NCC Announces 1 Man 1 Vote And Extensions For FMS Presidents

The unitary government in that time period was the best we had, the best solution for somalis is a unitary government with a lot of minor states who can rule over their local jurisdicition with central orders taking priority. it can balance out the two forces.

Woah woah woah by unitary government ur talking about the ICU right? loads of things got fixed I mean there was a massive pause in the civil war until AY + ethiopia + usa came along, usa's involved because of the recent concerns they had at the time revolving islam. Ethiopia? they just wanted more chaos in somalia. AY was motivated by qabil. Sad sad sad

There needs to be a leader that turns this entire unfixable system on its back and starts all over again. Its an unescapable paradox no matter what leader takes charge
Unitary system died in 1969 when a dictator took over the government and abused it. By 1972 it was really a dictatorship.
I won't even debate if ICU was good or bad, they were terrorists, People like Xasan dahir aweys, Aden xaashi ceyrow and Ina Godane were amidst them. They have nothing in common with the Taliban whatsoever. The Taliban is a home-grown entity that is only focused on affairs within the Afghan territories. ICU as soon as they took control of Mogadishu, they said we will pray Eid prayers in Addis Ababa and Alaska. Taliban never threatened the West.

As for Federalism, it has taken hold on the ground in Somalia particularly in 3 regions, Puntland, Jubbaland and Southwest, that's self governance or autonomy. Farmaajo had a whole term to rollback federalism, and has utterly failed. HSM is now doing his best job at trying to dismantle it.

A decentralized system without federalism will never work because the Central government can take back
power from regions whenever it wants, where as with Federalism the constitution guarantees the regions their powers.

No one man can fix Somalia, no man can remove an isbaaro from another man's Land.
No man can convince a whole sub clan to stop supporting Alshabab., Change can only come from within.
Maority of South Somalia was lawless before federalism and before Abdiqasim's administration and even during the 90s.
No form of government will work in the South without the people wanting it to work.

@DR OSMAN said it best and I quote

"The areas which lack governments we can pass a 'tribal treaty reserve' status on them and let the minister of environment manage those areas under a treaty system similar to how the native indians in america have tribal reserves or the masai mara in kenya.
Those ppl should come under the management of the environment. Any area that rejects governance and prefers tribe, well let them have that also but under a 'reserve treaty' and let them live like animals and come under ministerial portfolios for livestock and 'tribes' we will call it."
Unitary system died in 1969 when a dictator took over the government and abused it. By 1972 it was really a dictatorship.
I won't even debate if ICU was good or bad, they were terrorists, People like Xasan dahir aweys, Aden xaashi ceyrow and Ina Godane were amidst them. They have nothing in common with the Taliban whatsoever. The Taliban is a home-grown entity that is only focused on affairs within the Afghan territories. ICU as soon as they took control of Mogadishu, they said we will pray Eid prayers in Addis Ababa and Alaska. Taliban never threatened the West.

As for Federalism, it has taken hold on the ground in Somalia particularly in 3 regions, Puntland, Jubbaland and Southwest, that's self governance or autonomy. Farmaajo had a whole term to rollback federalism, and has utterly failed. HSM is now doing his best job at trying to dismantle it.

A decentralized system without federalism will never work because the Central government can take back
power from regions whenever it wants, where as with Federalism the constitution guarantees the regions their powers.

No one man can fix Somalia, no man can remove an isbaaro from another man's Land.
No man can convince a whole sub clan to stop supporting Alshabab., Change can only come from within.
Maority of South Somalia was lawless before federalism and before Abdiqasim's administration and even during the 90s.
No form of government will work in the South without the people wanting it to work.

@DR OSMAN said it best and I quote

"The areas which lack governments we can pass a 'tribal treaty reserve' status on them and let the minister of environment manage those areas under a treaty system similar to how the native indians in america have tribal reserves or the masai mara in kenya.
Those ppl should come under the management of the environment. Any area that rejects governance and prefers tribe, well let them have that also but under a 'reserve treaty' and let them live like animals and come under ministerial portfolios for livestock and 'tribes' we will call it."
I think strong rule like siad is very good for somalia, it just needs to be formalized and sanitized. Unitary means government is ruled from one place and that means siad, even if he was a dictator means that somalia still had a unitary government. It really died when all foreign countries came together to fund the various rebel groups to overthrow him. Now siad was an absolute idiot, he or anyone in his position shouldve created a government in which power would be handed down, a formalized and sanitized 'democracy' with a strong leader kinda like singapore or china.

Federalism is the worst curse on somalia and will lead to the absolute ailing of the somali people. It has to be eradicated quickly or the future is looking dark for all of us.

One man cant solve it we need a strong government with strong insitituions and no challenges like states trying to challenge the federal government. Thats why they need to be all split up and leaders replaced with ones that wont challenge the government half the time and actually focus on cooperating with the government and maintaining the welfare of the people in their district aswell as developing it with strong coordination with the central governments and its institutions.

Obviously one man alone cant fight kebab, thats why its going to be a whole government backed by its ideology movement people miltiary all of that. Thats how you will wipe out kebab and filthy isbaaro.

Government can work in the south, not sure why you dont think it can wheres this idea of it not working coming from?

Why dont the people want a government to work? Thats baseless claim,

What type of superiority complex are you people suffering from to call your own somali brothers backwards tribal people who belong under management of the environment agency... What a cold insult and not in a good way that is genuinely cold.

When you guys say south u guys are just referring to qabil. You know what qabil.

Qabil is what ruined somalia, and this dysfunctional system known as federalism is only fueling it. Qabyaalad to this degree is disgusting and the reason why somalia is the way it is...

Calling your own somali brother that u share group with could possibly be close maternal relatives and you will describe them as animals????

You are comparing your own people to people who have been completely conquered and given pity status.

against the icu once again cause of your bias. You are just motivated by qabil as well just as the same people u are describing towards the end of your rant.

A decentralized system without federalism will never work because the Central government can take back
power from regions whenever it wants, where as with Federalism the constitution guarantees the regions their powers.
What do you mean? they still have local and regional governments just not as strong. The whole point is limit the power of the regions both by reducing their size and actual powers like a whole separate miltary and authroity to challenge the central government in unprofessional ways.

You federalist supporters always support the way america does it, but the way america does it is completely different in every way to somalia does it.
Unitary system died in 1969 when a dictator took over the government and abused it. By 1972 it was really a dictatorship.
I won't even debate if ICU was good or bad, they were terrorists, People like Xasan dahir aweys, Aden xaashi ceyrow and Ina Godane were amidst them. They have nothing in common with the Taliban whatsoever. The Taliban is a home-grown entity that is only focused on affairs within the Afghan territories. ICU as soon as they took control of Mogadishu, they said we will pray Eid prayers in Addis Ababa and Alaska. Taliban never threatened the West.

As for Federalism, it has taken hold on the ground in Somalia particularly in 3 regions, Puntland, Jubbaland and Southwest, that's self governance or autonomy. Farmaajo had a whole term to rollback federalism, and has utterly failed. HSM is now doing his best job at trying to dismantle it.

A decentralized system without federalism will never work because the Central government can take back
power from regions whenever it wants, where as with Federalism the constitution guarantees the regions their powers.

No one man can fix Somalia, no man can remove an isbaaro from another man's Land.
No man can convince a whole sub clan to stop supporting Alshabab., Change can only come from within.
Maority of South Somalia was lawless before federalism and before Abdiqasim's administration and even during the 90s.
No form of government will work in the South without the people wanting it to work.

@DR OSMAN said it best and I quote

"The areas which lack governments we can pass a 'tribal treaty reserve' status on them and let the minister of environment manage those areas under a treaty system similar to how the native indians in america have tribal reserves or the masai mara in kenya.
Those ppl should come under the management of the environment. Any area that rejects governance and prefers tribe, well let them have that also but under a 'reserve treaty' and let them live like animals and come under ministerial portfolios for livestock and 'tribes' we will call it."
I completely disagree with you your views only exist online where you have been completely radicalized by neo qabilism, rebranded
they said we will pray Eid prayers in Addis Ababa and Alaska
Utterely false. Every allegation that ICU was extremist or terrorist had no evidence to back it up. In fact, leaders like Sharif Sheikh Ahmed explictly said they didn't want any conflict with Ethiopia and America unless they started it first. Ironically you are spouting Ethiopian and American propaganda that claimed ICU were terrorists until they admitted later that ICU wasn't bad.

Yes they had people like Aweys and Godane but they were kept in check by the rest of the moderates who focused solely on domestic matters and merely used Al-Shabab as muscle. No terrorist attacks, no kidnappings, no threats.
Utterely false. Every allegation that ICU was extremist or terrorist had no evidence to back it up. In fact, leaders like Sharif Sheikh Ahmed explictly said they didn't want any conflict with Ethiopia and America unless they started it first. Ironically you are spouting Ethiopian and American propaganda that claimed ICU were terrorists until they admitted later that ICU wasn't bad.

Yes they had people like Aweys and Godane but they were kept in check by the rest of the moderates who focused solely on domestic matters and merely used Al-Shabab as muscle. No terrorist attacks, no kidnappings, no threats.
You have no clue what you are talking about. I saw them say it with my own eyes lol.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The unitary government in that time period was the best we had, the best solution for somalis is a unitary government with a lot of minor states who can rule over their local jurisdicition with central orders taking priority. it can balance out the two forces.

Woah woah woah by unitary government ur talking about the ICU right? loads of things got fixed I mean there was a massive pause in the civil war until AY + ethiopia + usa came along, usa's involved because of the recent concerns they had at the time revolving islam. Ethiopia? they just wanted more chaos in somalia. AY was motivated by qabil. Sad sad sad

There needs to be a leader that turns this entire unfixable system on its back and starts all over again. Its an unescapable paradox no matter what leader takes charge
South Somalia was peaceful before the Ethiopian stooge AY ruined it all. He was almost k*lled in Baidoa by the Muqaawamaat forces. If only they succeeded, Itoobiya would not exist in Somalia today.
South Somalia was peaceful before the Ethiopian stooge AY ruined it all. He was almost k*lled in Baidoa by the Muqaawamaat forces. If only they succeeded, Itoobiya would not exist in Somalia today.
Pretty sure they were in Gedo since the early 90s keeping you boonobos from killing each other :francis:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Pretty sure they were in Gedo since the early 90s keeping you boonobos from killing each other :francis:
They were invaded and the Muqawaamat forces in Gedo kicked them out. Unlike your uncle AY who got b*tchslapped by Gabre.





leader of ICU has spoken, Hassan is poking a lion. Surely the two leaders can come to an agreement, the others like deni and jubbaland can be disregarded for now.
We’ve been stuck in stalemate for too long. I’m glad he doing this whether he replaces or breaks current system I wanna see it topple . Let this house of cards fall and maybe take whole fgs with it


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
We’ve been stuck in stalemate for too long. I’m glad he doing this whether he replaces or breaks current system I wanna see it topple . Let this house of cards fall and maybe take whole fgs with it
Yes however the constitution has several flaws. Last election there was 30 different candidates with most being from different parties and states, this years there’ll only be two which is clear attempt at trying to reduce competition for presidency. The second one is a lack of consensus which was clearly done on purpose by Hassan to make an excuse to Balkanize Somalia and have the mostly hawiye parts participate in the election, increasing his chances of winning. Another is the dissolution of parliament when it instead needs fixing, it’s the sole body which has the capability to be a construct against politicians who need to be accounted for. The last is the election which swore on the Quran with no mention of background or whether or not they follow international standard practice outlined by IC for a credible election committee. Sharif knows all this and so many of us. It’s an early attempt at a power grab like farmaajo who tried to sign his own two year extension by bullying parliament into it. He has abgaal HG murursade and a small amount of hiirab against him. Faith lies with them to sort out this small stain on Somalia’s legacy. They won’t disappoint.


Yes however the constitution has several flaws. Last election there was 30 different candidates with most being from different parties and states, this years there’ll only be two which is clear attempt at trying to reduce competition for presidency. The second one is a lack of consensus which was clearly done on purpose by Hassan to make an excuse to Balkanize Somalia and have the mostly hawiye parts participate in the election, increasing his chances of winning. Another is the dissolution of parliament when it instead needs fixing, it’s the sole body which has the capability to be a construct against politicians which needs to be accounted for. The last is the election which swore on the Quran with no mention of background or whether or not they follow international standard practice outlined by IC for a credible election committee. Sharif knows all this and so many of us. It’s an early attempt at a power grab like farmaajo who tried to sign his own two year extension by bullying parliament into it. He has abgaal HG murursade and a small amount of hiirab against him. Faith lies with them to sort out this small stain on Somalia’s legacy. They won’t disappoint.
There won’t be 1m1v he can’t even hold it in xamar let alone rest of hawiyee lands or south

the only places that can even do that kind of election are puntland and somaliland and every election they almost get into internal wars

HSM wants extension same as farmajo when he said we will do 1m1v. Both know it’s not possible anytime soon . now that farmajo is not president he condemning HSM and siding with puntland and jubbland this all smoke and mirrors ain’t no 1m1v


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This is ludicrous thinking, our nation’s capital had tribal skirmishes today. Business owners cannot work in peace if they have CCTV. Tribal skirmishes in Mudug, Galgaduud, Notthern Somalia, Gedo and Yaaqbariweyne.

No way one man one vote can be achieved! Its simply an extension for the incubant President..


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
There won’t be 1m1v he can’t even hold it in xamar let alone rest of hawiyee lands or south

the only places that can even do that kind of election are puntland and somaliland and every election they almost get into internal wars

HSM wants extension same as farmajo when he said we will do 1m1v. Both know it’s not possible anytime soon . now that farmajo is not president he condemning HSM and siding with puntland and jubbland this all smoke and mirrors ain’t no 1m1v
They’re both such hypocrites, they can surely focus on just one thing throughout the entire term and complete it, like 1m1v, and just add it to the provisional constitution.