Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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Mental illness seems to be rampant among our people sadly.

Nabi Muuse ku yeh

Come On Wow GIF by BrownSugarApp


Man... I get the muse bixi supporters support him and and all but that fawning over him is not normal, they are comaparing bro to Nabi Musa AS 💀 💀 💀
This is what I mean when I say some people are so engulfed by their own that it becomes a form of worship. To tweet this out confidently, it is a worry sign for the people we're dealing with.
According to Prof. Gebissa, the MoU was part of a Big Lie by Abiy intended to beguile the people of .Et.

1. A sovereign port
Prosperity Party officials, including the prime minister, assert that Ethiopia gained a sovereign port, a claim echoed uncritically by the Ethiopian media. The Somaliland president, sitting next to the prime minister, stated unambiguously that he agreed to a land lease to Ethiopia for naval operations for fifty years in exchange for Ethiopia’s recognition of Somaliland’s statehood. He did not mention granting a port to Ethiopia. If the Ethiopians’ claim of acquiring a sovereign port is true, officials should publish the MoU that both leaders signed. That would be the standard practice to announce a genuine agreement. The inconsistency could easily be clarified by disclosing the MoU both leaders signed, but the Ethiopian government seems intent on maintaining intentional ambiguity, possibly for political gains.

2. commercial maritime access
The prime minister goes even further, claiming the MoU fulfills his promise to recover Ethiopia’s lost ports and heals the resultant broken national spirit. The assertion is patently false.

And the tools being used re: Abba Gadha?

There is something egregiously sinister behind the Prosperity Party leader’s stunt. Aware of what he was planning to unfurl with Somaliland, Abiy Ahmed corralled some Oromo Abba Gadaas ostensibly to promote traditional institutional solidarity with their Somaliland counterparts. While Abba Gadaas may have believed they were involved in a noble cause, they were unwittingly engaged in Abiy’s double-think, living in one lie, and preparing themselves for the next one, all the while imagining that somehow some greater good is being served. Somehow, they became instruments for Abiy’s maneuver aimed at creating an alternative reality in which he would exploit the historic Oromo-Somali brotherhood.

An argument Somalis have not thought about, but could deploy re: Somali Galbeed. Tit for tat, and a deadly dose of his own concoction.

If the Prosperity Party government deviates from this stance and recognizes Somaliland as a sovereign state, Ethiopia will be opening the proverbial “Pandora’s Box,” weakening its own legal position of opposing claims of self-determination in its own territory. For instance, if Somalia recognizes “Western Somalia” (one of the historical designations for an independent state in the current Somali region), Kenya recognizes Oromia, or Eritrea extends recognition to Tigray, Ethiopia will not be able to invoke a legal principle it violated impudently.


Ximan iyo Xadeed

What does this mean now that Egypt pulled out agreement

It means that Egypt is considering an aggressive approach towards Ethiopia especially with the Nile situation + a sea access along the red sea as a threat to Egyptian hegemony over the region

Add to that the GERD dam which significantly lowered the flow of the Nile , that almost the entire Egyptian population depend on and you'll get a desparate alliance between Somalia and Egypt

Egypt has more to lose out of this than us 😂
Similarities (not suggesting .Et is anywhere near Russia, but like those before him, Abiy is unhinged with imperial aspirations): Kharkiv Pact, 1997 to be extended to 2042, between Russia and Ukraine, whereby:
  • Russia would lease naval facilities in Crimea to be extended to 2042, with an additional five-year renewal option in exchange for a multiyear discounted contract to provide Ukraine with Russian natural gas,
    • Discount on natural gas at 100$ per thousand cubic metre (1 thousand cubic metre is 219,969.152 gallons).
  • Enabled Russia's Black Sea Fleet to remain in Ukrainian territory.

Subsequently Russia:
  • Occupied Crimea in 2014,
  • Invaded Ukraine in 2022,
  • Raised gas prices to 385$ per thousand cubic metre.

At the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power in the world before giving up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 under the Budapest Memorandum in return for NATO protection with US, UK and Russia as guarantors.
  • It had 5,000+ nuclear arms on its soil,
  • 10 thermonuclear warheads in underground silos stronger than Hiroshima bomb,
  • Only US and Russia had greater nuclear arsenal.
And today, Ukraine is begging and pleading for its survival.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
This is what I mean when I say some people are so engulfed by their own that it becomes a form of worship. To tweet this out confidently, it is a worry sign for the people we're dealing with.
Now I am starting to worry, I have been quiet about this but these diehard separatists/muse bixi supporter are going too far if they are associating their president with religious figures.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Similarities (not suggesting .Et is anywhere near Russia, but like those before him, Abiy is unhinged with imperial aspirations): Kharkiv Pact, 1997 to be extended to 2042, between Russia and Ukraine, whereby:
  • Russia would lease naval facilities in Crimea to be extended to 2042, with an additional five-year renewal option in exchange for a multiyear discounted contract to provide Ukraine with Russian natural gas,
    • Discount on natural gas at 100$ per thousand cubic metre (1 thousand cubic metre is 219,969.152 gallons).
  • Enabled Russia's Black Sea Fleet to remain in Ukrainian territory.

Subsequently Russia:
  • Occupied Crimea in 2014,
  • Invaded Ukraine in 2022,
  • Raised gas prices to 385$ per thousand cubic metre.

At the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power in the world before giving up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 under the Budapest Memorandum in return for NATO protection with US, UK and Russia as guarantors.
  • It had 5,000+ nuclear arms on its soil,
  • 10 thermonuclear warheads in underground silos stronger than Hiroshima bomb,
  • Only US and Russia had greater nuclear arsenal.
And today, Ukraine is begging and pleading for its survival.

Crimea was a xoog in all of its essence


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Similarities (not suggesting .Et is anywhere near Russia, but like those before him, Abiy is unhinged with imperial aspirations): Kharkiv Pact, 1997 to be extended to 2042, between Russia and Ukraine, whereby:
  • Russia would lease naval facilities in Crimea to be extended to 2042, with an additional five-year renewal option in exchange for a multiyear discounted contract to provide Ukraine with Russian natural gas,
    • Discount on natural gas at 100$ per thousand cubic metre (1 thousand cubic metre is 219,969.152 gallons).
  • Enabled Russia's Black Sea Fleet to remain in Ukrainian territory.

Subsequently Russia:
  • Occupied Crimea in 2014,
  • Invaded Ukraine in 2022,
  • Raised gas prices to 385$ per thousand cubic metre.

At the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power in the world before giving up its nuclear arsenal in 1994 under the Budapest Memorandum in return for NATO protection with US, UK and Russia as guarantors.
  • It had 5,000+ nuclear arms on its soil,
  • 10 thermonuclear warheads in underground silos stronger than Hiroshima bomb,
  • Only US and Russia had greater nuclear arsenal.
And today, Ukraine is begging and pleading for its survival.
Basically saying that the red sea port situation will have the same outcome as the crimea situation.
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