MOU DEAD! Somalia and Ethiopia Reach Deal

They get the port by paying us, like Uganda is paying Kenya for their ports it's that simple, ur acting like they getting free shit over here
There shouldn't be any deals with Ethiopia, a country just can't demand sea access by force like that.. I have no confidence in HSM leadership, it has been one bad decision after another since he took office.
He’s just another abgaal kid who didn’t have the decency to run with Jungle boy :heh:
Don't bully him sxb, he used to be a kid, actually we used to karbaash some seccesionists together.. Lol who knew I myself would turn into a seccesionist thanks to HSM low iq bad leadership :francis:
“We want to get a port through peaceful means, but if that fails, we will use force.” :wtfdis:

This is who we’re dealing with :farmajoyaab: he genuinely believes it’s his God-given right to have access to a port simply because of their large population. 🤣 Yet, despite being disrespectful, he still manages to get some of his demands met. Putting your foot down and saying no seems impossible for certain politicians. No country will respect your sovereignty or interests if you allow your biggest historical enemy to walk all over you, especially when you give in to their demands after they disrespected you and even threatened to take it by force if diplomacy failed. You’re setting a dangerous precedent with the level of disrespect being tolerated. What a complete shitshow.
Likei said we all need to pray this dude start a war with eritrea. Or if you want something a little more creative . Pray that he falls down the stairs as he's getting of his diyaard and breaks his neck 🙏
"Bleaz mastah forgive me for being greedy somalias coast belongs to you“


♚Sargon of Adal♚
It doesn't matter if it's the FGS, SL, PL, or JL; all of them are beggars who feed off international aid, that they don't notice the leash around their necks.

