New Somali Police Commander Gen. Sulub Ahmed Firin


Anyone know his history?
Xilka wa meerto Sxb it’s our time to feast :mjlaugh:
All I see HSM made a big mistake instead of sidelining just MX he also sidelined MJ :gladbron:

I expected him to have kept both OG and MJ on his side and isolate just MX, but in fact he showed no mercy to MJs.

I see this gonna make MJ and MX buddies.. politics change crazy sxb they can be beefing 1 day and be BFFs the next.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
All I see HSM made a big mistake instead of sidelining just MX he also sidelined MJ :gladbron:

I expected him to have kept both OG and MJ on his side and isolate just MX, but in fact he showed no mercy to MJs.

I see this gonna make MJ and MX buddies.. politics change crazy sxb they can be beefing 1 day and be BFFs the next.
Akhi we dont care about police commander who doesn't have authority in PL even if he was from there. I actually support both this post and SNA general which is another one with no authority in PL to go to reer GM, HS, KG and JL. They function in those states. Same with NISA. Why should i support a nigga eating just because his from my clan if it holds no value to the state? Anaga all we want from FGS is to send our shit from IC and we can all mind our buisness.
You telling Absame have managed to xoog PM, and also the Darood commander? :heh: They are fkn Landheere
That nigga Axmed Geedo Naar played Deni Qurux hard. He was wrong to support Garguurte in the first place. :damn:

Deni is a decent administrator but he's not a skilled politician. Don Faroole would have never gotten played like this. Xamse has xooged majority of the minister of state and ku xigeen posts to Caagdheers and their brethen. This guy was deputy minister of aviation before being plucked for SNA chief.

In all seriousnes, I personally believe this post shouldn't exist. Every federal state already have their own police chief, they should all come under the ministry of internal security.

If I had to guess the intentions behind Garguurte's recent moves, the guy appointed to this post will be used to further destabliize Gedo's security.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
All I see HSM made a big mistake instead of sidelining just MX he also sidelined MJ :gladbron:

I expected him to have kept both OG and MJ on his side and isolate just MX, but in fact he showed no mercy to MJs.

I see this gonna make MJ and MX buddies.. politics change crazy sxb they can be beefing 1 day and be BFFs the next.
We good saxib Jidwaaq absame kablaha darood are our kin am glad that useless xijaar is finally fired


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
That nigga Axmed Geedo Naar played Deni Qurux hard. He was wrong to support Garguurte in the first place. :damn:

Deni is a decent administrator but he's not a skilled politician. Don Faroole would have never gotten played like this. Xamse has xooged majority of the minister of state positions and ku xigeen posts to Caagdheers and their brethen. This guy was deputy minister of aviation before being plucked for SNA chief.

In all seriousnes, I personally believe this post shouldn't exist. Every federal state already have their own police chief, they should all come under the ministry of internal security.

If I had to guess the intentions behind Garguurte's recent moves, the guy appointed to this post will be used to further destabliize Gedo's security.
Dani Never support gurgurte faroole and araanjaan stap him in the back Other wise he will have been the president of somalia….


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Enlightenednomad i know why u mad at the dani saxib he refused to give you xildhibanka federalka beesha osman mohamud instead he choose his reer abti hirsi omar bah yaquub over assimilated bah dubeeys by mohamed ugaar abukar cisse mohamud 😂
Longtime police commander who loves his tolka this is the man who was shielding madoobe,xamze and all kumade politicians in mog from aggression during fahad/farmajo era. He owns a big villa in the center where Hamze stayed during his kursi doon days. He will be very important for the daarood muqdisho.
I see HSM as more dangerous than Farmaajo he is undermining Harti PL interest in every possible way, this will in the long term create problems for beesha Abgaal as Majerteens and Marehans when they came to power will definitely sabotage beesha Abgaal and give positions that were usually owned by Abgaals to HG and the likes of Hawaadle.
Not really. In this 4.5/tribal politics era a darood President who sidelines Abgaal is committing political suicide. Rather what will happen is they will just give more power to probably wacbudhan and try sideline HSM and his waceysle

