Name 1 way that The current FGS is better than the Islamic Courts Union

Some members within the ICU committed mistakes, but no serious mistakes at the level of the Union of the Islamic Courts as an institution. The ICU as an institution never approved, endorsed, or supported the expansionist and militant views of the extermists, who were a minority within the ICU. We need to make a clear distinction between an individual's behavior and the institution's behavior.

Abdullahi Yusuf committed grave crimes and many human rights violations in Xamar. He will be held accountable for his heinous crimes by Allah Almighty. Al Shabab was created in response to Abullahi Yusuf's reckless policies and human rights violations.


Of course, Habar Habashi, doesn't consider it a serious crime, when a terrorist organisation attacks peaceful Somali lands like Puntland.

Of course, Habar Habashi, doesn't consider it a serious crime, when a terrorist organisation attacks peaceful Somali lands like Puntland.

Keep peddling fake news, you mooryaan. Like it or lump it, you are stuck with federalism and your terrorist uncles lost. Now, silently allow AMISOM to check your nigis before you enter your own land oo buuqa yaree


Keep peddling fake news, you mooryaan. Like it or lump it, you are stuck with federalism and your terrorist uncles lost. Now, silently allow AMISOM to check your nigis before you enter your own land oo buuqa yaree
Happy Big Brother GIF by MOODMAN
I say this with sincerity. Thank you Pundland special forces who saved reer mogadisho from lawlessness. The only thing they did wrong was by not bringing enough contraceptive pills to Xamar otherwise we wouldn’t have this conversation today with some of y’all. Op you might find the below link useful though and dw I’ll pay for the cost of the DNA test.

you are not the father fails GIF by The Maury Show

me finding out that I’m not @awsaleban667 father
So abdul yusuf teamed up with ethiopians to invade the icu in the south? what was the motive..

Getting slapped twice in the face by ethiopians you teamed with is straight up sad.
federalism in the way its implemented now will never ever work for the next 100 years we will only have drone shots of sad asphalt road being created with the worst music in the background and a whole entire assembly for one tiny little road... So sad

We need some trains big freight trains
I say this with sincerity. Thank you Pundland special forces who saved reer mogadisho from lawlessness. The only thing they did wrong was by not bringing enough contraceptive pills to Xamar otherwise we wouldn’t have this conversation today with some of y’all. Op you might find the below link useful though and dw I’ll pay for the cost of the DNA test.

me finding out that I’m not @awsaleban667 father
Could you even take a piss without the ENDF?
ICU was seen as USC wearing thobes majority of it was also dominated by hawiye if it included more clans it would have been seen as a non qabiil Somaliweyn thing. All though they were going to accept some type of compromise Baidoa was attacked with bombs claimed by them but it was revealed somebody else did it. AY is just like every other diigyacab to have graced Somalia a men who used Ethiopians on his own people 2 times.

Of course, Habar Habashi, doesn't consider it a serious crime, when a terrorist organisation attacks peaceful Somali lands like Puntland.
The ICU leadership encouraged reconciliation and peace talks with the TFG, but Abdullahi Yusuf didn't want to negotiate and branded them all as terrorists. That was extremely poor leadership on his behalf.

Another point to note is that Puntland was sending illicit weapons and troops to Abdullahi Yusuf's government to prop up his extremely unpopular administration. That policy angered certain members of the ICU.

The ICU was far from perfect. But they were better placed to pacify and lead Somalia compared to the TFG, which lacked public or political support. Many US government officials even acknowledged that the ICU was better suited to rule Somalia. That's why the US government decided to incorporate former members of the ICU into the transitional federal government in 2009.
The ICU leadership encouraged reconciliation and peace talks with the TFG, but Abdullahi Yusuf didn't want to negotiate and branded them all as terrorists. That was extremely poor leadership on his behalf.

Another point to note is that Puntland was sending illicit weapons and troops to Abdullahi Yusuf's government to prop up his extremely unpopular administration. That policy angered certain members of the ICU.

The ICU was far from perfect. But they were better placed to pacify and lead Somalia compared to the TFG, which lacked public or political support. Many US government officials even acknowledged that the ICU was better suited to rule Somalia. That's why the US government decided to incorporate former members of the ICU into the transitional federal government in 2009.
Your knowledge is on point. So you’re HG after all :damn:

Keep peddling fake news, you mooryaan. Like it or lump it, you are stuck with federalism and your terrorist uncles lost. Now, silently allow AMISOM to check your nigis before you enter your own land oo buuqa yaree
The people you accuse of being terrorists were incorporated into the TFG and made to lead Somalia in 2009. What was the whole point of Abdullahi Yusuf initiating a large-scale war against the ICU? Two years of bloodshed and suffering only for the same so-called terrorists you guys were fighting to take over the political leadership of Somalia in 2009.

The international community was fed up with Abdullahi Yusuf, and thousands of Majeerteen troops were killed in Xamar. What did Moriyan Abullahi Yusuf precisely accomplish? Abdullahi Yusuf was an obstacle to peace and stability in Somalia. He was forced to resign after sanctions and pressure from the international community.

When Ethiopia saw how useless and corrupt Abdullahi Yusuf and his administration were, they withdrew political and military support from him. Ethiopia then decided to support the ICU, and Abdullahi Yusuf ran as a qaxooti to Yemen. You just hate the ICU due to your hatred for Hawiye. Die in your Cuqdad, iyo Cunsirinimo. The real terrorist was Moriyan Abdullahi Yusuf.
ICU was seen as USC wearing thobes majority of it was also dominated by hawiye if it included more clans it would have been seen as a non qabiil Somaliweyn thing. All though they were going to accept some type of compromise Baidoa was attacked with bombs claimed by them but it was revealed somebody else did it. AY is just like every other diigyacab to have graced Somalia a men who used Ethiopians on his own people 2 times.
The ICU wasn't responsible for the bombings in Baidao. The coalition of warlords, who also opposed Abdullahi Yusuf, were responsible for the bombings in Baidao. Both the warlords and Abullahi Yusuf opposed the ICU because they saw them as a threat to their illegitimate power and illegal gains. Abdullahi Yusuf wanted to defeat his political opponents, so he used the ICU as a scapegoat. Abullahi Yusuf wanted to avert attention from his crumbling and failing administration and also weaken the extremely popular ICU.
The ICU wasn't responsible for the bombings in Baidao. The coalition of warlords, who also opposed Abdullahi Yusuf, were responsible for the bombings in Baidao. Both the warlords and Abullahi Yusuf opposed the ICU because they saw them as a threat to their illegitimate power and illegal gains. Abdullahi Yusuf wanted to defeat his political opponents, so he used the ICU as a scapegoat. Abullahi Yusuf wanted to avert attention from his crumbling and failing administration and also weaken the extremely popular ICU.
They bombed somewhere that killed a lot of people during the peace talks between them and FGS it’s in the book rising phoenix some foreign entity sabotaged it and didn’t want peace/negotiations to precede Somalis and non Somalis have admitted this as well.
The people you accuse of being terrorists were incorporated into the TFG and made to lead Somalia in 2009. What was the whole point of Abdullahi Yusuf initiating a large-scale war against the ICU? Two years of bloodshed and suffering only for the same so-called terrorists you guys were fighting to take over the political leadership of Somalia in 2009.

The agreement to bring in a faction of ICU into TFG was made after Abdullahi Yusuf was forced to resign by Washington.

Besides, the start of the conflict was initiated by the ICU. The TFG-led Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN) was ready to make amends with the ICU. Talks were sponsored by Sudan and discussions were taking place in Khartoum. Then ICU leaders felt they controlled more territory in Southern Somalia than the TFG and dragged their feet to make the final agreement.
Foreign powers took advantage of this rift and intervened. Let us not forget the famous call made by Yusuf Indhocade, the defense minister of the ICU at the time, where he stated "if Ethiopians didn't intervene, his forces would attack and capture Addis Abeba". It was the ICU that initiated the conflict and tried to attack Baidoa.

The international community was fed up with Abdullahi Yusuf, and thousands of Majeerteen troops were killed in Xamar. What did Moriyan Abullahi Yusuf precisely accomplish? Abdullahi Yusuf was an obstacle to peace and stability in Somalia. He was forced to resign after sanctions and pressure from the international community.

President Abdullahi Yusuf (AHUN) accomplished a lot. He brought the Somali govt to Mogadishu and was the first president to sleep in Villa Somalia after President Mohamed Siyad Barre (AHUN) in almost 20 years. He knew how Al-Shabaab embracing Al-Qaeda was dangerous to the existence of the Somali state and vigorously fought them.

When Ethiopia saw how useless and corrupt Abdullahi Yusuf and his administration were, they withdrew political and military support from him. Ethiopia then decided to support the ICU, and Abdullahi Yusuf ran as a qaxooti to Yemen. You just hate the ICU due to your hatred for Hawiye. Die in your Cuqdad, iyo Cunsirinimo. The real terrorist was Moriyan Abdullahi Yusuf.

Nonsense. It was not the Ethiopians who withdrew support. They were only proxies for the Americans. It was Jendayi Frazer who was financing the whole operation. President Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN) came to Washington and requested the US military to help finance 60,000 Somali troops. Washington dragged their feet and would not support it. Abdullahi Yusuf sought the support from other powers. Washington learned his moves and quickly engineered his overthrow.

You're dumb woman with a big mouth who is just chatting sh\it. Learn some facts first.
I don’t know enough about this turbulent period, my dad and ayeeyo (maternal) told me that what AY did was a miracle for Somalis my Hoyoo disagrees and said what he did was wrong for partnering with itoobiyan soldiers and command. I heard some good things about both sides, I think Mogadishu natives overwhelmingly supported the icu and some thought that it was wrong to create parellel goverment like icu against fgs but I need to research more
What good came from allying with Ethiopians to slaughter Somalis?
Somalis are like Chinese, they can only be ruled with an iron fist and brute force. Now no fms respect the sfg but if it was icu or shabab ruling xamar the story will be different

