Nobel Prize Laureates (Jew vs Muslim)

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Suicidal men adore me.
No but honestly there's a correlation between religion and poverty. Most Muslims in third world nations don't try to change their circumstances except they wait for Allah to do it for them or they believe the hear after will be better. Overall the fault lays with the Muslim population. They can change their future but most of them seem content with only listening to religious and clan leaders. Oh and the fact that free speech and questioning is taboo does not help


Suicidal men adore me.
I think it got more to do with tradition then religion. A good muslim may think this way that if i find a cure for a particular disease i might get reward whenever someone get i think it got to do more that we are not more open minded when it comes for science. People concentrate more on social issues than education.

No. Most are just content with their situation saying it's their destiny, others don't wanna focus too much on wordily issue and rather strive to Jannah instead of making earth their own temporarily paradise and others pray away the pain hoping Allah will make life easier for them when Allah has explicitly said work and seek education. And some are just convinced the jews and other minorities control the world.


I don't see you say that about Darwin miise you only discriminate against cadaan peeps when it suits you miya yaro.
There is distinction between a cadaan producing testable theories and this cadaan who's allegedly an ex-satanist and is convinced that the world is ruled by demonic forces. I can't take latter person serious at all.
I guess that explains why Muslims had a caliphate for the pass 1300 & odd years, till it ended in 1920's, how do you explain that, oh let's not forget the European Renaissance.
What's your point sxb? Everyone borrows ideas/inventions to increase their knowledge about the world. There is nothing wrong with it. What's more important is creating a culture and environment that makes scientific discoveries possible.
What's your take on it @JohnDoe ?

If I'm only comparing the difference between Jewish progress vs Muslim stagnation then I believe it's because to put it bluntly the former no longer take their Torah seriously whereas the latter take their Qur'an to be literal. We can see this was the case in medieval Europe who languished behind in ignorance as Christians back then took the Bible to be the literal word of God.

On the issue of the Muslim world's lack of progress in general well there are many reasons many of which aren't down to religion. I could elaborate on some of these but would you bother to read them is the question.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
There is distinction between a cadaan producing testable theories and this cadaan who's allegedly an ex-satanist and is convinced that the world is ruled by demonic forces. I can't take latter person serious at all.

What's your point sxb? Everyone borrows ideas/inventions to increase their knowledge about the world. There is nothing wrong with it. What's more important is creating a culture and environment that makes scientific discoveries possible.
It's a theory bradar not fact please learn to make a distinction between the two. Otherwise it wouldn't be called darwins theory would it? It be named darwins fact.
Mooslim are stupid because they only read the Quran and when you're not reading the Quran you are judging and when you're not judging you are blowing something up.

Comment after you stop smoking, your brain is currently disillusioned.
Just steal this Science from the Quran, and it will get you your Noble Prize.


Suicidal men adore me.
Comment after you stop smoking, your brain is currently disillusioned.

Comon we know that's a fact. Even Mooslims in wealthy gulf states don't wanna change their circumstances. They're content with not creating anything innovative. It's a mixture of religion and culture but mostly religion or I guess the way they interpret the religion.
Comon we know that's a fact. Even Mooslims in wealthy gulf states don't wanna change their circumstances. They're content with not creating anything innovative. It's a mixture of religion and culture but mostly religion or I guess the way they interpret the religion.

Their are many Muslim inventions, some of which used in Computers, Muslim's who sailed to America before the Italian Christopher Columbus, but you'll never find that in the Media.

Watch this - Lecture at Oxford University ( at 0:50 is @JohnDoe friends)



Suicidal men adore me.
@Barni your one peculiar individual are you sure your muslim:browtf:

Yes I'm muslim but I'm also a realist. Truth is religion often times = poverty we see the proof today. Truth is also religion halts progress. I just believe in keeping faith individual but also being realistic when speaking about socioeconomic issues that faces Somalis as well as the Muslim world. The west are not superior to us, we're all humans but sometimes we have to question why are they able to progress, be innovative and overall live in peaceful societies.
That was centuries ago. Centuries.

Centuries ago, used and significant today. Even this Muslim innovation did not reach many muslims, but everyone in the West is using it. You would be surprised that it's used to kill muslims aswell (drones).
I think back then it was encouraged to be a scientist. I think the scientists would get support by the emir or the ruler and the emir would support them. They were very respected in the society back then .But some of them may have studied science out of passion.
Yes I'm muslim but I'm also a realist. Truth is religion often times = poverty we see the proof today. Truth is also religion halts progress. I just believe in keeping faith individual but also being realistic when speaking about socioeconomic issues that faces Somalis as well as the Muslim world. The west are not superior to us, we're all humans but sometimes we have to question why are they able to progress, be innovative and overall live in peaceful societies.

I can't remember who it was, but a Prophet once made a dua, asking Allah SW to make every Muslim nation rich. Look at every Muslim country, even the tiniest country Brunei is packed with oil. We have the resources that keep this world going, and the moment we shut it, (when Saudi cut oil to Europe) war happens. So know that, Muslim countries keep this world running, but we are struck by corruption and if we followed the Quran word by word, then Muslim countries would be one of the developed countries in the World. There's another Hadith @Barni, @JohnDoe, stating if a Non-Muslim does something good their reward is in This Life, and when a Muslim does something good their reward is in the After Life. Hence why, Non-Muslim countries look much more developed then Muslim countries.


Suicidal men adore me.
, stating if a Non-Muslim does something good their reward is in This Life, and when a Muslim does something good their reward is in the After Life. Hence why, Non-Muslim countries look much more developed then Muslim countries.

Once again the muslim world are so religious they are content with their misery because some hadith told them to be.
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