Name 1 way that The current FGS is better than the Islamic Courts Union


May Allah curse those family members of yours who served as data items for the TPLF. I hope every one of them caught AIDS from the numerous times they were raped by Ethiopians
When I was young, I watched the liberation of the south with my family. We giggled with happiness, seeing our soldiers helping our southern brothers from the IC and restoring law and order in the city of Mogadishu. Please refrain from speaking ill about my family members and stop wishing awful things, as this isn’t the way to speak of people who sacrificed their lives for you to enjoy the freedom they provided.


ICU attacked Puntland in name of Islam, that is why AY attacked xamar.
His parents taught alternative history of what happened, the miskeen doesn’t realize the IC were terrorist group like Al shabaab.
The court were basically a terrorist organization that used fear and intimidation to control the masses. If this is how southern thinks like I really don’t see al shabaab getting defeated in the near future. Sometimes walhy I wish we puntlander didn’t liberated you southerners the ungrateful people.
LMAO what the f*ck do you mean We? you guys didn’t do shit it was the Ethiopians and even the Amxaar lost 3 times in open battle before American Airstrikes

When I was young, I watched the liberation of the south with my family. We giggled with happiness, seeing our soldiers helping our southern brothers from the IC and restoring law and order in the city of Mogadishu. Please refrain from speaking ill about my family members and stop wishing awful things, as this isn’t the way to speak of people who sacrificed their lives for you to enjoy the freedom they provided.
You ‘re family members were catamites for the Ethiopians and probably have AIDS
Why do you guys always omit the fact that:

1. USC was backed and armed by Ethiopia, Aideed even allowed their forces to breach the border.

2. Al-Shabab wasn't established after the invasion of Ethiopia, but in 2003?

I'll try to break it down as best as I can so you can understand.

ICU moderate faction headed by Sheikh Shareef? Absolutely fine, no one had a problem with the moderates.

ICU extremists calling for an absolute jihad against Puntland, Somaliland, Kenya & Ethiopia? Towards the end of their tenure, the extremists were calling the shots and chased the moderates off, why do you think so many Somalis abandoned the ICU and joined the TFG? Cause no one was willing to ally themselves with or tolerate extremists who bomb Somali universities, hospitals, swimming pools, police stations etc.

Al-Shabab is the exact reason why the ICU had to be crushed, and good riddance for that.
Nothing wrong with jihad against the enemies of Somalia tbh. Hopefully this time around it’s the SNA conquering the Ethiopian condoms and Ethiopia itself.
It wasn’t an invasion but liberation from the oppressive court that banned everything, including music. The Islamic court had threatened to invade Puntland, Ethiopia, and even attack the USA without reason. The Islamic court was a Hawiye expansionist, only serving their own interests. Some of my family members participated in the liberation of the south, and I am proud of it.
Caqli lixsaac gobbling Meles propaganda
ICU did clean up Mogadishu / south from the criminal element & warlords. They brought shariah court gave back property back to the rightful owners and even had thousands of Somalis cleaning up the streets every week mostly women. Were they perfect nobody is but the progress from then til today would been much better than the fate we are in today.

the only people who oppose ICU are those with criminal elements in them like HG who until today feed their kids on haram and squat on others property and those who went too kafirs too rebel against Siyad barre & who then many yrs later fought side by side with the Habesha in 2006 aka MJ. Everyother clan has love for ICU. Let’s leave it there.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
ICU did clean up Mogadishu / south from the criminal element & warlords. They brought shariah court gave back property back to the rightful owners and even had thousands of Somalis cleaning up the streets every week mostly women. Were they perfect nobody is but the progress from then til today would been much better than the fate we are in today.

the only people who oppose ICU are those with criminal elements in them like HG who until today feed their kids on haram and squat on others property and those who went too kafirs too rebel against Siyad barre & who then many yrs later fought side by side with the Habesha in 2006 aka MJ. Everyother clan has love for ICU. Let’s leave it there.

HG were one of the biggest supporters of them if not the biggest, what type of historical revision is this?? Shamelessly lying now.
I was critical of icu myself but the best thing that could've happened was to leave somalis to their own fate.
If ICU were to go and attack Puntland and sland then they should've been allowed to as these territories were part of somalia, somalis should have been left to their devices and end so that the long running civil war could finally come to an end.
It was always a likelyhood that the icu would splinter and a new civil war could emerge with the radical elements fighting the moderates and the radicals fighting eachother. But it's best to be an idealist, foreigners have only caused somalis to be stuck in a stalemate.
ICU did clean up Mogadishu / south from the criminal element & warlords. They brought shariah court gave back property back to the rightful owners and even had thousands of Somalis cleaning up the streets every week mostly women. Were they perfect nobody is but the progress from then til today would been much better than the fate we are in today.

the only people who oppose ICU are those with criminal elements in them like HG who until today feed their kids on haram and squat on others property and those who went too kafirs too rebel against Siyad barre & who then many yrs later fought side by side with the Habesha in 2006 aka MJ. Everyother clan has love for ICU. Let’s leave it there.

Thank you brother. I was about to draft a lengthy response but you covered all the main points. ICU was a blessing from Allah. My Awoowe was one of the main leaders running the Xariyaale court. People in Xamar still remember the “6da bilood oo nabada”. It was dubbed as the 6 months of total peace. It was a miracle. There is a reason why US send their Xabashi lapdogs right after this. May Allah punish those individuals who let our arch enemies enter Mogadishu. Murusade, Ceyr and Salebaan smoked the Xabash in Dayniile 🤣 🤣 Gorilla warfare 101!!
Al Shabaab never bombed shit until the Ethiopian invasion. The Invasion was responsible for strengthening AS
You are stating nothing but facts. I lived in Xamar during the six-month rule and administration of the Islamic Courts Union. The Islamic Courts Union was the first political organization to restore an unprecedented period of peace, order and security throughout most of South-Central Somalia.

The Islamic Courts Union was extremely popular and held massive public support amongst Somalis from various clans. They did have some short-comings, but they were far better placed to lead and pacify Somalia compared to the corrupt and unpopular TFG. Many government officials in the US even alluded to this.

The Islamic Courts Union's six-month rule in Mogadishu was described as a golden age by various leading intellectuals and scholars. Abdullahi Yusuf's wife actually visited Xamar and her property that was looted during the Civil War was rightfully returned to her.

The Somali parliament never approved of Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia. Abdullahi Yusuf gave Ethiopia the green light to invade Xamar without consulting the parliament. Sharif Xassan even mentioned it during an interview. I cry whenever I hear about the Islamic Courts because my awoowe Ibrahim addou, who was instrumental in the establishment of the ICU was killed. May Allah have mercy on him.
Why do you guys always omit the fact that:

1. USC was backed and armed by Ethiopia, Aideed even allowed their forces to breach the border.

2. Al-Shabab wasn't established after the invasion of Ethiopia, but in 2003?

I'll try to break it down as best as I can so you can understand.

ICU moderate faction headed by Sheikh Shareef? Absolutely fine, no one had a problem with the moderates.

ICU extremists calling for an absolute jihad against Puntland, Somaliland, Kenya & Ethiopia? Towards the end of their tenure, the extremists were calling the shots and chased the moderates off, why do you think so many Somalis abandoned the ICU and joined the TFG? Cause no one was willing to ally themselves with or tolerate extremists who bomb Somali universities, hospitals, swimming pools, police stations etc.

Al-Shabab is the exact reason why the ICU had to be crushed, and good riddance for that.
The ICU was far from perfect. But they were better placed to pacify and lead Somalia compared to the TFG, which lacked public or political support. Many US government officials even acknowledged the ICU was better fit to rule Somalia. That's why the US government decided to incorporate former members of the ICU into the transitional federal government in 2009.

The ICU leadership encouraged reconciliation and peace talks with the TFG but Abdullahi yusuf didn't wanted to negotiate with them and branded them all as terrorists. That was extremely poor leadership on his behalf.

The ICU was the first institution in 15 years to bring an unprecedented period of peace, law, order, security and stability throughout most of South-Central Somalia. No other government or institution in Somalia was capable of achieving that.
Tbf I think Sheik Shareef is a decent man, plenty of HAG moderates who wanted nothing to do with the extremists, which is why they supported AY (AUN) in the first place.

If Al-Shabab literally just laid down their weapons today, all Habesha/AMISON forces would be gone within 3 months, but people will still defend their actions lol, I don't care about an Ethiopian invasion, if you're a Somali stoning 13 year old gabdho who have been raped, bombing universities & hotels, and shooting police officers in the head whilst pretending to be a civilian, you never really had the interests of Somalis in the first place, it was always about power, as usual.
Some members within the ICU committed mistakes, but no serious mistakes at the level of the Union of the Islamic Courts as an institution. The ICU as an institution never approved, endorsed, or supported the expansionist and militant views of the extermists, who were a minority within the ICU. We need to make a clear distinction between an individual's behavior and the institution's behavior.

Abdullahi Yusuf committed grave crimes and many human rights violations in Xamar. He will be held accountable for his heinous crimes by Allah Almighty. Al Shabab was created in response to Abullahi Yusuf's reckless policies and human rights violations.

