My dads been talking shit with his new wife…

lol you’re so unaware it’s not even funny. Don’t say anything then if you can’t be kind to someone who’s in emotional pain.

I only know this user as someone who wants to connect with her family. It’s not her fault who her father is. We all get tested in different ways. Remember that
Somali dads have major problems but that's not the problem here, its the fact she is telling it to strangers.
Somali dads have major problems but that's not the problem here, its the fact she is telling it to strangers.
I understand but strangers can be more merciful to us than our closest loved ones sometimes. As long as she’s sharing it anonymously and with intent to get help I don’t see issue in this. It beats getting mental health issues by keeping it all in and exploding one day. That’s detrimental to overall growth.

We all need to see the flaws in our community in order to repair it. No point in brushing our issues under the rug and acting oblivious to them. We need to take experiences like this and use it to improve ourselves. As long as we have dysfunction in our homes/families, we will not progress as a community.

I am sorry you have experienced this abayo, try your best to find or borrow money from trusted sources, to escape him. For the sake of Allah, try your best to see how to get away from him, without breaking islamic laws. To preserve yourself, don't tell him anything about you, that you don't want the world to know.
Why do you males come on here, to shut down women who need to vent. What do you think forums are created for? Naga aamusa, and find out why you are so callous and bizarre, with a licensed professional.
You and your friends act as though you care about the original poster's problem, but in reality, it seems you're only interested because it gives you another reason to hate on Faaraxs.
You and your friends act as though you care about the original poster's problem, but in reality, it seems you're only interested because it gives you another reason to hate on Faaraxs.

I don't need a reason to hate you, I hate you and your kind, because you are easy to hate. And if you are confused why, go read your own comments. You hate women, and we should hate you back, it's called reciprocity.
You and your friends act as though you care about the original poster's problem, but in reality, it seems you're only interested because it gives you another reason to hate on Faaraxs.
Lol I knew this is what it’s about.

So a father isn’t doing his role properly and you’re internalizing it.
I don't need a reason to hate you, I hate you and your kind, because you are easy to hate. And if you are confused why, go read your own comments. You hate women, and we should hate you back, it's called reciprocity.
Seeing you hate me makes me proud .
Lol I knew this is what it’s about.

So a father isn’t doing his role properly and you’re internalizing it.
You have been in gender wars too long you think every faarax is anti Xalimo :francis:


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Ladies, can we please not derail this thread? This thread is about @Dibleyy and her well-being. Lets keep the focus on her and how we can best advice her.

I’m sure we can help her without using this as an opportunity to bash Faaraxs.
You and your friends act as though you care about the original poster's problem, but in reality, it seems you're only interested because it gives you another reason to hate on Faaraxs.

I disagree bro. You're internalizing this girl's story. She's being maltreated by her dad, none of this reflects badly on "faaraxs" except for that fact that her dad is not a good person and he happens to be a man. There are lots of good Somali men and dads, everywhere in society, but people don't write about that because things are going well, they're happy, and they don't need help.
Some of the men on this forum, are sociopathic, if you pay close attention to them. They have no empathy, no sympathy, no emotional intelligence. I pray for the miskeenad, who ends up laying with such beings.
don’t come here with a gender war again most of the ruckus is caused by that one dude but somehow feel the need to generalise


Read your adkaar around these people, they're toxic. If you feel unsafe/unsettled, raise the alarm with trusted relatives/friends to get you out of there asap. If you think they're toxic and harmless, see if you can ride out the rest of this sentence. See it as a test sis.

If there are no trusted relatives or friends, do a gofundme with your username, we can try to raise for you on here.
I disagree bro. You're internalizing this girl's story. She's being maltreated by her dad, none of this reflects badly on "faaraxs" except for that fact that her dad is not a good person and he happens to be a man. There are lots of good Somali men and dads, everywhere in society, but people don't write about that because things are going well, they're happy, and they don't need help.
Of course it reflects bad on us but that's beside the point, If they cared about her they wouldn't tell her to cut off her father nor would they talk about her father. Some people have gender glasses and use every opportunity to hate on the other gender.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Of course it reflects bad on us but that's beside the point, If they cared about her they wouldn't tell her to cut off her father nor would they talk about her father. Some people have gender glasses and use every opportunity to hate on the other gender.
I don’t think they did. They said to reduce contact but not to completely cut contact. Don’t let your bias cloud your judgment either. @Angelina even made sure to point out that it’s unIslamic to cut contact.
Of course it reflects bad on us but that's beside the point, If they cared about her they wouldn't tell her to cut off her father nor would they talk about her father. Some people have gender glasses and use every opportunity to hate on the other gender.
I’ve said probably around five times it’s haram to be disrespectful towards one’s father and I even said it to a male poster and was called out by @Kisame for being too soft with my approach.

Stop lying. If you’re not the type to read people’s post, don’t comment. Nothing worse than a liar or even someone that can’t comprehend.

I’m being harsh here because I’m sick and tired of some of men on the forum constantly lying just to get a ‘gotcha’ moment.

It’s lazy and above all shows your lack of integrity.