My map about the Cushitic Übermensch ⵣ


Interesting, your vision for the future is great Mein Führer. I look forward to hearing more of this East African Cushitic Millitary Alliance.

-Oberkommando der Wehrmacht
-Sareeye Guuto
-Commander of the Armed Forces
Somali at the helm of this alliance whilst we move other Cushitic countries into our orbit. The world will soon be a place where warfare is once again a common occurrence, especially in places like africa where i believe state collapse will start taking place all around the continent as several factors take hold. Perhaps a millitary alliance of cushites could help us expand and push southwards? Madagascar is one of the largest islands in the world and has the potential for a population of 100+ million yet only has 26 million currently. We could have somalis take over and import other cushites who assimilate into the somali society and thus boost our numbers on the island. Similar to how there a majority of the US isn't of pure anglo decent, yet it is a firm anglo superstate of hundreds of millions. This is because the english colonised America using the "white race" and bringing in millions of other Europeans who then assimilated into white society which is just anglo with a different name, thus making them anglo americans through assimilation and helping the english take north america


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Hararis only being a pixel wide. Wallahi i feel for them. Somali need to create a rewiilding process as Hararis are almost an endangered species. Hararis should be the only ethnic group within Somaliweyn to have a autonomous state.

Imagine being harari and you want to google your people and some random jew has more power in the search engine than your entire ethnic group.

What the f*ck.

We really need to help the hararis bounce back, they were slowly destroyed by habeshis and now claim to be muslim habesha. Walahi it's sad to see the fall of a great intellectual people. Oromo and amhara take over of Harar is akin to the germanic horde taking rome. :Cry:


How come Somalis were so sucessful in the horn? What gave us the edge. Other ethnic groups have much more fertile lands and higher population but we have the most land out of all groups. If adal never fell we wouldve even had more which is crazy to think about. Imagine a time line where the whole horn is Somali dominated.
Nomads are expansionist by nature. We are always moving and looking for land. It's why the mongols conquered eurasia and why the turks went from north east asia to ruling central asia. Turks went from fighting ancient china to conquering and assimilating greeks.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
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Interesting Harar would serve as a neutral capital not leaning towards any of the larger ethnicities in the country. I like this plan although to become a capital the city will have to undergo massive renovations. We could have season capitals the government is based in Harar during the months ranging from September to March, March to September in Mogadishu and or other cities.
What the f*ck.
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We really need to help the hararis bounce back, they were slowly destroyed by habeshis and now claim to be muslim habesha. Walahi it's sad to see the fall of a great intellectual people. Oromo and amhara take over of Harar is akin to the germanic horde taking rome. :Cry:
Hararis are also part of the Habesha peoples because they speak an Ethio-Semitic language.


Interesting Harar would serve as a neutral capital not leaning towards any of the larger ethnicities in the country. I like this plan although to become a capital the city will have to undergo massive renovations.
Yeah harar has always been a culturally significant city in the horn to Muslims. If we were to move towards a pan-islamic horn empire like adal, harar would surley be the capital

Internet Nomad

What the f*ck.
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We really need to help the hararis bounce back, they were slowly destroyed by habeshis and now claim to be muslim habesha. Walahi it's sad to see the fall of a great intellectual people. Oromo and amhara take over of Harar is akin to the germanic horde taking rome. :Cry:
I want to laugh at the situation but honestly its so sad. Imagine being harari. Any minute you can be taken out by any group.


HA Activist.
The god blessed race founded in sudan with the legendary intermarriage of the valiant Nilotic geeljire and the honourable Natufian 10,000 years ago in the great lands of Sudan who praised the monotheistic god of waaq when their neighbours worshipped dozens of "gods" for each colour of the rainbow. They were one of the first to be enlightened with Islam and produced the greatest civilisation ever seen south of the sahara. The conquered down to Tanzania bringing their camels with them, they built ancient cities still populated to this day. Mash'Allah
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You guys obsessed with race are weirdos. Ilahay haa idin caafiyo.
Our ancestors should’ve stayed north of the Sahara.

Africa is a vast green resource rich land. They should have moved south and westward. We should’ve got to central Africa and the pygmies first. I’m sure we wouldn’t have cannibilized them. In another timeline there would be a race of midget Africans living alongside us as brothers. If only…


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Southern Cushites got depopulated right before the bantu expansion because the tset tset fly killed their live stock. Had the cushites maintained a large population we could've fought back...
There is still hope though, at least we didn't end up like Khoi-san in southern Africa. We still have hundreds of millions across many countries. We can still conquer.
Africa is a vast green resource rich land. They should have moved south and westward. We should’ve got to central Africa and the pygmies first. I’m sure we wouldn’t have cannibilized them. In another timeline there would be a race of midget Africans living alongside us as brothers. If only…
One can only dream :wow:


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