Yes, imagine this thread was about a man who had a wife with cancer and I use this time to suggest that actually he doesn’t need to get her medical attention as that is what certain scholars believe. Yes, great timing!You are arguing aimlessly.
Firstly, I have made it clear that my aim is to satisfy an intellectual curiosity, you got a problem with that?
How am I causing major issues by asking an Cilm question regarding Classical Hanafi Fiqh? GTHOH, Cilm is Cilm, nothing wrong about it? I am curious about the opinion of Classical Hanafi Fiqh scholars like Burhan regarding the subjects raised here, you got a problem with me satisfying my curiosity? If you do, take a hike cos I don't need your Calaacal.
Scholars believe he can let her waste away with cancer and not provide her Chemo!
oh if you attack me, I’m merely satisfying my curiosity!
We can do that with women’s education and an array of different topics. Funnily enough there isn’t any intellectual arguments that is about harming YOU is there? Just a passing observation.
Wasn’t a view. That is an Islamic fact that man cannot jump on his wife with an actual Sahih comment from the Prophet s.a.w. it is a fact that one needs to start with foreplay.I never made any claims, just emphasised that there are classical Hanafi Fiqh rulings such as the one I referenced.
Listen, regarding your spoiler, you have your views, so do I, but I didn't ask for yours and I ain't shoving mine down your throat so spare your reasoning. My pursuit of knowledge is not a concern of yours or anyone else for that matter.
sahih Hadith is simply a view. A fiqhi opinion = facts. LOL.
Islamqa also mentioned the no medical treatment view as well, but also towards the end say that view isn’t legitimate and they provided references with scholars in the past that believed it. So what’s your point? Yet that view has most definitely been relegated to the past now.You read Arabic, don't you? That IslamWeb article clearly shares Burhan's stance regarding certain circumstances. Their Fiqh committee includes renowned scholars who practice in Qatar. Hence, it is not like we are discussing a matter that has been relegated to the past Sharia speaking hence the curiosity.
Hamzaa also tried to argue that a man doesn’t have to provide medical attention simply because scholars of the past believed so when I noted that this too was a belief. That is a great example of lack of common sense because in the past doctors and hospitals simply weren’t seen as needed. People relied on home medication due to their lack of medical knowledge. One must be utter brain dead and yes xaasidnimo to have that view in this day and age.I have no end goal, just got inquisitive after coming across a Hanafi classical ruling on copulation. What is your aim in haranguing me, and even @Hamzza by accusing him of being Xaasid just because he shared other Hanafi scholars? Shit has got you obsessed to the point of madness.
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