Mudulood to start offensive this week


I’ll believe when Aadan Yabaale liberated
Other is Igu sawir
Same on Murarsade I believe when they liberate Ceelbur
So far we have only Xawaadle liberating large sway of land including Cities
I’ll believe when Aadan Yabaale liberated
Other is Igu sawir
Same on Murarsade I believe when they liberate Ceelbur
So far we have only Xawaadle liberating large sway of land including Cities
cali gaduud is inbetween adan yabaal and cadale where the troops were stationed. are we just gonna fly over to adan yabaal and not liberate the villages before?

This is the perfect time to attack and im happy we didnt do it these past weeks as SNA have reached moqakori/adan yabaal border so AS are now sandwiched

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
I’m glad Somali people are finally sticking up to them but this should of happened a long time ago.
Too many people benefit from the status quo. Politicians, businessmen etc. They rather have their nation in the gutter while benefiting of the exploitation. Shameless ppl


Never understood why people paint Al shabab to be under dawgs. They are well trained, have plenty of money, sophisticated network, and motivated force with big numbers. Taking battle to them won’t be easy but if anyone can do it’s tribes assembled now. If HSM pulls it off deserves to lead for long time
We finally moved and took over a key village!!! @SomaliWadaniSoldier @Waamoking and everyone else bussing the jokes (even though they were funny kkk)

This is the village where warsangeli 'took arms' for AS. but no one put up a fight today. Next stop adan yabaal

Mawlidka wa damaadhay..abgaal gotta clean the terrorist from their tuulos since they are in the govt like we karbashed shabaab in bakool…middle jubba will be Next!!



Cornel Mohamud mohamed Nur
(masdile) oo ay wehliyaan Gudoomiyaha
Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe Mudane
Axmed Meyre Makaraan iyo Xildhibaan Cabdiraxman Gacal iyo Gudoomiyaha
Degmada Ragacelle Mudane Cumar cali
iyo mas’uulyiin kale ayaa gaaray
Tuulooyinka Geefo, jabada carbeed,
biyo madoobe ,Dhalow ,Gowraar,
Goldhabo iyo imaam Gowrac oo
dhamaantood hoos taga Degmada
Ragacelle ee Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe.

Tuulooyinkaasi ayaa waxaa la wareegay
Ciidamada Xooga dalka Soomaaliyed
iyo ciidamada Degaanka oo iskaashanaya
oo hogaaminayo Cornel masdile.


Wacbudhan leading the way
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We finally moved and took over a key village!!! @SomaliWadaniSoldier @Waamoking and everyone else bussing the jokes (even though they were funny kkk)

This is the village where warsangeli 'took arms' for AS. but no one put up a fight today. Next stop adan yabaal

Instead of a tweet by Waare bring a report from the abgaal reporters inbedded with the army. Tareedisho arintaan hogaan kama ahan, qeyb waa ka yeela eboow.


Guul Colonel Xaadoole!
Instead of a tweet by Waare bring a report from the abgaal reporters inbedded with the army. Tareedisho arintaan hogaan kama ahan, qeyb waa ka yeela eboow.

View attachment 240996

Guul Colonel Xaadoole!
ruun aad sheegteey eboow. Without xaadole, past few days offensive would have been non existent. wacbuudhan have really came out MA.
Saneey cabdulle is active right now and is expected to go in as well next few days. Dhuulkeena oo xoor by end of the year IA. Big developments to happen in places like cadale soon as well
Our injured boys were taken back to xamar tonight and are receiving treatment. Morale is high and troops are roughly 70KM away from Adan yabaal. Soon will be heading to runirgood and adan yabal. The two last towns in middle shabelle under AS

Yesterday was very intense. Shabaab brought out all their men in middle shabelle numbering around 1,500 for the battle. They got squashed like jelly. This will make the rest of the offensive easier though


