today.
The majority of the somalis would like to keep their people on track to reach jannah.

If you want to be a gaal, please leave the country and live with your gaal bretheren. This policy is a thousand years old, it ain't going to change today.
I’m Muslim love I just think it’s stupid to say Somalis who are ex Muslim are no longer Somali.

Joey Bosa Video GIF

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
I’m Muslim love I just think it’s stupid to say Somalis who are ex Muslim are no longer Somali.

Joey Bosa Video GIF

They are somali by ethnicity, however they no longer play a part in the larger somali community. That includes somalia. When they visit family back home they keep it on the dl because they know it aint accepted.

Quit this lqbtq tactic this nonsense will never be allowed on our Muslim territory.

Or be brave enough to conquer a region for the non muslims to reside and you better be able to defend it. Or pay up to the surrounding power players to keep you safe kkkkk.
They are somali by ethnicity, however they no longer play a part in the larger somali community. That includes somalia. When they visit family back home they keep it on the dl because they know it aint accepted.

Quit this lqbtq tactic this nonsense will never be allowed on our Muslim territory.

Or be brave enough to conquer a region for the non muslims to reside and you better be able to defend it. Or pay up to the surrounding power players to keep you safe kkkkk.
Wtf are you talking about even if your not Muslim your still the region of your birthplace that mean your still Somali what type uncle anjabi shit are you on man have some respect for yourself you self hating ass loser they do play apart in the larger community what if they have skills that are needed every person that is Somali is important to the Somali community sorry to burst your bubble but most supposed Muslim nation have been taking Ls for damn near fifty years we need to shake this muh ummah nonsense because they don't give a shit about you.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Wtf are you talking about even if your not Muslim your still the region of your birthplace that mean your still Somali what type uncle anjabi shit are you on man have some respect for yourself you self hating ass loser they do play apart in the larger community what if they have skills that are needed every person that is Somali is important to the Somali community sorry to burst your bubble but most supposed Muslim nation have been taking Ls for damn near fifty years we need to shake this muh ummah nonsense because they don't give a shit about you.

I don't care if they even care. The decree that is given by the most high is here to stay.

Secondly I am no self haters. I am a realist. The majority of our issues can be solved within 5 tot 10 years. Qabiilism is just nationalism on rahter steroids. Hence why I can be a bit tough on expressing our reality.

Thirdly the somalis that have taken themselves out of the fold of Islam are simply not welcome in Somalia. Telling yourself a fairytale does not equate to reality.

A lady will get serious public backlash if she doesn't wear a headscarf.

Yet you are trying to say we want them we need them. There are plenty of Muslims somalis that are educated whom can help out aswell. No need for the one that has left the fold to return with their gaalo practices.


May Allah guide any gaal. They used to be Somali but after renouncing our religion their somali card has been revoked. I have more in common with an oromo muslim than them.