My dads been talking shit with his new wife…


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
You should cut him and everyone off for the sake of your sanity. At most, unblock him to send Eid Mubarak messages only and immediately block him after. You're going to drive yourself mad.
To the weirdly desperate people trying to seep gender into this; I care less about fathers than mothers, so no, I would be very disappointed if it was about her mother. So don't even try. This is about principles. I would say the same if it was a non-parental family, like siblings. Gender nonsense is brain rot.
If it don't apply, let it fly.

You can dismiss the female users who have engaged in more debate than providing tangible advice under this support thread as just stoking the flames of "gender nonsense", but it's a recurring theme on this forum that some of these male users are undoubtedly antagonistic towards us for seemingly no reason and will weaponise all sorts of moral virtues against us from misconceptions of the diin to Somali family values in contrast to Western ones (in this case) under this thread.

I expected more from you. Your intellect in other fields hasn't translated well into how you have displayed your character here.
Life is short. I simply wouldn’t risk my akhira on something like this. Smile be polite and be nice. It’s not as if those types will bother to call you regularly anyways? Simply live your life. If you have money here and there, throw them a couple of hundreds, if not just smile and nod your head and go on your way without proper replying.
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Wowwww so I knew this lady didn’t like me when she ruined my hair at this shit salon.

My dad buys khat every afternoon and I usually go along with him to order fries (literally the only thing I can stomach eating) and a soda. I was surprised when his wife tagged along, and was dressed up for no reason…

So I went to get my stuff but left my phone in the car recording the audio and wooowwww, my dad was talking the worst shit about me. I was thinking about getting into a fake marriage for $15k (I decided not to) and he was telling her how I would just leave with the money and not say anything.

Also they started saying how I close doors really aggressively and they can’t tell whether I’m angry or not. He also talks about how no Somali man would marry me and would divorce me the same day. And lied to his wife about how he gave me money and she was saying I’m wasting it when he needs it 💀

That guy hasn’t given me a single cent since I was born but has taken care of his children before and after me. His younger children are under 18 and spoiled asf and constantly complain about going abroad, it pisses me off because I didn’t even have a bed or a room to sleep in growing up.

I went ham and yelled at him, this isn’t the first time I’ve been disrespected by him or he allowed me to be disrespected. I overheard his wife’s niece literally was joking to her brother (he lives here) that I’m useless at chores and cooking but he should try and work on me to marry and get citizenship. When I told my dad he laughed…… Her and his wife’s other guests don’t even say Salam to me and will stick up their noses whenever they see me.

Now they’re disrespect has become blatant and I can hear them THIS morning talking shit! Literally the maid (some habesha bitcch who has a bastard child she carry’s around all day) literally was saying how I could never have a husband and I lay down all day and do nothing (I’m on vacation!)

I’m not sure what I can do in this situation, I feel taken advantage of and completely disrespected. I’ve been told a million times that he’s my dad and islamically I need to respect him, I came here to know more about him and meet his kids (who ruined my stuff one time, the little girl put chapstick all over my headphones and expensive concealer and they stole my portable fan and keep lying about it)

Im only here until the end of the month but im not sure what to do in the meantime…

I regret coming here so much!!

I feel like I know wayyy too much about your family. I hate it :stressed:
Wowwww so I knew this lady didn’t like me when she ruined my hair at this shit salon.

My dad buys khat every afternoon and I usually go along with him to order fries (literally the only thing I can stomach eating) and a soda. I was surprised when his wife tagged along, and was dressed up for no reason…

So I went to get my stuff but left my phone in the car recording the audio and wooowwww, my dad was talking the worst shit about me. I was thinking about getting into a fake marriage for $15k (I decided not to) and he was telling her how I would just leave with the money and not say anything.

Also they started saying how I close doors really aggressively and they can’t tell whether I’m angry or not. He also talks about how no Somali man would marry me and would divorce me the same day. And lied to his wife about how he gave me money and she was saying I’m wasting it when he needs it 💀

That guy hasn’t given me a single cent since I was born but has taken care of his children before and after me. His younger children are under 18 and spoiled asf and constantly complain about going abroad, it pisses me off because I didn’t even have a bed or a room to sleep in growing up.

I went ham and yelled at him, this isn’t the first time I’ve been disrespected by him or he allowed me to be disrespected. I overheard his wife’s niece literally was joking to her brother (he lives here) that I’m useless at chores and cooking but he should try and work on me to marry and get citizenship. When I told my dad he laughed…… Her and his wife’s other guests don’t even say Salam to me and will stick up their noses whenever they see me.

Now they’re disrespect has become blatant and I can hear them THIS morning talking shit! Literally the maid (some habesha bitcch who has a bastard child she carry’s around all day) literally was saying how I could never have a husband and I lay down all day and do nothing (I’m on vacation!)

I’m not sure what I can do in this situation, I feel taken advantage of and completely disrespected. I’ve been told a million times that he’s my dad and islamically I need to respect him, I came here to know more about him and meet his kids (who ruined my stuff one time, the little girl put chapstick all over my headphones and expensive concealer and they stole my portable fan and keep lying about it)

Im only here until the end of the month but im not sure what to do in the meantime…

I regret coming here so much!!
stay outside as much as possible. Icl i would have major cuqdad if even the maid was chatting shit. Shit would piss me off. Im not even taking the liberal side, its human nature to feel that way. No father should take this piss out of his daughter, especially when in the presence of unknown people. At the end of the day, god will only ask you for your actions.I wouldnt disrespect the odey, i would just move far away and get closer to god and find a path through this life.

May allah make it easy for you


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
was thinking about getting into a fake marriage for $15k (I decided not to)

Are you still interested in earning 15K. My uncle really wants to come to the west and I’m searching a line for him. You’ll get 50% upfront and the rest 2 months after he arrives and he gets his papers. I heard the interviews are very tough and invasive, so you’ll have to talk to each other to get to know every aspect of each other’s life. In the unlikely event that you do fall for each other, we’ll still pay you the same amount (or you can turn that into your meher).

Please let me if you’re interested.
And the maid is the one saying it too! He’s allowed me to be disrespected by a lady with a bastard child who’s man abandoned them telling me how no man will want me 💀

Either they're just hating and are jelous or they see you as a dumb loser who they can take advantage of.

Never be miskiin around somalis in Somalia.

A lesson I learnt from my mother. Being called miskiin is actually an insult. You have to be more tough.

You can't afford to be miskiin in a rough place like Somalia.

Politeness might help you in other places but not in Somalia. You'll be used and abused.

We need a cultural revolution walahi.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Wowwww so I knew this lady didn’t like me when she ruined my hair at this shit salon.

My dad buys khat every afternoon and I usually go along with him to order fries (literally the only thing I can stomach eating) and a soda. I was surprised when his wife tagged along, and was dressed up for no reason…

So I went to get my stuff but left my phone in the car recording the audio and wooowwww, my dad was talking the worst shit about me. I was thinking about getting into a fake marriage for $15k (I decided not to) and he was telling her how I would just leave with the money and not say anything.

Also they started saying how I close doors really aggressively and they can’t tell whether I’m angry or not. He also talks about how no Somali man would marry me and would divorce me the same day. And lied to his wife about how he gave me money and she was saying I’m wasting it when he needs it 💀

That guy hasn’t given me a single cent since I was born but has taken care of his children before and after me. His younger children are under 18 and spoiled asf and constantly complain about going abroad, it pisses me off because I didn’t even have a bed or a room to sleep in growing up.

I went ham and yelled at him, this isn’t the first time I’ve been disrespected by him or he allowed me to be disrespected. I overheard his wife’s niece literally was joking to her brother (he lives here) that I’m useless at chores and cooking but he should try and work on me to marry and get citizenship. When I told my dad he laughed…… Her and his wife’s other guests don’t even say Salam to me and will stick up their noses whenever they see me.

Now they’re disrespect has become blatant and I can hear them THIS morning talking shit! Literally the maid (some habesha bitcch who has a bastard child she carry’s around all day) literally was saying how I could never have a husband and I lay down all day and do nothing (I’m on vacation!)

I’m not sure what I can do in this situation, I feel taken advantage of and completely disrespected. I’ve been told a million times that he’s my dad and islamically I need to respect him, I came here to know more about him and meet his kids (who ruined my stuff one time, the little girl put chapstick all over my headphones and expensive concealer and they stole my portable fan and keep lying about it)

Im only here until the end of the month but im not sure what to do in the meantime…

I regret coming here so much!!

Abaaay quruxeeey u need to be locked in crazy looney tube!
Abaaay quruxeeey u need to be locked in crazy looney tube! View attachment 331028
f*ck you Basra, I thought you were cool but your just some pathetic bitcch with no life.

I came here around the same time and barely have 1000 posts while you have almost 50,000! Don’t you have a life? A job? Something? Your on these fucking apps all day you stupid raggedy bitcchh.

You sound like a meth addict, no one even knows what your talking about 99.9% of the time!


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
f*ck you Basra, I thought you were cool but your just some pathetic bitcch with no life.

I came here around the same time and barely have 1000 posts while you have almost 50,000! Don’t you have a life? A job? Something? Your on these fucking apps all day you stupid raggedy bitcchh.

You sound like a meth addict, no one even knows what you’re talking about 99.9% of the time!


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
@Dibleyy one thing I realized is the older Somali generation have a completely different mentality to us and they will never change. In our culture you could have the worst parent in the world , the minute you speak up or try to set up boundaries they will call you ‘caasi’.

My adeer in Somalia that raised my dad shit talked about me behind my back because I refused to support him and his grown children financially. I told him that I can’t send him money because i have young kids and I don’t work. My husband has given him money every time he is in Somalia on holiday and he had the audacity to call me caasi for not sending him money every month. He lives in a mansion and my fathers relatives abroad support him while he has grown sons chewing khat in house. From that day I have not sent them a cent.

Don’t cut off your father but you need to remove yourself from the situation , if your father has what he needs (housing , food/medical care etc don’t send him money. Call him to check how he is and when you stay with them for holiday limit it to 1/2 weeks.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
f*ck you Basra, I thought you were cool but your just some pathetic bitcch with no life.

I came here around the same time and barely have 1000 posts while you have almost 50,000! Don’t you have a life? A job? Something? Your on these fucking apps all day you stupid raggedy bitcchh.

You sound like a meth addict, no one even knows what your talking about 99.9% of the time!

My adeer in Somalia that raised my dad shit talked about me behind my back because I refused to support him and his grown children financially. I told him that I can’t send him money because i have young kids and I don’t work. My husband has given him money every time he is in Somalia on holiday and he had the audacity to call me caasi for not sending him money every month. He lives in a mansion and my fathers relatives abroad support him while he has grown sons chewing khat in house. From that day I have not sent them a cent.
How can a grown ass uncle be that shameless. I don't buy it
My opinion on this as someone who use to quarrel with parents for both completely fair reasons and teenage volatility is RESPECT YOURSELF, that means don't let your emotional agitation overtake your peace of mind. Don't let these people affect your self image or integrity. Clap backs only serve as an embarrassment for you and fuel to them. Plan an exit out of that environment asap.

Its normal for children and young adults who are LITERALLY behind developmentally to explode and start venting about their parents, and usually signals neglect or mistreatment. The person can grow from that. Whats not good and natural is the entitlement, shaming and leniency you people have for grown men who neither raise or financially help their children.
(we know you're fronting as good muslim brothers when its the cursed male pride possessing you)

Some users on here need to understand that our natural dispositions to violence and disrespect are not equal, and while your conflict resolution strategy might seem mature and holy its frankly tone deaf to set as a standard. Advice the person based on their situation and what they can handle, listen. She is clearly a more sensitive, polite and genuine person. Stop acting as if cultural differences, kaftan, khat, civil war etc makes people blind to the body language and reaction of the people in their environment. She flew out to visit him with a pure intention of spending time - her family should have intelligence to see the guest retreating in that situation means their at fault.

So dont feel duty to keep chit chatting and smiling if you're not at that level of camouflaging how you truly feel while also not slipping into a shouting match.
Working Out GIF by Epitaph Records
f*ck you Basra, I thought you were cool but your just some pathetic bitcch with no life.

I came here around the same time and barely have 1000 posts while you have almost 50,000! Don’t you have a life? A job? Something? Your on these fucking apps all day you stupid raggedy bitcchh.

You sound like a meth addict, no one even knows what your talking about 99.9% of the time!
If you're going batshit crazy like that @Basra makes me wonder how you deal with real life situations.

Btw who in the right mind undercover records an audio of there dad and his wife alone in a car?

Caadi ma tihid...stop thinking the world is out to get you.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
@Dibleyy one thing I realized is the older Somali generation have a completely different mentality to us and they will never change. In our culture you could have the worst parent in the world , the minute you speak up or try to set up boundaries they will call you ‘caasi’.

My adeer in Somalia that raised my dad shit talked about me behind my back because I refused to support him and his grown children financially. I told him that I can’t send him money because i have young kids and I don’t work. My husband has given him money every time he is in Somalia on holiday and he had the audacity to call me caasi for not sending him money every month. He lives in a mansion and my fathers relatives abroad support him while he has grown sons chewing khat in house. From that day I have not sent them a cent.

Don’t cut off your father but you need to remove yourself from the situation , if your father has what he needs (housing , food/medical care etc don’t send him money. Call him to check how he is and when you stay with them for holiday limit it to 1/2 weeks.

He has immense favour upon you and your father, as he raised him. Don’t forget that. He was there for your father when your father needed help the most. Don’t lose track on the bigger picture by focusing on nonsense.

I think he didn’t call you caasi for not having money but the way you treated him and how you talked to him. That’s what made him lash out. You shouldn’t have brought up his kids. If you don’t have money, simply say you don’t have it. No need to humiliate the person.


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