My date with the crackhead Mexican [unfiltered pls don’t judge me]

Your behavior is a mix of economical and stalkerish.
What do you mean by economical :wtf::williamswtf:

Btw is it really stalkerish to just go to a mall and hope to see someone?

It’s like calling me an astronomer for saying the sun will come up tomorrow morning :mjlol: This boy runs laps around this mall like it’s a running track, is it really stalkerish or just pattern recognition? :dead:


I'm retired. but because you asked- I would urge anyone to stay away from people who do meth. I don't support being "compassionate" and getting involved with such people. I don't like this involvement with this person
Regardless of which thread you decide to post in , I will keep reminding the entire forum of the comments you made about the Ogaden war.
Girl wtf

this has to be trolling/creative writing.

If not you need to go get tested. Herpes and hepatitis can be passed through sharing food and drinks. You don’t know where his mouth’s been


This gonna be long because I’m dishing out every detail from start to finish. SUMMARY IN THE COMMENTS!!

The story…

Soo my cousin had class today, right after she left I immediately just hit up the mall in her area cuz I knew this boy would be walking laps up and down around the mall tweaking tf out. First thing first I hit up the McDonald’s for a coffee but mostly cuz that’s where I’ve seen him most frequently 🤫 I get my coffee but it was kinda dead so i left after 20 mins tops and decided to walk some laps around the mall myself. I do a few laps and get out through this random exit and then I start to sit at this bench and wonder am I really gonna see this man again? I was like okay, im actually being weird asf for this. I decide to go back to my cousins place instead so I turn the corner to head back and BOOM guess who I bump into.

I immediately gasp wallahi I’m soo stunned cuz this man is SO CUTE I’m just staring in shock I’m starstruck asf. He keeps walking but as he’s walking he turns to look backwards at me and awkwardly enough I’m obv doing the same thing so we make eye contact pt 2. I defo weirded him out cuz at that point he stopped in his tracks and said “do I know you” I was frozen for a min bc when I tell y’all his voice was:banderas: HIS VOICE IS SOO SEXYYY. It’s so hard to explain, his voice is very masculine but at the same time, really soft and ridiculously gentle… I freeze up and tell him no sorry but you look familiar (obv tf). To my surprise he REMEMBERED ME FROM YESTERDAY WHEN WE MADE EYE CONTACT WHILE HE WAS SPEEDWALKING EATING CHICKEN:jaynerd:

Long story short he gets to asking if I’m from around here, I tell him I’m just visiting my cousin he’s like oh the girl you were with last night and I said yes (omfg he acc remembered) I tell him where I’m acc from and he’s like oh that makes sense. I’m like what makes sense…Tell me why tf I find this so endearing but he’s like “cuz you seem too friendly” but that “I have to be careful” ?! Then he starts telling me all these stories and he’s keeps going on and on and telling me how “it’s not safe here”. He asks me where I’m going and honestly, I don’t wanna go, so I just tell him you know what I’m probably just going to go back to McDonald’s cuz im kinda craving smthn sweet, he ask me what I usually get I say a caramel sundae….

We go inside and we ordering at the kiosk and all of a sudden when I’m about to hit “pay here” he hits the pay at counter button:wtf: i turn to look at him and he gives me the cutest cheeky smile, I ask him what he doing and he says not to worry ab it. Tell me why he goes to the counter and pays for the sundae with a bunch of quarters 💔 yall, im in love with this man atp. I get the sundae and tell him he can have it and he says it’s ok, but that “we can split it” and he grabs another spoon. We walk around the McDonald’s for a seat but its kinda gross so he tells me we can just sit at this little staircase outside next to the McDonald’s. This whole time I didn’t even catch his name so I get his name and ask where he’s from, turns out he’s from El Salvador and he’s only 24 so just slightly older than me. He tells me about his situation (he’s not homeless just an addict) and yup I guessed it, his drug of choice is meth :damn: I asked him why and he said because it “clears his mind” but he didn’t rlly elaborate and honestly, I didn’t wanna push it. He says he only snorts it tho not inject, I mean good for him?:jcoleno: Bisinka he said he started when he was only 17. His parents went back to the home country leaving him alone with his older brother who is more or less in the same situation albeit a lot more functional to say the least..

Anyway, u can imagine we hit it off anddd I spent atleast 3-4 hours with him… im finishing this off by saying he’s miskeen asf, I got his number soo I’ll be keeping you posted.

Y’all stop being so judgemental Wtf not everyone is lucky enough to be raised in the right circumstances, obviously I’m gonna be careful but this man is not a jinni or a shaitan he’s a human being too sooo stop with the he’s gonna kill me bs. honestly i rllyy wanna see him again but next time sundae is on me :mjhaps:he needs it more this boy is caato asfff
Sis, i don't even know what to say :damn::damn::damn::damn::damn:
I think your trolling but if you are not after you found out he was drug addict you should have never interacted with him. You might find him miskeen when he is sober but he is probably not miskeen when he is not sober.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Dhaqan celis exists for a reason. For kids to get a sense of self-preservation and self-respect grounded in firm roots. Otherwise, they will lick from the same spoon as an addict with no hesitation.
Dhaqan Celis won't work if someone has a very challenging mental health issue(s) or a disordered personality. People with these usually have highly addictive/dysfunctional behaviours co-occurring. Psychological intervention is needed, and Somalia lacks the robust mental health infrastructure, therapeutic support, and societal interest necessary to handle complex mental health issues. Unless, of course, you are a fan of hyena therapy to scare you into mental wellness. It's a thing. Other than making them more conversant in Somali and marginally more culturally aware. They'd likely come back the same or perhaps worse.
Detroit Just Saying GIF by BET Plus


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
His main appeal is how miskeen he seems tho cuz if he was crazy crazy trust me I wouldn’t really be interested

Did I tell y’all I had a lowkey fine rich Italian take me out a few times but I couldn’t do it sorry he seemed to narcisstic and controlling imo. I like controlling men lowkey but this guy was too extreme, couldn’t take it, he was telling me I had to just “trust him” and do what he says on the second damn date? Like I don’t even know u… wtf was his problem
Women 🤦‍♂️ instead of going for the stable guy they decide to go for the cute drug addict.
Women 🤦‍♂️ instead of going for the stable guy they decide to go for the cute drug addict.
:gucciwhat: That man would have 100% ruined my life tho wtfff y’all don’t think it’s weird how controlling he was trying to be? On the SECOND DAY he was telling me I just need to trust him and do what he says. Naw and tbh he was a little bit older (in his 30s:mjlol:) and he was definitely fetishizing that, I still got this voice note he sent me where he was inviting me to go out and he was like “don’t worry about money, DADDY WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING”:damn: Imma be honest he was kinda fine too but hell no, that situation is equivalent to me selling my soul and body into slavery. There’s more to the story but imma stop it here

Like ya my salvadorian bae got problems but he’s atleast closer to my age, more genuine, more miskeen and tell me why he’s lowkey protective :banderas: And obv he cute asfff. I choose him anyday of the week
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Yeah this thread is definitely a LARP, not because he's an El Salvadorian druggie but a manlet
:gucciwhat: I’m short too though tf? So obviously Idc if a guy is 5’6-5’7 that’s slightly taller than me so what does height matter…

Trust me I’m telling the truth I even deleted my last thread out of embarrassment and reposted it, if I was lying I wouldn’t have felt embarrassed like that

