Muse Bixi deserves to be put on trial and I need your help

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I am qabiil fluid. My qabiil changes depending on my mood and feeling. I identify as Sheekhal at the moment. You have to respect my qabiil identity.
Does it also change from being Somali to Oromo?
Someone must be sending you this stuff because you're barely active here lol

No one is sending this to me sxb
Qoraalada aad Somalispot kusoo qoreeysid kumanaan qof ayaa aqriso, you don't have to be logged in to see half the stuff that's posted here.

Adigoo raali ah magaca beesha hanooga ciyaarin :nvjpqts:
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Puntlander123. I mainly lurked on Somnet until I formed an account in 2013. I wasn't known that well until last year when I started bring the likes of Geeljire252 to account. Laakin I liked your signatures, some of them were good.

I'll bring them back when I start posting less. The more you post, the harder it is to maintain quality of signatures
I'll give you guys a sneek peek.

I am,

Abdi "#HillaryForJail #BixiForJail" Johnson

Or how about this one

Abdi "#LockHerUp #LockHimUp" Johnson

Fadlan magaca sheekhaal haku ciyaarin sxb
Hadaad qof ciil u qabtid si raganimaa u caay lakiin magac sheekhaal haku qaraabanin.:meleshame:

looool MJ dhabacyo claiming other qabil as usual,

MJ-Johnson, you would have a case if Cidagale wasnt the one starting the war p.s no one will come forward to testify unless you counting on this illegitimate isaaq
as I said before you will be hanged for homosexuality in SL
looool MJ dhabacyo claiming other qabil as usual,

MJ-Johnson, you would have a case if Cidagale wasnt the one starting the war p.s no one will come forward to testify unless you counting on this illegitimate isaaq
as I said before you will be hanged for homosexuality in SL


I am,

Abdi "See you in court" Johnson


Gaalkacyo Gangster
A Swedish court has already disproved all nonsensical claims that Qeybdiid is genocidal warlord.

You can call him anything you want: a dirty, corrupt, greedy politician but not a warlord.
He wasn't charged, they released him. That doesn't mean he's innocent. We wasn't found to be innocent. It just means they had insufficient evidence at the time, and you an't just hold someone without charge.

There's plenty of evidence for his crimes, and those of other warlords. If tried these people would certainly be found guilty.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
@AbdiJohnson I really, really like you when you use your powers for good. Like this or CheeseandXalwo. You should leave the dark side and come into the light. You could be the hero the Somali internet needs.:rejoice:

Just worth a thought.
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