Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Its close to kick off in Awdal, one bullet is all that is needed.

Typical somali indho adeeg to approach armed men kkkk


Its close to kick off in Awdal, one bullet is all that is needed.

Typical somali indho adeeg to approach armed men kkkk
Are they the occupying forces sent by Bixi? The police there probably aren't too thrilled with having them there. I mean it's obvious what's going on

OLF is a ode thing to me. Does anyone know their issues with Abiy? I would've thought they'd back him up.
Lol he sent some of their political leaders back to prison he’s trying to build a multiethnic coalition but they all want power or to break up into a new country
OLF distancing itself from Abiy's adventures.

